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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. So what? I'm only trying too provide possibly useful information. Sorry it's not working for you, but until someone who knows more comes on, it's the best I can offer.
  2. I hoped it might, but guess not. Apparently the Europe login servers are down?
  3. It seems minecraft.net is down for European users. My server owner used console chat to let us know in the server. And our players from Europe can't connect. I figured that may be important information to share. I haven't been able to confirm it. Unknown if it includes any other reagions.
  4. Um, my suggestion right now for those having this issue, try deleting your minecraft download.
  5. Well, I'm able to log in to Tekkit and play on my server just fine. But it seems the solution to this problem is for the pack to update. Back to the waiting game! (Note: me saying 'pack to update' does not mean ask for an ETA)
  6. It looks like you don't have the permission to write to registry. Are you on the administrator account? Running the file as admin?
  7. Also a log, and your current launcher version would be helpful. If you don't know how to find them, read the 'common problems and solutions' stickied thread.
  8. While your suggested cause sounds correct, I don't recall seeing problems when 1.3 came out. Unless 1.2.5 has become unsupported, but I'm not entirely sure how it works. What do you think?
  9. Think you should post this in the tekkit bug section, since you were able to get past the mojang screen.
  10. This is very similar to another bug report I've been trying to help on this evening. Also do a clean reinstall of java and the launcher.
  11. Sorry my suggestion didn't help. It's pretty late for me, but I'll see if I can find something useful in the morning. The only thing I can think of right now is a corrupted registry. The only way I know to completely fix it is a full reinstall of the system.
  12. Well, the best I can tell you is do a clean reinstall. After you've deleted/uninstalled everything, restart your computer. One of the mods here (Torezu I think) said it makes sure all of the files are completely deleted. I know MSE isn't known for issues with the pack, but turn it off and turn off all firewalls too. Although it seems you've done that, I don't see what it could hurt to try again.
  13. Can you explain how the .jar won't run? When you double click does it just not respond?
  14. Is it your parents computer?
  15. Actually no, he's running Java 6, the 1.6 or 1.7 is just how it shows up. OP, I suggest a complete/clean reinstall: Uninstall Java Delete .techniclauncher Uninstall McAfee Restart computer Download Avast (just as free, and works great, with little to no interferences with video gaming) Reinstall Java (Java 7 is the recommended) Turn off avast (just to make sure) Download the launcher Should work with a clean reinstall. If you wish to keep McAfee, know that sometimes it won't turn off all the way and can still stop downloads.
  16. Cool, glad you were able to fix it!
  17. After the forums giving me the "Sorry the page is down for maintenance", I refreshed the page and got it to load. Problem: Auto-log in with facebook loop Initial error message from screen: Technic Error: We could not connect you using Facebook at this time (or something like that, it refreshed too fast for me to copy it) Then after a few dozen auto-attempts it came up with: Request-URI Too Large The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity limit for this server. (It was gigantic) I had to hit the escape button a few times to get the page to stop trying to auto-login in order to log in with my user name and password. Was this caused by trying to fix the database errors? And should I turn off the auto login feature now? Not a big deal, just caught me off guard ;)
  18. Tell us what it is you've tried to get it to work
  19. Well, if you posted this issue while they were down, I can understand the confusion. But you have not provided a whole lot of information in your original post, so it's an easy mistake to make.
  20. Or that maybe providing some more information would help? If its just a logging into server issue, you should check the tekkit section and post there.
  21. If the problem persists, use the search function. There have been many people who have had this same problem, your solution will be on one of their threads.
  22. Or, using the technic pack and only the technic pack.
  23. Clicking the 'end process' button with java selected will end Java. If it doesn't you've got a pretty significant problem with your computer. One that I can't help with.
  24. You used your task manager right?
  25. It will be under Java
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