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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. No, because this is not your bug report. Make your own.
  2. Ashley Marie Z., LPN

    1. Munaus


      Achievement get: CheapShot left a comment on my profile :) Did you just post your real name here? Gosh, you do expose yourself a lot in this forum, Mrs-Dr. Bride

    2. Ashzification


      Well, I didn't use my last name, just first, middle and a letter from my forum name for a last initial.

  3. It is an issue with Java 7 not reading the exe properly. The vast majority are 64 bit systems, and many people do not know the difference between this issue and other 64 bit issues (having the wrong java bit version). Do you have 64 bit vista? If so, use the jar, and run with java.
  4. Next time edit your post please. Try disabling your AV when trying to connect.
  5. No, not odd at all. You all with launcher problems don't look for your own solution. Otherwise, you would have found this solution without ever posting a bug report.
  6. He read the title, and first 4 sections of the bug report and was referring to OP sucking, at well, everything. (Translation: low effort post)
  7. Delete the logins folder.
  8. YOU BROKE RULES. Adam says "just hang it up dude"
  9. No problem! Happy building!
  10. I wish you would fix your grammar..
  11. Troubleshoot: Make sure your anti-virus and firewalls are disabled while trying to connect to minecraft.net (while logging in, connecting to a server) Uninstall Java, then delete your .techniclauncher folder. Restart your computer Reinstall the correct version of Java for your computer (ensure the bit type matches) Redownload the Launcher. Try to run the .exe, if this does not work, look in your .techniclauncher folder, make sure you have a .jar file in there.
  12. Did you just need to update? Others who may search about this problem will probably like to know for certain how you fixed it.
  13. There isn't a "single player button" in the launcher. Which modpack are you trying to use?
  14. Check to see what your Java is, and please don't beg for help.
  15. That's because you ARE the mastermind.
  16. Thanks for locking this (http://www.technicpack.net/forums/threads/tekkit-crashing-cant-fix.27784/#post-225484)

    Why are people dumb? What they just did was admit to breaking the law.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jorcer


      Oh it's the guy who posted on my profile as well! How are ya buddy?

    3. TheBossMan


      go do one you ass hole

    4. Ashzification


      You're a jerk. Good job, being one on a mods profile.

  17. Well, your launcher is very out of date. Update it.
  18. Did you purchase minecraft?
  19. Being an adult sucks sometimes.

    1. SimpleGuy


      Protip: Just don't suck for free.

    2. Jorcer


      Heh, good one Drunk SimplGay

  20. Get rid of what you have, go to the main technicpack.net page, follow the instructions on how to download java.
  21. Well, your java is wrong, or it's reading your OS wrong. [17:13:10] [sEVERE] Is 64-bit: 'false'
  22. Yes, go up to the search bar and search "ram allocation" or "allocate ram"
  23. I've seen this problem before. I do not remember the solution. Search bar?
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