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Posts posted by cerevox

  1. Considering the fact that turtles come by default with an excavate program that digs down to bedrock in the specified size square and dumps everything it mines into a chest placed at its starting spot, it is hard to beat turtles for simplicity. Their only real drawback is the program breaking and the turtle turning off every now and then.

  2. Pretty sure you are in the wrong forum, since those are RP2 machines, and RP2 has been removed from tekkit. Assuming you checked to make sure the buckets are moving correctly, imna blame the world anchor. Use a different chunk loader. The world anchor has a few things it does well, and a lot of broken not workingness all over.

  3. that applies in any world. by no means am i allowing chunk loaders. that's just a recipe for disaster. If your not only to lazy to mine but also to impatient to allow a machine do all the work for you then minecraft prolly isn't the game for you XD

    No, vanilla minecraft is not for me. This is why I play modded minecraft, so I can build an automatic system to mine for me, and then leave it alone while I work on other things. If I wanted to mine by hand I would play vanilla, not technic.

    And what I meant by needing to keep the turtle loaded is that it tends to forget what it was doing if it unloads for any reason. A quarry you can walk away from, come back, and it will start back where it was with no problem. Turtles tend to lose all their current instructions and you need to restart them from the very beginning.

    Seriously though, chunk loaders are not pure evil. They are no more resources intensive on a server than another player, actually probably less so. Just limit the area any player can have loaded and they are fine. I think that the dimensional anchors have that functionality built in and can be easily configured. Not sure on chunk loaders or teleport tethers.

  4. Quarries are the biggest difference between vanilla and modded minecraft. All the fancy stuff is cool, but if you have to mine by hand, it feels like vanilla. With mining by hand, you just don't haven't he resource income to support the cool machines unless you spend all your time mining. It just might be me, but quarries of some sort be it frame quarry, turtle or BC quarry, it just isn't technic if you don't have at least one of those options. Mining by hand is no fun anymore, that first diamond hit looses its surprise and joy after the 50th time.

  5. Rather than saying biofuel gives a high amount of energy it would be more correct to say that lava gives a very low amount. Pretty much every fuel source out there is better than lava by an order of magnitude at least. Lava is the simplest and easiest source to obtain in large quantities because the "lava farm" is built in as part of vanilla.

    Biofuel actually does have a downside, and it is the space requirement, if you are growing plants without fertilizer then you are going to need massive farms if you are attempting to generate any serious amounts of power. Decreasing power per biofuel bucket just means that players need to create an even more massive farm complex to produce power, so unless you enjoy seeing endless rows of industrial farms everywhere, decreasing biofuel power per bucket is kind of pointless. Unless you decrease it to the point where it costs you power, and then no one will bother.

  6. Yes, the item list wasn't actually cut, the microblocks are just hidden now, because they were literally 25+ pages on their own. I have heard rumors, whispered of in darks alleys and back corners, that the devs looked at, or are looking at, the natura mod which adds a ton of plants and such for those who like farming. No idea if it will actually make it in though. Just rumors, like I said, but would be awesome if we did get more plants and such.

  7. Atomic science has fusion/fission reactors which are fun and multiblock, but really other than that I can't think of any other multiblock power generation structures that glow and sometimes explode.

  8. Gregtech is horrible. No need to bring it up, we can just pretend it doesn't exist. And IC2 was not officially passed off to anyone else as far as I know, so IC2, the real thing, has not been updated. Other modders made it "work" with 1.5+ but poorly. I suppose you could say IC2 has gotten forked all over and some of those are updating, but IC2 itself is not. It may just be semantics but it is correct to say that IC2 has not updated in 6 months.

  9. Direct from the pool? How? The engine can't suck in lava itself. Perhaps you mean if you bucket in the lava by hand? Even then the pump can lower itself 50+ blocks easily before the engine would run out of lava, and the pump itself has a small buffer for energy. I can not think of any situation with a pump and magmatic engine in the nether in which the pump and engine run out of power/lava.

    the setup where the engine gets it lava direct from the pool rather then from the pump

    Perhaps you could explain this setup, I can't think of any case in which an engine pull lava directly from the pool.

  10. Still makes no sense. A BC pump has an extendable tube on the bottom that lowers itself to the level of the liquid. If the lava level drops one block, then the pump will lower the pipe one level which means lava will not be pumped for roughly 2 seconds. A full magmatic engine will run for something like 10 minutes without input. The only way the engine will run out of lava in this situation is when the entire pool is gone, and since it is a nether lava ocean, that will literally take hundreds of hours of pumping.

    The setup in the picture will clear the full radius of the pump, which if I recall correctly is something like a 64x64 square, of all lava. Without stopping.

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