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Everything posted by Richs_Yard

  1. this would make a GREAT party game edit: apparently the time function didnt want to work. link fixed.
  2. i mean, i could do something productive with my time, but wheres the fun in that?

  3. you know what i dont care what you say, im gonna say it l'etat, c'est moi! eat it
  4. whats even more fun than having to stand people like that, is to be that
  5. the whole psychology behind politics is what intrigues me the most. the whole two face, diplomatic, charismatic experience. i have no problem talking infront of 30 bored teenagers, its just when they question my authority and anger me to the point of doing something that i fear will cause me to lose my job. thats why im hesitant about it
  6. hey guys, i could use some input on a current crisis im having as a senior applying for college. i decided a year ago that i would double major in architecture and politicial sciences, two subjects that ive always been interested in. however, lately ive been exposed to a lot of areas that interest me more. i have always been a huge advocate and lover of history, more specifically european, and one of my classes has me assistant teaching at a nearby elementary school. the same class has also extremely made me feel incompetent as an architect, as i am just not creative enough. so i have decided to drop my architecture major dreams, which only leaves me with the political sciences major. but thats still not what i want. i have decided to go to the university of my home state, Delaware, in order to be with my old friends. University of Delaware offers three majors that im interested in; History, History Education, and Political Sciences. i really want to do History Education and Political Sciences, however i decided a long time ago that i would never be a teacher, due to my extreme anger issue in terms of disrespect and doubting of authority. if i got a history major, i wouldnt know where to start for a job. i also dont know where to start for a job in political sciences, its really just a major i wanted incase i actually got interested in politics, which is something ive always wanted to do. history education is also a put off because of the income factor. so what im really asking is: what majors should i do? History, History Education, Political Sciences, and/or architecture? i need to decide so i can start applying for colleges.
  7. brings me back to the lukeb server when we tried making our own regime :^) brings a tear to my eye ;^)
  8. well for that point im only 17
  9. i miss FireHunterX

    1. SoundSpire


      For some reason I do too


  10. hello old people i am an old man who doesnt come around that often anymore
  11. hello i am an old man who doesnt come around that often anymore
  12. howdy its yours truly i was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback on this basic lore outline im making for something ----------------- Its the midst of World War 2, and Iosif Stalin's hubris and desperation is at its max. The Germans have deeply penetrated the lands of his glorious union, and everything has slipped from his grasp following the staggering defeat at Stalingrad. Foot by foot, his entire life's devotion is falling into the hands of the seemingly unstoppable invaders. All he can do is watch, and rely on his generals and advisers to slow them down. However, he had fallen out of favor with his generals and advisers. In secrecy, the great General Vasily Korzh had taken control of the Red Army and the Palace Guard to put an end to the vile dictator Stalin. After the successful coup d'état, he quickly began plans to stop the incoming war machine. In the coming week, his advisers had put together a plan to ambush a massive German force at the industrial town of Molokovo, and do a quick push against the German lines. At the sound of a single word, there would be a tremendous push from the great cities of Leningrad, Moscow, Molokovo, and Rostov, aimed to create a panic and a quick retreat from the Eastern Front. On August, 1943, this plan was put into action. A German force of 300,000 had begun pushing a town with very little resistance. When they had thought they had won ever so quickly and begun to celebrate, the hidden Soviet force attacked in the midst of the night. This began a three day long battle where the German force was slaughtered. Their general had wisely called a retreat. Once word had made it to Vasily that the Germans were pulling some troops from the northern part of the front to the southern, he called for the simultaneous pushes. Confused and pressured, the Germans put up a valiant defense, but it was not enough. City by city they began to fall back. This allowed for the Soviet front to get smaller and smaller, and the Red Army started to get more consolidated, and soon enough they were at Berlin. The war was soon over. Vasily Korzh's strategic brilliance and bravery won him the support of the people. In the years following his victory against the Krauts, he began to revitalize the Union, attempting to restore Lenin's vision of a nation led by the working class. He also continued the industrialization of the Union, almost doubling the throughput of the Siberian mines and factories. With greater steel, and as a result greater weapons, the Soviet Union was once again something to fear. In strict competition against the capitalist country of the United States of America, the Union made great strives in the areas of Mathematics, Sciences, Politics, and Culture. When America claimed containment against the states of Korea, Vietnam, and China, the Union sent supplies, men, and money to counteract the capitalist involvement. Asia was almost completely shrouded in communism. Only the freeholds of India and Japan remained free of it, but there was always a plot going on in those countries. In the early 1960s, Vasily grew infirm and finally passed in July, 1963. The people of the Union mourned, and parades held in his honor. In the coming months, they were to decide a new General Secretary. Viktor Korzh was to take the role, the 26 year old son of Vasily. Viktor had gained the control of a nation who supported his father, and now it was his turn to gain control of the people and continue on the golden era. ------------- sorry if it takes up a lot of the page all feedback is appreciated
  13. i feel sorry for the mods having to take care of the nightly spam bots

  14. did you guys know you can edit your posts on locked threads?
  15. im not sure why my replies arent showing in KJ2

    but its not making me happy

    i think i may have double posted, so sorry if i did

  16. ​i used to but the whole large group thing always put me off
  17. ck2 makes me really mad ive had 3 sons, two of which were geniuses all were stillborn then i have a daughter shes dies at age 2 my wife dies half a year later
  18. how the piglets would grunt if they knew how the old boar sufferend
  19. i honestly read the first tag as porn
  20. The Ting Tangs- Thats Not My Name everyone always thinks my name is richard because my username is usually richyard
  21. Ol' omaorb likes to go fast


  22. ​if there is anything i want to die in, its a mustang also i never really carried anything around in the truck never needed to
  23. Omaorb just traded his crappy old truck with a very good friend for this baby (its a 2009 Ford Mustang)
  24. ol' omaorb is still part of the ever-so illusive 1k post club

    and the even smaller whale boxer

  25. ol' omaorb has been working out!
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