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Everything posted by Architect

  1. Architect


    ah well crap sorry did not notice the date, was just doing a search for slopes here, and these were the first ones that popped up. is there a way to get the search results to sort by date?
  2. I can not wait, I will have to start looking for a lightwave object (.lwo) to wavefront obj converter, as I have lightwave, (was a present from a company I did a lot of lightwave work for, as well as salvage of their old data from an amiga 2000 I love building both alone and co-opting with other people in minecraft and have loved modeling in lightwave for years, so this will bring the two together finally, Thanks so much for doing this!!!
  3. ok so since I guess this is not the right place I got the slopes mod I was asking about working, here is a link to the thread I made with the details on it. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/kaevator-slopes-install-on-tekkit-help-and-my-config-file.27287/
  4. Architect


    interesting. I got the slopes mod to work with tekkit 3.1.2 and my client. Some one has already updated it for craftbukkit 1.2.5 so it was all in just finding some free block IDs and getting the configuration file to fully generate :)
  5. wow this is sad. I did the work to make the slopes mod work with tekkit, and here I was going to just let people have the work for free anyway seriously, I guess I should make a thread and post the work I did so people can get it working, cause it is awesome!.....
  6. ok well crap, not sure what I did wrong, but it seems they removed my server thread. any ideas?
  7. ok so I am really super new to this, (*just started learning how to use some stuff and have zero java background so please if you see something that a java programmer would consider stupid, enlighten me as to how it would be done, rather than just blast me with hate ok?) DESCRIPTION: ok so first off I am working on making custom generated worlds by changing the tekkit.jar so that the whole world will be a certain way, thus anyone wanting to run say two servers with different worlds will have to follow these instructions, and customize their tekkit jar separately for each type of world. TOOLS: DirtyJoe (Java Overall Editor) http://dirty-joe.com/ DONE:(going to rearrange things here a bit, read below for a sort of low down on what basically went on, but substitute the different classes for each instance.) customized the BiomeDesert.class so that it is renamed with other biome classes so far, this required changing the class names inside the actual classes too. then I reloaded these into the jar (path: tekkit.jar/net/minecraft/server) once that was done, everything worked fine so far, though there are still things I want to adjust. list:(*'s indicate it worked well and nothing behind them indicates that they still need more work that I may not be able to do, while +'s indicate that I have an idea of what can be done, but currently my java software is not letting me.) Desert*+ Ocean+ jungle* Swamp Help: (this is a list of helpful things I could use help on with this.) ҉ getting a better compiler running. ҉ creating an installer, (see 1 below) ҉ changing what ever effects sea level for both desert and ocean (lower desert raise ocean) More later, also if you see something that should change here to ensure clarity, or to fit some guidelines, please let me know, I will try to check up once a day or so, in case there is, or if someone has any questions I can help with. 1. so far I am using techniques that require direct access to your tekkit.jar to modify it, so a plug in that would some how over ride or insert them automatically would be magic for those server hosts that do not allow uploading or modifying a tekkit.jar but still allow you to install plug-ins.
  8. Thank you. by the way the test server is at www.rca.servegame.com if anyone wants to see how the modifications I made to the classes actually looks, world is in peaceful, and there is no listing of any sort, you can log in to have a look around and test out doing things in it with no restrictions. thread for it is here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-the-architects-home-world-pvp-5-slots-open-mcmmo-worldedit-transporter-custom-desert.27045/ if you see something that needs to be changed please feel free to let me know here or on facebook (I have pidgin up so even when my browser is closed I still get messages sent through facebook) I have other ways to contact me too if anyone wants to chat.
  9. Hello, I am new to modding, and know next to nothing really, but I have modified my tekkit.jar to produce an all desert and water world. (mostly desert) no trees exist thanks to the changes, I am working next on creating an all ocean and island world, ran into some snags, but anyone who can help it would be greatly appreciated. I will be back with a link to my test server that people will be free to come and check out, to see how the mod effected the world. also I will do some investigating to see where to put a thread that will detail what I did to mod my tekkit.jar's class files, to effect the changes I made. my attempt to make a water world needs two things, the landscape must drop and have more water, (managed to get rid of desert and nearly all ice biomes so far.) the other thing being to maybe raise the water level from the block 64 it is at normally, to say 75. Anyone who knows how this is done feel free to message me. or anyone who would like to help out with restricting resources like lowering the amount of copper ore generated to around a 10th or less of what it normally generates at, that would be super appreciated. These worlds are not meant to operate solo, but work in joint effort on multiple servers, all connected via portals so ingame world changing will be nearly as easy as it is to go from the nether to the overworld. the only difference is that these portals will be set in stone, as in you can not create them as a player, only use them, and they are not all 2 way, so getting back to the world you left may entail travel to several other worlds to find a portal that goes back to it. I have a facebook page set up for this project, for those wanting to work on it, those wanting to play in it, and those who want to help run it. (since this is on multiple servers, anyone with a server could technically join in, and I will start putting together a map of how the servers will interconnect to allow me to properly place your server based on the type of world you want to host. (here is the link to that. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Skyway-Aliens/285863018194143 ) eventually I want to design a server that will generate tons of artificial structures all underground, say made of iron blocks instead of stone, and with very clean shapes, but that is off a ways. If anyone knows how to mod the files to change dungeons, and cave generation feel free to message me as well. (village generation as well). Off to create the other two threads, the build and mod work, and the server thread.
  10. looks like this guy is working on it, but we need to add it to tekkit now http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/kaevators-super-slopes/
  11. exactly burningcake, this is the sort of thing that will change for ever the world of gaming as the prettier games only have the more variance of shapes to crow home about now with 128, 256 and 512 pixel texture maps. What would be awesome would be to get reflection and refraction into the game and be the first truly VR game in existence. The freedom of play, makes this game the best one on the market as far as I am concerned.
  12. it looks like some one has been updating it, but there are a ton of block conflicts if you try to use it with tekkit server if you want the link to their work, let me know.
  13. fantastic, can not wait to see what is coming out from your expertise Jaki.
  14. ah ok thanks for the help, I think part of my project may be easier than I originally thought, as I am thinking now that I can just extract a copy of the biome I want to be the only one in the world, and then make copies of it renaming each one with the name of the other biomes and then copying these back into the jar, over the other files, (say copy out desert.class and rename it forest.class, then copy it back into the jar over the actual forest.class, this way when the world is generating and wants to make a forest biome, it will use the template that desert gives and make desert though it will still show up as forest if you have a program that lets you see what biome you are in.) If it works I will come back and drop off that info, (that it worked ) and an IP to a test server so people can see it in action.
  15. I have one that I think should be given some serious attention. Kaevator super Slopes. I would love to see 3 things for this, 1. it updated to work with current stuff 2. the update to work with tekkit, 3. more than just sloped shapes, say fillets and radius's link to his post and code where he abandoned it for others to work with it since he abandoned it. http://www.planetminecraft.com/mod/kaevator-slopes-for-minecraft/
  16. I would like to see something that would allow EE to be used, but the items not crafted, I am working on putting up a network of servers, that each server will have a different world in it, (ex. all desert world for a dune like planet, connected via portals to a server that has an all water world, like the main characters home world, or waterworld movie) I want to have a couple very hard to find worlds that connect to most if not all other worlds that have the ability to build EE stuff, so they are kinda like an ultra advanced civilization sorta world, one being the world of the portal builders, that connected all the worlds (sorta like theÆsir from stargate, though I am actually following a trilogy of books written from way before stargate, called the starrigger, red limit freeway, and paradox ally, all written by John DeChancie) I would still want the stuff to be able to be used, so if they are carrying stuff in inventory from one world to another, they can use it, but not allow crafting or replication (say like using energy condensers to make more energy condensers, or energy converters) and not allow removing the items either, I don't want to make them indestructible, just not drop anything if they are broken. just some ideas, that might fit with your plug in there sir. carry on :)
  17. ah well what I am looking at doing *since my programming skills are not to advanced* is to just modify a jar so that it always generates the same type of world, so changing the world to another type would require uploading a different file to run from the lanch bat file. Is there some format that would make the insertion of my files into the jar easier? ( from what I have seen so far, I am just editing .class files so....) or is that something that no matter what will require manually unzipping the jar and copying my files over top of the existing files in it? I ask because I see a lot of people saying, make it work with this program or that program (mod loader, bukkit, etc.)
  18. Hello, I am still fuzzy as to how I would go about making a modification of a server jar (think a server jar that only generates desert worlds, or water worlds) I am going through a lot to make these happen, so I figure the least I could hope for is that I *and the players on my servers) are not the only ones who can benefit from them. Do I send them to the people here, and let them know what it is, and let them post them as options along side their traditional tekkit server jar? Do I have to contact everyone that worked on a mod for these, asking permission then find a host to host the files? Just wanting to give something back for all the info and details as well as all the original hard work to the community that has done all this to make it possible. (also would not hurt to get others who are running servers to want to join in building a massive network of servers, that creates a universe of different worlds heh heh) any info on this is greatly appreciated.
  19. ok sorry, always thought double posting was when a post shows up twice that is a duplicate of each other. added it to the original. so if some one wants to delete this post feel free.
  20. so I tried loading the transporter plug-in and have found that the portals do not work, even using the /trp command to force my gates on, they still do not transport you. The /trp commands work to send a player to a gate, but I was hoping to avoid using the chat console for this, and keep it in game, as it breaks the flow of the game any ideas? maybe I am using the wrong version of the plug in (newest one out) and need to dial it back a version or two? or is this something that has not been worked out fully yet? (the version of the plug in I have is 8.4 and the tekkit version is 3.1.2) if any other info is needed let me know. Thanks *edit...ok I think I solved it. seems you need 8.5 for this version. was updated since I grabbed their latest build I guess. (more than 16 hours ago) Thanks if anyone has looked at this.*
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