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About Zealdd

  • Birthday 04/24/1992

Zealdd's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Hey man you did a really good job on this, thanks man. =]
  2. Aren't crowbars for railcraft though..
  3. What are you trying to turn?
  4. Go back to the wiki and type in the names of the upgrades. That'll show you
  5. I banned any anchors in My server because a small infnite ostrich gltich that occurs when a chunk is infinitely loaded . I have mo creatures on my server + a few other mods like battle towers. I keep buildcraft tho like i said. EE2 is gone sadly, it really needs some work.
  6. You just named everything I banned cept build craft and I ban any anchors also.
  7. Forgot about that ;)
  8. An error log would be awesome.
  9. I'd try Deleting the Hack/Slash folder in .techniclauncher folder. If you wanna try and keep your saves just copy and paste your saves somewhere else so you can get a brand new fully updated Hack/mine. Then paste them back in, but beware of corrupted worlds because of updates =/
  10. Guild Wars 2 :D

  11. Even though having Xei's Farming mod would be totally awesomesauce I'd rather not get Java.Util.NullPointerExeption throw at me everytime i craft something. Best to make sure it's stable in stoofs first =P
  12. Everything has bugs sadly there is no such thing as a bug-proof game. Just ask Activision =]
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