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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Sorry to say, we really can't provide much help if you aren't using the launcher. As for the launcher attempt, you need to remove all of the other mods prior to trying to use the launcher. It creates MASSIVE incompatibility issues. (Note: I would not have posted on this bug report, had it not been so well written and properly compiled)
  2. I had this problem before. Clean reinstall of Java/launcher worked for me.
  3. Unless it's out of date, then he may need to replace it
  4. I feel as though I fit in your category here. I never saw any of the series or movies. Then, suddenly, my dad said "They're on all weekend, lets watch!" Watched, and I couldn't believe how into it he was. Then the 09 movie came out. He hated it, said it was a mockery of the shows he once loved. Well, I loved it, thought it really made a good transition from the original shows, to a possible remake/continuance in this generation. And, they cast some really good looking people I actually liked that episode, it was so horribly comical, it actually had a bit of entertainment that wasn't yet...oveused.
  5. Sorry I couldn't help, it worked when I had this problem, also, in the future, please just edit the one post :)
  6. I just got this .net framework error: http://pastebin.com/rWUinaBS I clicked Quit. It was User Error, I clicked on my .exe of the launcher too many times. After clicking quit from the error pop-up report, the launcher worked fine. I don't know if that's what you were talking about Grindle, but I remembered seeing it before, and knew I could replicate the error.
  7. My pillow is calling my name.

    Read more  
  8. Can't win 'em all. Can catch 'em all though!
  9. Well, by definition, illness is what happens when health is not achieved, so if you regard intelligence as mentally healthy, then yes, it includes stupidity.
  10. So more to the topic of this thread: Person: the woman who is TRYING to weigh more than a ton. or Place: Bermuda triangle. or Thing: Dependence. or Issue: Mental Illness.
  11. I live in a mostly sad little city that thought a casino boat/ferry to Toronto was a good idea.
  12. I can get to Greensboro, NC in less than 10 hours, I bet I could be to your city in less than 6.
  13. What state?
  14. I could be to mooseman9's house in <60 minutes. Toronto?
  15. ~60 F to ~80F Perfect range.
  16. I'm putting this on my Facebook. As, I live in Western, NY, so Canadia is my neighbor! Edit: yes I meant the 'i'
  17. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/technic-launcher-updater-has-stopped-working.26825/ Steps to fix the ".exe is broke" issue. I am posting this on the threads that have several replies in hopes that if someone actually searches their problem before posting, then they will see how to fix it. Yes, I just copy/pasted it. Sorry if it's against the rules, just trying to help :)
  18. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/technic-launcher-updater-has-stopped-working.26825/ Steps to fix the ".exe is broke" issue. I am posting this on the threads that have several replies in hopes that if someone actually searches their problem before posting, then they will see how to fix it.
  19. For those looking at this thread expecting a fix, I posted the instructions on the known patchwork fix here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/technic-launcher-updater-has-stopped-working.26825/
  20. This seems similar to an issue I was having a while back. I resolved it with a fresh/clean install of both Java and the launcher.
  21. Please in the future, use the edit button.
  22. Okay, here's how to do it: If your .exe DOES NOT WORK, and you do NOT HAVE a .jar in your .techniclaucher folder, then delete your .techniclauncher folder. At this time, please make sure you have the correct version of Java installed on your computer (matching bit-type). Return to technicpack.net. Rather than downloading the Windows (or OSX) version of the launcher, download the Linux/Jar version. If you are using Internet Explorer for a browser, be prepared to change the file extension (normally it would look like technicpack.exe, downloading the Linux/Jar it MUST look like technicpack.jar) if it downloads as technicpack.zip. Technic Pack can not be run in a .zip format, and it must be as a .jar (.exe is the normal method, but if you're using this solution that extension is your problem). You should be able to just double click on the .jar file. If you cannot, right click on it and run it using Java. If that solution does not work, you can try downgrading your Java to Java 6, but that is not a suggested solution.
  23. No, that's how the lava files look, it's Java 6. Have you tried deleting your .techniclauncher folder? Is your Java the version that came with you computer?
  24. For the screen going black issue, your graphics driver probably can't handle it, and unless you have some really awesome rig, you shouldn't run everything on fancy. Lag gets really bad.
  25. This has been a common problem recently. Have you read the common problems and solutions thread? Did anything in it work for you? If not, try a clean re-install of all of the downloads (correct java for your computer and launcher). Update your graphics driver. Delete the launcher folder, and install the linux version and just run the .jar Downgrade your java to 6 Try the solutions in that order, one at a time.
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