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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Pretty sure I should request this here. Is it possible for a plugin to allow admins of a server to see the contents of alchemy bags that the players have? If so, could some java smart person make one?
  2. Tobias Mollstam ‏@mollstam Login servers are internally responding (not for you just yet) but they’re not quite right. Investigating… If you want top follow him yourself: https://twitter.com/mollstam
  3. You should probably be editing that first post of yours. Use pastebin to post the log.
  4. Well, then post this in the proper bug section for the modpack you are using.
  5. *insert bad ebook pun here* It's kind of lonely being the only one on my server online @mollstam Even Reddit is down! The black holes of the internet have been shut. Mollstam is trying to move from the affected hardware but it’s proving hard. Control panel is a bit broken and system is lagging. No ETA. Tobias Mollstam ‏@mollstam I’m getting some better life signs from Amazon now. Clear! *rubs defib pads*
  6. http://help.mojang.com/ Here's where to look.
  7. mod_Transformers. That's your problem.
  8. In other news. I just checked help.mojang again. They currently can't connect to anything to view statuses. When I first checked: Just now:
  9. *hug* Let me know if you need anything

    1. Hushful


      Thanks Ash. We are still getting through setting up her treatments and such. She has to take an Interferon-Beta1A.

    2. Hushful


      She took the first shot of Rebif last night with not allergic reaction or side effects at all. Finally something is going right.

  10. Best thing ever! According to mollstam, there seems to be database sadness Well, best description.
  11. That's not the same thing at all. Go make your own bug report.
  12. Sorry, I haven't found anything Did you try a clean reinstall of Java and the launcher?
  13. I'm adding this to my list of words acquired by the mods of this forum.
  14. Well, even though you didn't try to threadjack, you kind of still did. Can you put that mass of text in a code box please?
  15. (While I am not my servers owner or an OP, I am an admin on my server and have been running the show while our owner has been away the last few days.) I'm trying to find ways to make my server's experience in Tekkit better. In doing so, I've seen a lot of the players I have banned applying for other servers. As per my personal policy (I am not sure about other admins on our server) I report every ban I do on our server website. I'm going to share this with everyone who is looking in the Tekkit section for a good server, owners looking to keep their servers in good working order, and anyone else inquiring about someone banning. As far as I know, when bans occur are also put on McBans, but our owner has not confirmed this with me. I'm hoping this will help other servers keep good communities http://profserve.enjin.com/forum/viewforum/1061664/m/4361677
  16. why'd you leave?

    1. Jorcer


      I need to do some Accounting work and Minecraft distracts me too much ;) The forums are a good way to take breaks and keep focused

  17. Well, it's suppose to create .techniclauncher in your Roaming folder.
  18. woot let's go buffalo!

    1. Mooseman9


      Buffalo Bills suck though. It makes me sad that they don't get a good quarterback.

  19. You know, caps lock really isn't necessary. As you can see, many people are trying to figure out a solution for this problem. You can either help try to find a solution, or be patient and kind to those who are. Blackrock414, I'd also like to point out that this is not the first report you have threadjacked regarding this issue. You have yet to make your own bug report. So, re-read my message above.
  20. I am very confused. Please put the correct information in the bug reporting fields. If you're running Java 1.5 (or if that is suppose to be Java 5) then you are correct, you are very out of date. Check out the COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS thread.
  21. I suggest avast! When I first downloaded the launcher it ran fine without having to turn it off. The only time I've had to turn it off was when avast! updated. Since, not a problem. And, it's also free:)
  22. Well, thank you! I'm a PC user myself, and I've been trying to piece together help for people based on a limited knowledge of Macs and second hand information about this problem.
  23. If you had given a bit of notice, I could have mailed you a mask (discontinued army) /grumble Can you send a pic of the trench coat? I could probably think of an easy way to convert the look
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