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Industrial Miner

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Everything posted by Industrial Miner

  1. Aw yeah, tasty napalm. [img width=800]http://www.google.nl/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://masochismet.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/flamethrower_straight.jpg&sa=X&ei=zmWgT-vjOIHU0QW4tam9Aw&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNGbNSiwRN9vvBu8mN5eXyFF4QsHoQ
  2. And chicken nuggets too? Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.
  3. Just a Testificate having fun. [img width=800]
  4. If the newest FTB has Redpower 1.2.5, which I think it does, I really hope that Eloraam makes a computer to run the whole place.
  5. Use MultiMC instead of Magiclauncher. You can have multiple MC modpacks and mod and de-mod them easily.
  6. And today was the finale. My class hasn't won this time , but next year we will! (The acts at the finale were also hilarious.)
  7. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... And what happened to them? Did they get suspended, did their clothing get on fire or did their dicks hurt of the heat?
  8. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... We've changed the topic to drinks? I just drink Monster Energy, not really alcoholic stuff yet. Next month on May 14th I become 16 years old .
  9. I just use Chrome with an Adblock plugin. I typed this on a 80 inch touchscreen here at school XD.
  10. No, there are 26 kids including me. 21 of them are boys, including me, and there are 5 girls, which is unbalanced. Yes, I've seen a comic of that in a book somewhere here at our school library.
  11. The majority of my class is a boy. 21 boys and 5 girls. That's why it's most of the time chaotic in our classroom, and that's why my class has a bit of a bad reputation. That's why they've chosen Hades, an evil god. (I'm not talking about myself being chaotic, my class does.)
  12. Nah, my class had chosen for Hades, and our mentor is a woman. We had some weird mixups where men had to play as a goddess and women as a god. We even had a Cupido, and he was the only one who was topless. I should keep that in mind for next time.
  13. The backpack mod using block ID's? I don't think that a block counts as a backpack, since you can't place it in the mcworld. Where you're talking about is an item.
  14. This week on Monday to Wednesday we have a schoolbattle on our school where the first grade till the fourth grade battle against eachother in ancient Greek style. There are several battles to win points at, i.e.: modeshow, quiz, drawing, cooking, trojan horse and more. The class which has the most points wins the Schoolbattle Cup! (FYI, this is a grammar school in Holland, where we also learn Latin and Greek.) So far, each class had to choose a greek god and present their mentor as that god/goddes. And seriously, some were really hilarious! This promises to be a chaotic schoolbattle though.
  15. Especially now when you can "link" multiple carts together and let them interact together. For example, the tunnel bore now puts the mined resources into a chest cart and it also takes coal, gravel and rails out of carts it's linked to. Also you can make more realistic trains and not some loose carts pushing eachother.
  16. They're not retarded, not retarded² but retarded³. The first people who are the first 2 are less retarded than the third.
  17. Yeah... lets talk about how weird they can be: And I can even find dirty pictures, but there are children watching!
  18. I also agree. Some posts are just, how would I say it... RETARDED³
  19. Nah that's too mainstream, all of them. I'll do the facecar rather!
  20. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... Can I join the dinner then? I bought a premium account just to play Technic (and the other premium benefits) .
  21. Image says it all. [img width=400]
  22. You do not need to install modloader because it IS already installed, just not in the minecraft.jar. So just get a new fresh install and then it should already be fine without even having to install something yourself.
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