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Everything posted by tanki123

  1. post up your launcher logs here it should be a file called launcher_0.txt in .techniclauncher\logs
  2. tanki123

    NEI Problem

    Heres the checklist to run through 1. open up mods list on main menu and check if its loaded 2. Assuming you can see the options at the bottom left of your inventory screen open that and change nei disabled to nei enabled 3. If above is all done or you cant see the options button, try reinstalling your tekkit installation and if all fails, nuke the .techniclauncher folder
  3. This is an advanced feature that i assume is used to do inventory search on a large chest. to turn off this function, double click the search bar and the search bar should turn grey instead of golden yellow
  4. Please post constructive comments. Unless im not clear enough, Its not a problem of chunks loading server side (If thats to ahrd for you to understand, I mean chunks are being loaded when people are offline.) Server is operating fine its the network lag im concerned about. Problem being that when someone joined the server they would experience huge amounts of connection lag and would cause server to kick the player due to buffer overflow. This is resolved when its restored to an earlier backup of the server therefore leading me to the conclusion of something being wrong with the server and not internet bandwidth issues
  5. To add on to the previous post if you change a block id on the server be sure to change the client's block id accordingly or it can cause problems
  6. Refering to your other posts i am assuming you are accusing of poster using a cracked launcher. If he is, forge would kick the player on join due to insufficient of mods loaded. Please check your accusations. Otherwise i think this is caused by a block id mismatch between server and client. did you edited any mod configs prior to this and is all tekkit items not working or is it only some?
  7. Please check for a forge version mismatch as i have tried the same with forestry but forestry did not load as the forge is not updated enough
  8. This is caused by a block id mismatch between server and client. Explanation is that client requests crafting of example block no 1276 however server says that no such block id exist and just kicks them.
  9. That shouldnt matter as essentials gives you an ability similar to creative mode flying that isnt conflicting with that properties. The only thing that affects that property is to detect continuous falling which most hacked clients exploit.
  10. I am assuming its not a visual bug an the combustion engines are going critical because of it. Please do not insult me just because your bug report is not specific enough. You mentioned Overheat which i assumed it to just go red and not that it stop pumping also. I care to ask is this a locally hosted server or is it a friends server if its your server, do you have any error that occurring on he server console? I agree its not normal behaviour as i have redstone engines that is running 24/7 on a server for 2 months without a hitch. I read from other sources that redstone engines do shut down when it overheats however i cannot confirm that as i never experienced such event. I would assume if this is the case, it means 1. Somehow the pump isnt receiving power from the engines enough to stop it from overheating. 2. The target source isnt recieving the water fast enough causing an energy buildup at the pump end. Heres a question: I noticed 3 teleport pipes leading off each pump. i care to ask are they leading to a same target location? If so, try switching it to 2 pumps instead of 3 as if you are cooling combustion engines my knowledge is that one pump with 4 RS engines can support 2 Combustion engines
  11. you host it off your house computer so i care to ask is this a problem experienced by you or others. If you then i have nothing to say but if its others and not you your problem would be a sucky internet connection. i would then ask for your upload speed and download speed.
  12. this is not a bug. its just your lack of knowledge in BC. Redstone engines going red is normal. redstone engine only explode on energy overload and so does steam engines the only engine that overload on temperature is combustion engines thus the cooling. The only way i know of exploding a redstone engine is to pump it power using an adjacent energy link or other engines.
  13. actually heres the thing if you are using hamachi you dont need to port forward as hamachi acts as a lan network or VPN and if you are port forwarding you dont need to use hamachi.
  14. heres a quote from a bukkit thread on how to setup a server using hamachi thread link : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tutorial-running-a-server-port-forwarding-hamachi.27018/
  15. you have said you have tried to create a vanilla server before and it worked? try porting the server properties across or just delete the server properties and let the server recreate one.
  16. The key stuck bug is a constant problem experienced by everyone including vanilla therefore if you would like a quick fix for that you just have to click out of the java window and click back in again. As for the problem with items not dropping, i assume NEI has locked the world to disable item drops. Try to disable and then re-enable the item drop function to see if it fixes the problem
  17. it might be a client sided error so i would like to ask if anyone else on the server is experiencing the same thing ?
  18. just leave it blank and try to start the server and use the same ip to connect i never toutched that setting except to enable whitelist and disable online mode for various reasons
  19. please keep the server ip properties blank as then the server will search for the ip by it self
  20. This Error report is a MESS an i literary mean a mess @MasterSackHuman Your error report is insufficient can you give a more detailed description on what have you done. In regard to your port forwarding attempt please use a open port checker against your ip to verify you have forwarded the port properly. @thcxprototype Your problem is completely different from what is happening here as yours is a username verification error from minecraft.net and your solution is just asking the client not to verify usernames from minecraft.net. Do you have multiple installations of java in your computer? go to Control panel and then java to check delete all except the one you are using. @darkecojaj Please be more specific by what you mean by "Then I switched it back to normal bukkit, and then it appears port fowarded." Please note that if you are connecting to a computer on the same LAN please use the internal ip to connect unless you are testing to see if others can connect.
  21. Moreover leaking buildcraft pipes would only cause client sided FPS lag and not network lag
  22. its a miserable upload so i am to conclude its bandwidth issue then EDIT: However it worked before for say 2 weeks no problem and reverting to old backup also solves the problem so i am to assume something is jamming up the bandwidth on the server
  23. Please refer to this thread http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/nether-ores-not-working-correctly.12850/ next time do a search b4 double posting
  24. what version of the launcher are you using
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