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Everything posted by Doomzzday01

  1. Will there be a way to send signals to computers? This would be extremely useful, so that one could turn off an overheating reactor or whatever.
  2. This sounds like it will be really useful, especially for those who have school/work taking up their time and so can't afford to be monitoring their base in-game all the time. I can't wait to get my hands on the program when it's finished.
  3. You could always just put your quarries / turtles / RiM mining bores over the ocean, then cover it over with a simple flat layer when you're done. The hole will be basically invisible if the water is deep enough, and most don't pay much attention to the seafloor anyway.
  4. I'm pretty sure you would still have to manually click the computer to boot it up - I've tried to get them to turn on remotely, and they don't seem to want to do it, unless something's changed since I tested it.
  5. Open Peripherals would be an amazing addition, if you added it.
  6. I don't want to seem picky, but many servers have different definitions of greifing, from placing/breaking a single block to the usual cover-it-with-water-and-lava deal. Could you clarify?
  7. It doesn't have to be on your own computer. There are lots of sites out there that offer server hosting specifically for Minecraft servers, although getting them to host a custom modpack might be a bit involved.
  8. My launcher says "Modpack has invalid solder link. Consult modpack author." Halp?
  9. It is pretty empty, I've never seen more than 3 people on at a time. Hopefully we get more people soon!
  10. Well, the unmodified versions of my programs work much better, so if it's OK with you, I'll leave them be and switch them to lag-free-mode if need be. They shouldn't be too bad, though.
  11. Hey Ysharma, I was wondering, how do I establish a company? I want an official way to distribute my CC programs. And speaking of which, to all the readers out there: SkyBlock Security is in business! We (I) specialize in computerized security systems--but not just the average password programs you find on CC-enabled servers. SBS offers everything from touch-free password locks to automatic base armor repair systems. I'm also finishing work on an automated building program for turtles--right now it only builds flat rectangles, walls, and cubes, but I hope to add more functions such as domes, curves, etc. in the near future. Also, Ysharma, I have a question for you. What are your preferences as far as computercraft programs? Some servers put restrictions on them (number, loops, etc.). I should be able to change my programs to fit most restrictions.
  12. Well, I've gotten my modpack working correctly (I think), so here is my application: Age: 17 Country: USA, EST IGN: Doomzzday01 A bit about myself and my hobbies: I'm a good communicator, and enjoy talking and discussing problems and theories with other people. I also enjoy working with other people, although I do occasionally prefer to play alone. My hobbies include reading, playing computer/console games, sketching, and cross-country when it's in season. When playing Minecraft, I like to make businesses, factions, corporations, etc., basically any kind of organization and then trying to get a healthy economy going on the server--although it looks like that's already been done here! Mods I'm proficient in: I'm good with Buildcraft, Redpower, IndustrialCraft, Thermal Expansion, and Mekanism as far as mechanical mods. I'm also a decent ComputerCraft programmer, especially with Immibis' Misc Peripherals mod. I've also had experience with ICBM and the Gun Customization mod. Why do I want to join this server: I mainly want to join this server because of the big companies--I've always thought that was cool whenever I saw it on another server, but I've never seen it made the main feature of a server this way. I'm looking forward to seeing these groups in action, and maybe founding one of my own! Why you should let me join your server: I can speak good English English well and have a good sense of humor. I'm also willing to answer player's questions when I have the knowledge. Also, I'm not opposed to PvP--In fact, I enjoy it immensely. I've yet to understand how I get a bigger adrenaline rush from encountering a random Minecrafter in the wilderness than I get from finding an enemy in any other FPS. In addition, I can add a lot of interesting CC programs to the server, including self-repairing base armor and touch-free door locks. I also have made several factories in the past, manufacturing a variety of products which could be a great boost to the economy. Where did I hear about you: I was looking through the custom-modpack server list and "Companies, Teams, Politics!" bit of your title caught my eye. I wasn't disappointed!
  13. Hello! This modpack looks epic--and I've always loved big corporations, so this is a doubly good fit. However, I'm having some trouble downloading the modpack. I'm also unable to download any other custom modpack, although the built-in ones seem to work. I'm running Mac OSX, and I clicked the 'Current Stable Mac:' link to get the URL. I've looked on the launcher forums, but haven't had any luck. A friend of mine (also on OSX) is having the same problem. Help? [edit] >.< sorry about the double post, the first time I tried to post, it said to try again later. Woops.
  14. Hello! This modpack looks epic--and I've always loved big corporations, so this is a doubly good fit. However, I'm having some trouble downloading the modpack. I'm also unable to download any other custom modpack, although the built-in ones seem to work. I'm running Mac OSX, and I clicked the 'Current Stable Mac:' link to get the URL. I've looked on the launcher forums, but haven't had any luck. A friend of mine (also on OSX) is having the same problem. Help?
  15. I am having the same problem on my Mac OSX, however mine only bugs when downloading custom modpacks. Also, the error message mentions a dropbox URL.
  16. Alright, I'll do that. Also nice choice on the Open Blocks Mod.
  17. They still help, and I think you can stack milk bottles (if those are in Hexxit, I've forgotten).
  18. Milk still stops nausea, doesn't it? If so, lots of cows and buckets/bottles should do the trick.
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