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Everything posted by Doomzzday01

  1. also with new world Skyblock Industries is accepting a total of five applicants as employees/partners! Go to site forums if you would like to apply. Do not junk up this thread with it.
  2. Oh nvm, didn't notice it said "clean slate world" i hate it when i miss obvious things like that.
  3. yaay hosting is the world gonna be reset? I don't mind if it is, just curious.
  4. ST please PM me when the server is online, the status thing hasn't updated yet apparently. Nvm it just came on lol
  5. oi you stole my factory idea lol its ok i'll need some friendly competition
  6. Hey, if you're good with RP motors/frames (and we both get accepted) I would enjoy working on some airship projects-I've had a good bit of experience with airships and might be able to help you out with your floating castle!
  7. First, the Q&A Age: 15 IGN: Doomzzday01 Have I ever been banned: Not to the best of my knowledge, nor have I been kicked (except once accidentally) Why I think I should join this server: I've been looking for a perfect Tekkit server for months, and I eventually decided that small servers were the way to go. So I hosted a server with my brother, just the two of us. It worked out fine, but it was a little taxing to my laptop to run the server and Tekkit, and I couldn't get any other computer to run the server. So, I was looking for servers in the forums lists and found this! I haven't ever seen a five-player limit before and would like to see how it works out for you guys. Why I should be accepted to this server: As I said, I haven't been banned as far as I know. Also, I avoid swearing, capping, raging or flaming in general, and try to help newcomers since I was/is one for a long time myself. I'm OK with no PVP/raiding/greifing since I'm usually on the receiving end anyway. Also, I've wanted to try out several ideas for a long time, but the crucial parts are almost inevitably banned. I also don't mind turning something or other off if it causes too much lag! Have I read and studied the rules: Yes. I look forward to playing under them. What will I do for the server: In-game, I plan to make a factory that makes and sells IC2 components--it should save everyone a lot of time! Otherwise, I hope to be able to contribute to decisions if the question is put to me, however I'm afraid I can't reliably invest enough time to become an administrator (if that's what you mean and I'm not just misinterpreting things to flatter myself ;]) I'm not much of a builder but wouldn't mind helping out in-game. Also, I have lots of other plans--transport systems, roads, rails, power commerce, etc. Since my building talent isn't all that great, I'll probably pay someone else to do the architecture for my buildings, further invigorating the economy. That will be my primary focus; a vibrant , sustainable server economy in IC2 creds
  8. It is a full anarchy server. There are no banned items. But really, 6 nukes? world edge? come on. I can't think of a better way to grief an entire server than lagging it to death. Try fewer nukes. Also can a faction/town plugin be added? I just KNOW im gonna get betrayed by some idiot what thinks he's smart
  9. And here I was thinking this server was online 24/7. It seems more like its offline 24/7. Its online-offline ratio was about 35% last I checked. Please remake your tabs.
  10. CONFESSION: I was one of those people. Its why I decided to stay permanently. However my brother, who waited longer to apply, got some message about not being able to play until whitelisted or something like that. Sorry, I didn't know it was not allowed, I thought it was more of a guest-versus-member kind of thing.
  11. That makes sense. But I can't talk 1 on 1 with you if I don't know what channel to talk on. Not to mention what time. Thanks!
  12. Ranger Problem I logged onto this server as a dwarf ranger, but the lag makes hitting any moving target practically impossible. So I tried to switch to mage... and ended up with mage spells and ranger equipment. My spells sorta work, but I don't have a wand. So I was wondering a) if there is an ingame fix for this or, if not, if you could 'delete' me or whatever so that I'm reset and can re-choose my items. Thanks!
  13. I have been told to get on TS before, but unfortunately I don't have TS and I doubt my wizened old comp would let me play Tekkit and run Teamspeak at the same time. I'll look into it though. Not to criticize, but surely there are people with problems unsolved who can't get TS? What about them? Thanks for your cooperation!
  14. I'm not sure where Rising is, I will try to get the coords though.
  15. SERVER ADMIN! Me and the other members of the town Pockey would like to complain of several greifing problems: Please understand that I have nothing against nationsmc.com, in fact it is my favorite tekkit server. However my experience is consistently ruined by the player thecreeperx98 and his town Rising. Creeper left our town one day, taking several items, such as iron doors and a computer, with him, and started Rising. From that moment forward he repeatedly raided our town-which I understand is perfectly legal. However just a few moments before this post several members of the town Rising, whose names I can supply if needed, broke-and I repeat broke- into our town, killing all the present members and, presumably, RE-emptying all of our storage chests. We were currently still recovering from an attack during which all of our machines and valuables were stolen. Before that, thecreeperx98, who had been readmitted into our town, had turned on us and stolen items and destroyed machines. At this time we are wary of re-entering our own base because of the dangers Rising has posed to all Pockey members within the area. In addition I have been personally repeatedly harrassed and threatened by thecreeperx98, and he has expressed a desire to have me in his clan, and threatens to destroy Pockey entirely if I do not comply. His repeated raiding has nearly driven me from Pockey because of the harm I may be indirectly causing my friends. If this issue is not resolved, I will no longer use this server. It has lost all entertainment while Creeper remains unchecked, and I will have lost the best Tekkit server I have yet encountered. Please fix this problem at your earliest possible convenience. Creeper, this is the last straw- or should I say block! Sincerely, Doomzzday01
  16. Name: Doomzzday01 Age: 15 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No, I already have a town in mind. Have you played IC2 or Buildcraft: Other than on Tekkit, no. What is the purpose of a macerator: It grinds ores, doubling material output. Recommendations (if you have been invited): None to speak of. I know a few of the players. Other things I should know: I'm currently having a problem with the server requiring outdated mods for login, hope to get that fixed soon.
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