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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. Well, first, you should probably be using Java 6 (iirc) Secondly, do you have a record of the download? If so, follow the file to the destination!
  2. Logs or it didn't happen.
  3. Set up Jenga. Take things away. The structure changes, the stability changes. Energy removes the matter, the matter remaining is now different. Really crude and basic representation of that concept.
  4. Really like your new saying thingy :)

    1. SimpleGuy



  5. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/ingame/world-warcraft-playing-candidate-wins-election-1C6892843

  6. Why aren't you asleep? Don't you have classes tomorrow?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jorcer


      (I lied, i have been watching "Whose Line is it Anyways with my GF ;)) Shhh!

    3. Ashzification


      It's almost 2:30 here, and I can't sleep lol

    4. Jorcer


      Oh, it is only 12 here :) Where my dad is it is noon lol

  7. Post in the right place please.
  8. Too many Java's. Remove all of them and ONLY download Java 7. JRE
  9. Does this happen with your regular launcher?
  10. I figured saying mod was a tad safer than saying admin. Thanks Torezu!
  11. He asks, because as a server admin, I am wary of Kellers (since we're whitelisted) After looking at his posts, it seems he was kellered well before the forum change over. Hopefully a mod can unkeller him (Note, this is not me telling you to ask a mod, it's still a wait and see kind of thing)
  12. You also should use the edit button. Uninstall everything and reinstall.
  13. Ok, so post in the tekkit bugs. This clearly isn't a launcher bug.
  14. You shouldn't sign posts, it's against the rules. Read the CP&S
  15. You have too many Java's, and they're all 32-bit.
  16. Also, if this only happens when playing yogbox, you should probably post it on their website. As it's no longer supported here.
  17. No, moral of the story: if you're on a non-griefing server, don't grief. Even more simple: don't break rules. For the owners of this server, here's why iwantcoal is correct: http://imgur.com/a/qkGU7#0(the album I use to log my bans) and http://profserve.enjin.com/forum/m/4361677/viewthread/4085094-ban-report-zstar121 (his ban report)
  18. Here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/ Also, I guess I should have told you before. Post it in the correct subsection. This doesn't seem to be a launcher bug.
  19. Here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/
  20. Here's the link: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/
  21. You should leave now, before people realize what you just said. Also: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/ "If the instructions below are not clear enough for you to understand, please use Google to assist yourself. We can not babysit you, and the solutions below assume you have a basic understanding of the computer you're using. If not, ask for help from someone who does, or your parents, or your friends, etc. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS UP TO DATE BEFORE YOU CONTINUE."
  22. There is this awesome button. It says "Post a Bug Report".
  23. I don't know. Try posting a bug report.
  24. He did, and he found a long dead thread. Rather than finding a thread with a solution, he found this one.
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