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About GoldenPiggies

  • Birthday 08/21/1998

GoldenPiggies's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Name -Chase IGN -GoldenPiggies Age- 15 Minecraft experience -I have been playing minecraft since alpha, I know everything about the game. Tekkit experience - I'm still a bit scratchy on tekkit, But I know the mods and all of the crafting recipes. Time playing MC per day -1-3 hours depending on what day. Why do you want to join the server -I love small tekkit servers that don't have greifers just like this one.
  2. User id:GoldenPiggies Age:15 Tekkit Experience (0-10):9 Minecraft Experience (0-10):10 Do you intend to be a decent human being (yes/no):Yes of course! What would you like to do on our server?Build and have fun also interact and find friends on the server .
  3. APPLICATION: Name/Nickname:Jackson IGN:GoldenPiggies Age:15 Time Zone:Central America Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community)I use skype sorry . But I could get it if needed. Will you be a dedicated player on our server?Yes all the time if I am whitelisted I'm looking for a server just like this. Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: I love playing video games and exploring. I'm a great player mature and respectful to others. I know a lot about tekkit and don't mine helping others.
  4. 1: IGN? GoldenPiggies 2: Reason For Joining?I love tekkit servers and like playing on whitelisted ones. Also like to play vanilla tekkit and this server doesn't have anything banned . 3: Would You Ever Consider Donating? Yes, Iif it is good enough. 4: Have You Voted At http://minestatus.net/50325-legittekkit ? I have.
  5. Application:Age:15 IGN:GoldenPiggies Do you have Teamspeak or Skype?:Yes, GoldnPiggies Why do you want to play?: (No 1 sentence answers put some thought into it 1 sentence is automatically denied): I love small whitelist tekkit servers. I like to play with others but I don't like crowded servers and to many people. So this server meets what I like in a server. What do you know?: (Specific mods or even just certain things your good at): I know basically all the mods and I'm good with Industrialcraft(main mod). How long have you been playing?:About 6th months+
  6. I love small tekkit so I really want to join! Ign: GoldenPiggies
  7. Application Name:Kassidy IGN:GoldenPiggies Age:15 Tell us something about yourself: I am a girl minecraft player. I love minecraft! I like playing with others and just hanging out. Time zone: Ever Banned? If so why:Nope don't use hacks or greif . Why do you think this servers for you:It fits how I like playing tekkit I love small servers. Tekkit Experience: 6 moths or more started in July.
  8. Reason for wanting to join:(just a sentence or two why you want to join)Because I love small tekkit server's and just love playing tekkit . Experience:(How long have you been playing for?)Atleast 6 months now I know a lot and can help players. Magic or Science:(What do you have more experience in EE or Industrialcraft, buildcraft and others like this)EE and industrial I know to much on both .
  9. IGN:GoldenPiggies Age:15 Reason for joining: I love tekkit! I love whitelist so people don't greif me and I like to have a limited amount of players. Have you read the rules: Yes, I accept them all. Tekkit experience: I started a while back atlest 5 months ago I know tons mostly everything .
  10. IGN:GoldenPiggies Age:15 Reason for joining:I want to join a small tekkit server,with a small community and friendly players . Have you read the rules:Yes. Tekkit experience:I have player for about a month now I am glad to help new players out.
  11. IGN:GoldenPiggies Age:14 Project you plan to build:Make lots of buildcraft things and medival buildings Minecraft experience:I have been playing since beta i know everthing up to 1.3.1 Tekkit experience:3 weeks Why you want to join the server:It looks perfect for me ive been looking for a small friendly community i hope i can play on your server :)
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