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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Fixed that for you.
  2. KitPlugin, I can't figure out how to make it so Members and Vets can use it. I have no idea what to do with the perms, they're getting "denied" messages. So can you do it?

  3. The log, in the .techniclauncher folder. Or the server log.
  4. Glad you admitted your faults.
  5. Did you uninstall everything? Checking the downloads folder for any rogue files?
  6. I was post-locked "You must wait 2 seconds.."
  7. Get rid of it. All of it, entirely. Download avast.
  8. Go buy minecraft. (Yes I know, OP is referring to technicpack)
  9. That tells me he got it to work. Or he doesn't fully understand the problem that he is having and is using words wrong.
  10. You you have a premium account?
  11. Thanks! But turning your computer off every now and again never hurts either.
  12. Jorcer will come around and tell you this: If you do not, and the .exe doesn't work, do this: I am getting a “Technic Launcher has Stopped Working Error”! If your launcher is encountering this error, a solution is to download the .jar file from http://www.technicpack.net/download/ (pick the third from the left (Linux/Jar)). If you are using Internet Explorer you will also need to change the file extension (the ending of the file) to .jar instead of .zip. Once you’ve done that, all you need to do is double-click on the file to run the launcher.
  13. You will get better help in the specific modpack bug board.
  14. Troubleshoot: Make sure your anti-virus and firewalls are disabled while trying to connect to minecraft.net (while logging in, connecting to a server) Uninstall Java, then delete your .techniclauncher folder. Restart your computer (it's not required, but it never hurts to give it a break, and it completely deletes the files) Reinstall the correct version of Java for your computer (ensure the bit type matches) Redownload the Launcher. Try to run the .exe, if this does not work, look in your .techniclauncher folder, make sure you have a .jar file in there.
  15. Disable all antivirus and firewall programs you have. Save your saves folder. Delete your entire .techniclauncher folder Redownload.
  16. That is very hard to read. Run it as administrator.
  17. What troubleshooting processes have you tried? Also, what java version do you have?
  18. If it's not in the mod pack, we won't be much help, sorry.
  19. Your java is not 64 bit, or your java doesn't know your os is 64 bit. Next time please don't reply to the thread, just keep all of the info in the OP
  20. Please post this in the tekkit section. We deal with launcher issues over here.
  21. He also seems to be screwing with my attempts at staying within the launcher bugs...
  22. Poor n64, windows necro (My droid still tries to make that necrosis)
  23. See that x86? That means 32 bit.
  24. Spelled But thanks for taking the reigns, I was ignoring that reply. It doesn't look like English.
  25. The actual exe issue, I believe this is a problem with 64 bit Java 7, but I am not certain. Uninstall all of your java's (look for possible other copies) Restart your computer, and reinstall 7u7x64. Should work after that, hopefully.
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