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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Good for you! I hope it didn't actually take you a month ;)
  2. See, now you're just being mean. There is no reason at all to say this. Regardless if you are right, or Jorcer's quote is right (which is what I read, for everyone's information), there is no reason to say I have some sort of a disability because you are now on the defensive. You did not contribute anything useful to the issue, whatsoever. Get the stick out of your butt and go ask for help without taking over someone else's time and space. People that thread jack are just as bad as Kanye.
  3. Make sure nothing is using Java while you're trying to delete it.
  4. yes, that is correct
  5. SimpleGuy! He can translate! His alter ego is SimplGay Oh and don't use JDK for technic.
  6. This person effectively used the search function. Sir/ma'am could you teach this to other users?
  7. Yep. Stuck to every bug board.
  8. It's more probable that your operating system just doesn't cut it anymore.
  9. The CP&S is posted there too. May as well get a head start I guess. Especially, when you're coming from behind.
  10. Yep. I can't believe how many posts I've looked at since I got home that are just wrong.
  11. If you are going to give up so readily, you should have given up in the first place. That is how to fix this problem. If you have not fixed this problem after doing what I stated above, then you did something wrong.
  12. I've seen this problem before, but I do not remember how to fix it. Try searching ".Net Framework initialization error" Or variations of that.
  13. Next time, just edit your first post. Double posting is to be avoided.
  14. I was just making sure. Since you seem to Try this: Remove ALL technicpack files. Every single one, check your downloads folder also. Then, empty your recycle bin. Uninstall Java, make sure you have uninstalled ALL Java's you may have. Restart your computer. Uninstall AVG, tell your pops to get avast! It's just as free, and works pretty darn good too. Disable avast! (just to be safe) Reinstall Java. Redownload the Windows version. Run the .exe If it does not, delete your .techniclauncher folder, and empty your recycle bin again. Download the Linux/Jar file. Change the file type to .jar if it downloaded as .zip Double click it. It should run. If it doesn't Right click and pick Run With...Java. If it still doesn't work, run as Admin.
  15. Yes, this I know. I also know that (since I complied a spreadsheet with all of the acquire information) the issue is primarily with Java 7 users on 64 bit systems. And I should hope that you created a bug report before posting here, as this is your bug report.
  16. If you had actually searched the issue, the common factor is Java 7, with 64 bit systems. Make sure you have the correct BIT VERSION of Java. And 3 threadjacks before you got to making your own report (above quote is from one said threadjack). If you're referring to the launcher, it is going to show up as Java. Under applications it's Technic/Tekkit/HackSlash
  17. Ok, so post this in the appropriate bug board.
  18. Ok, so post this in the Tekkit Bug Boards.
  19. So you have bought minecraft? Delete your Logins folder.
  20. Both of you go to Jorcer's profile, and look in his Postings tab. He has posted the solution to this, easily, 30 times. And OP, you are not running launcher 1.3.2
  21. Ok, so go post this in the tekkit bug boards.
  22. Ok, so go post this in the technic bug boards.
  23. Well, in that case, use the search bar, and search "splash screen frozen" Redownloading usually helps most people too.
  24. Seriously? Use a different browser, or google "how to change file type"
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