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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Charged creeper with a hardhat.
  2. I'm glad to see my viking hacker friend is back to his usual self on a bench!

    1. GreenWolf13


      Well I thought that he looked much better in pink.

    2. Jorcer


      That was much less painful that I expected... ;)

  3. You obviously didn't read the CP&S. If you had, you would know at the very top it says this: "If the instructions below are not clear enough for you to understand, please use Google to assist yourself. We can not babysit you, and the solutions below assume you have a basic understanding of the computer you're using. If not, ask for help from someone who does, or your parents, or your friends, etc."
  4. Well, first, read this: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/ Try the solutions there before proceeding. Then: 1. Delete your entire .technicpack folder 2. Search your downloads (and any associated folders) for possible downloaded files from .techniclauncher 3. Uninstall Java 4. Search for any other possible downloaded Java versions you may have 5. Restart your computer 6. Download Java (recommended is Java 6 for mac users trying to use the Technic Pack, I believe) 7. Download the mac version of Technic Pack If you still have issues, post whatever new/old issues you are having here.
  5. Be patient. Put that mass of text in your bug report in a code box so it is easier for me to read and I'll be able to better assist you.
  6. Disable your antivirus and firewalls
  7. Well that tells me: OP has mods that are not compatible with the launcher. Remove them from the process (take them out of your .minecraft/.techniclauncher folders when trying to load up.
  8. A few weeks back I noticed people were having issues with a program called RelevantKnowledge. A virus actually. Check to make sure it's not in your Programs list.
  9. Is that another modpack?
  10. Bros don’t speak French to each other.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GreenWolf13


      Je m'appelle LoupVertTreize.

    3. Jorcer


      Et moi, je m'appelle Hellen Keller

    4. GreenWolf13


      Indeed you are.

  11. Please don't beg, and please don't bump. Could you also, please put that mass of text in a code box using these: [code"] words [/code"] only without the " The new launcher will not work (as far as I know) with Java 7 on OSX. Downgrade to Apple's Java 6.
  12. Well, it isn't a costume, but our server decorated our spawn for Halloween, could I post that here? I think we did a rather good job at it Edit: A few more can be found here: http://imgur.com/a/rlF3K#0
  13. Launcher update brings some incompatibilities. We'll just have to deal with them as they come. As far as I know, finding a downgrade is the only way to get it to work. We can also wait until someone smart (hoping sct gets the message) comes around and shows us a proper fix :)
  14. Let me look about and such, I know there is a solution, but I do not remember it right now.
  15. I would try to fix it, then ask my cohorts for help if I can't (since one of them is into modding). The "we" I'm referring to is myself, Jorcer, Hushful, and the lot of us who try to help people. I told you to quit bitching because that's what you're doing. And it is useful advice, because there is a working version out there, I know several people running OSX who haven't had a problem.
  16. See that there? That is Jorcer asking me to come help him, help the original poster. I'm not going to reread the same angry things over and over again. It's a problem with compatibility. Yes, correct. But you cannot honestly expect the development team of this pack to wait for one platform to update, can you? They work their butts off to create this product that we get for free. Not working for you? Figure out a way to get the solutions that have been given to work. They don't work? Deal with it, it's a free product.
  17. Actually, I was asked to come in and help. The help that I offered is the only help that I know of. You were rude. I offered help and told you to wait. Stop being rude, and maybe someone will give you some actual help.
  18. The launcher just updated. Are you sure it's not a cracked launcher or account? I have never seen this problem unless one of those two are cracked.
  19. This needs to be posted with the yogscast support pages.
  20. And you're rude. I'm stating the obvious, you're just being rude and inconsiderate.
  21. Well, is quite out of date. Try a clean install, it should fix it.
  22. I was going to ignore the request to get around the school's proxy's. They're there for a reason. I wouldn't dick with any schools internet. It's against the law.
  23. And you missed that he's in the wrong section to be asking about this. You're off your game with that baby face. Another problem, Vista is a rather crap OS to have. And you should look into installing an AV. They're helpful.
  24. For your information, you can get a virus from anything, clicking a link from a search engine, using Facebook, etc. I highly suggest getting an anti-virus software. I recommend avast! It's free, and it works rather well :)
  25. I'm confused. Are you saying that the update fails to load?
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