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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. When my eventual troll stalkers come by to get mad at me for not helping them, I do in fact help people! Here's my proof! Glad it worked for you OP :)
  2. I'd like to point out, we are not angry with anyone. But many of these problems are, in fact, different. So by posting your own bug report we can give you your own answer. Otherwise, try the solutions offered to other people, and if they work, don't post at all.
  3. Make sure you have matching bit types (OS&Java)
  4. Because he reported me for being hostile. So I put some fluff and happiness in my coffee and sugarcoated my keyboard. Yet he is still providing no useful information and now being unintelligent.
  5. :derp: First, you report me, then you present yourself in a manner that shows little to no effort. Anti-virus.
  6. Little known gems on the forums?
  7. OK, disable your av for one.
  8. That is not your operating system, that is your computer.
  9. I think that is good enough for now :)
  10. What operating system are you using that allows your computer to even function on 1 GB of ram?
  11. The whale box would be empty Good job OP! To all others, this is how you get help!
  12. For the hilarity! (good thing freakachu reminded me of the awesome word) :cop:
  13. You are making this too difficult. :cop:
  14. I'll donate some helmets! Edit: yes, now I am actively poking fun.
  15. If I am in fact being actively hostile, I will try to sugar coat it if need be. Does this guy realize that I am just another user, just like him?
  16. I think he and rayzan should go play together!
  17. Hubby says we should start a tally. Change our profile statuses to a number (the next consecutive number) every time we are part of the process of getting someone kellered.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jorcer


      Ur speeelin is teribel I telllin on u

    3. GreenWolf13


      You didn't invite me to the party. :sadface:

    4. Jorcer


      Bride, looks like my number just went up again... Munaus' as well...

  18. Holy necro Batman!
  19. Please stop begging and bumping your post. Have you thought of possibly telling us of anything you've done to try to fix this? I personally do not know much about macs, but I try to learn, and what you have provided is a pretty generic report. Any extra details will help (at least it will help me) in trying to find out the problem. Also, we (Jorcer and I) are not devs or mods and we can only tell you information that we know.
  20. Since when is being honest against the rules? I may have been blunt, but I was telling the truth. What did he say in the report bar?
  21. That really isn't much help. Post your own bug report, and provide enough information and we should be able to help :)
  22. Look for any other fire walls you may have, it seems like you have something restricting your launcher from accessing the internet.
  23. This has been a common problem lately. Delete your .techniclauncher folder, and redownload the Linus/Jar version. If you are using IE, you may need to rename the extension to .jar And if you need to right click on the .jar and choose run with java.
  24. So many people think we are hostile. Maybe they're just weak?

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