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Everything posted by jonjon1234

  1. What blocks are you using for the frame machine? What are you making it do? Screenshots would be nice so we can see your machine and see what may be going on. Until then, try oping [Redpower2] or [RedPower2] (Somthing like that]
  2. Computercraft? Lolwhat? The error message about forestry items is RailCraft trying to find the cans and stuff from forestry, which we don't have, and won't have.
  3. Buttttts, I'ma judge! GAHGAAHAHAH ***Jonjon1234 Cries in a corner***
  4. I don't have a beard... I shall be the judge. CheapShot? You don't have permissions for using their beards... Shave it off please, before you enter the courtroom preferably.
  5. I have badass LUA scripts... Guys! On every CC computer you have, install this as startup! Mod Question, am I allowed to put this? In the spoilers I mean. Also, BRB, I'm putting this somewhere where the FTB crew may find it... (Does the FTB irc channel sound good?)
  6. Wat? OnTopic: OH MY GOD, FTB IS OUT!!! TECHNICS WILL DIE AGGHGHGHGHHHHH. But, why the drama? They are both good mod packs, both with their advantages and disadvantages. I like FTB, but I like technic aswell, FTB is bad for servers, as it has no way of controlling servers, whereas Tekkit is Bukkit, so has server control plugins.
  7. Yes, Mine keep falling of my AK47 every time I shoot small children... But I don't shoot small children... Not at all. OnTopic: What sort of issues?
  8. Be sure to /op [buildcraft] as that is the FakePlayer that Buildcraft uses.
  9. jonjon1234


    'Scuse me Mr ProLow... Before you enter that bomb shelter, could you give me the shelter tax? IN JONJONS OFFICE TOWER THING! ***Jonjon drinks a cup of hot tea*** SIR! The right hornable Lord Dr. Jonjon MD MP! We have to evacuate the city! A man cannot update Tekkit! *** At this point Jonjon stands, points at his city affairs clerk and bellows*** We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields... And in the streets! We shall fight in the hills! And in the Technic Pack forums! WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER! ***At this point, a giant flock of pigeons flock into the room as the TF2 Meet-The-Medic theme plays*** Amen.
  10. jonjon1234


    You don't want to know.
  11. Head of JonjonInc.

  12. But it would be something for us humble users to do.
  13. Oh dear... Triple posting are we Josh? On topic: 1) Perhaps making a building out of diamond blocks ( ) 2) Underground water and electricity wires/pipes to power a city. 3) A underground mobile system using frames. 3) A school and hospital with hospitaly stuff in. 4) A university and binotical diversity centre (for IC2 crops) 5) Make a public machine room, shared liquids room and shared resources room, and a working donations system. 6) Market with Trade-O-Matics. 7) Military base. 8) Underground secret lair! 9) Secret underground lair. 10) Publish the world here when you are done. 11) ... 12) Profit. 13) Make a factory area, with factory's making loads of things, such as a Logic factory. (Producing RP2 logic tiles) 14) Make a cafe, with a brewery in the basement. 15) Jaffa Cafe.
  14. Perhaps adding / ranking some players to be organisers for this new part of the forums and they would give the points out. That would be cool. If I could be a sectional moderator / Compatition organiser, I would love you Kakermix. (Or CheapShot.)
  15. Sounds cool... Perhaps having 'Official' challenges from the Technic team.
  16. One last thing, on your server's forums. Ask the community about abusive times. I only listed a few...
  17. Give me ten to search the wikis again... Right... Flying. Gem Boots, Swift wolfs Rendering Gale, Ring of Arcana. Fire ring is the: Ring of Ignition an/or the Ring of Arcana. The volcanite ambulate is for lava. Also, may I point you towards the Tekkit and EE2 wikis? http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tekkit_Wiki http://equivalentexchange.wikispaces.com/ Anything else?
  18. Mod_ee.props You can disable any and/or some EE items. ic2.cfg You can disable crafting of nukes. Dupe machines? Disable Dark/Red matter furnaces and Duplicators. (EE). Tubestuff duplicators can only be spawned in. What other 'uber hack items' are you referring to? Edit: Weaponmod = Weapons. If you want it....
  19. You have two objects attempting to be added to the same slot. Clear your cache and redownload.
  20. Block ID error. If you can change ID settings, then great! Do that. Otherwise, backup your saves and clear your cache.
  21. It's the way Alchemy bag inventories are handled, to make it SMP compatible. It's the same in the Server, I have files called "bag_jonjon1234" "bag_piesofthesky" etc. If I was to join a server, once in "offline" player (Steve skin, name being "Player") it would save the inventory and bag under "Player", however, then joining as "Jonjon1234" would think I was a new player, giving me new bags and a new inventory... It's just the way the bags and players are handled. It's the same as Vanilla. About EnderPouches. They are linked via colours. Temperary solution is to go into your saves folder -> world -> data -> bag_player to bag_NAME or to bag_NAME to bag_PLAYER. This would save the bag's inventory for both players. Apart from that, not much can be done. EDIT: Or copy then rename...
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