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Everything posted by blakc725

  1. IGN: blakc725 Why you should be accepted?: well im a great builder and i am great with most of the mods in the pack so i can help others who need help What mod do you plan to focus on?: well i plan to do it all but i would say.... tropicraft and witchery and probably some tech mod What do you like to do in Minecraft/AOTB (ex. Build, Explore, etc.): build i love to build i plan on building a shopping center for the server if i can.!!! thank you for your time/consideration blakc725
  2. ign's: blakc725 - caveflag0 - nemo8tim skype: blakc725 - caveflag0 - nemo8tim why you wan't to join: well ive applyed to a few servers and not gotten responses what do you plan on doing: building a lot of cool stuff in and out of the tropics how often will you play: often enough to not be a burdin ages of you and your teammates: 16 - 13 - 14 extra comments (optional): genders: male - male - male
  3. - Position you're applying for? well i would like to be admin or moderator i think asking for CO is a bit much - How long have you played minecraft? B-team? ive been playing minecraft since 3 patches before beta and B-team and other modded stuff for almost 2 years - Age? 16 - Have you been staff before? yes it went well until the hackers and greifers came and the owner blamed my for not being fast enough - How often will you come online? probably every day some times less or more - Any other skills? im great with almost every mod - Why do you deserve the position? well to be honest i might not there are some who will be better fit then me but i think that its worth a shot - Anything else? yes i have been banned before but that was because i have let my cousins play on my account and they got me banned. ALSO im a GREAT builder according to my skype friends.
  4. Whitelist application: 1 your in game name. blakc725 2 why you want to play on this server. im looking for a good server 3 what experience do you have in tekkit. alot im good with almost all mods 4 how long do you play each day. a few hours 5 age. 14 almost 15 6 have you ever been banned on a server before. yes 7 how will you benefit the server. im a good builder and can help others with stuff 8 what is a build you are most proud of in tekkit. great small factorys I WILL ONLY PLAY WITH ANTI GRIEF im sorry but i dont want my stuff ruined
  5. Ingame Name: blakc725 Reason of joining: im looking for a good server to play on and not get killed all the time Experience: im good with almost all the mods Age: 14 (almost 15) Favorite mod: Buildcraft and IC2
  6. IGN: blakc725 Age: 14 Project you plan to build: a factory for making anything / a shop for me to sell my wears. Minecraft experience: alot Tekkit experience: i know almost all of the mods some by heart Why you want to join the server: im looking for a server where i dont get killed 24 / 7 and where not too much stuff is disabled.
  7. im getting the same problem minemannx is getting
  8. lets us all prey for the new host to not be a dick
  9. lol i did everything and i foregot that i had cleared the chash AFTER i had put in the forestry mod
  10. InGameName: Blakc725 About me: (brief intro to you) im a good builder and im very mature for my age Location: (timezone works) MICHIGAN USA. Why Tekkitia?: im looking for a server where i wont die every second and wont get greifed Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes
  11. In Game Name: blakc725 Age: 14 How Long I Have Played With Tekkit: about 8 months Have I Ever Been Banned: 1 time because i let a family member play on my minecraft account( this was NON tekkit tho) Why I Would Like To Work On This Project: i am a GREAT builder and i know how touse all the mods Previous Building Experience: i can build great houses with or without tekkit
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