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Posts posted by Niavmai

  1. It's actually incredibly simple, to do at least the most basic things.

    forgeEssentials\permissions\groups.cfg would be where you change that prefix. You can also set the default group (not Default, but the default on joining the server), to be set to Members instead of Default, if you want. It really isn't that hard if you would just actually go look. I'm looking for the minimap permissions, and will likely find it for you in under 10 minutes, without any help.

    E: I literally found it in under 30 seconds with google. http://cnation.net/cn/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5718

  2. why?

    He was part of the anti-technic movement.

    "Raaah, they aren't playing this creative game exactly how I want them to play it. I'm going to throw a huge hissyfit, while all the other manbabies support my self-fueled self-destructive e-rampage. Maybe it'll help with my crippling self loathing and manic ego."

  3. EE3 is being completely rewritten to be less 'cheaty' there is no condensers or collectors or transmutation tablets as of now. I know that forestry and thaumcraft arent allowed in tekkit(which sucks), which is why i play FTB cause it has forestry(totally not a lost cause).

    He calls Forestry a lost cause, because the developer was willing to put malicious code into his mod. Literally malware, that would cause your game to crash. In reality, he should be completely shunted from the community, but alas, MinecraftCommunity™.

  4. No one should be trying to tell you how to manipulate your parents. I'm assuming you're under 18, and still legally (and likely mentally) dependant on them, so they have every right to parent you in the way they want, assuming it doesn't cause obvious harm to your well being. Asking for strangers to help you come up with arguments is disrespectful at best. Maybe just be an adult, sit down and have a conversation with them, and use your own words. And if you can't think of any good reasons why they should let you have it back, then maybe they're right to begin with.

  5. http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ Main Page. Server Page. 3.1.2 is listed under previous versions.

    As someone who came back after the semester ended and updated my server to 3.1.3 because it's plastered everywhere as the most up to date build, with no inclination of being a dev build on the main site: Kindly take your unjustified attitude with you and get out yourself.

    In order to log into a 3.1.3 server, you need to actually take the time to go into the options in the launcher, and set it specifically to either Manual builds, or Dev builds, both of which clearly stating that 3.1.3 is a development build. If you cannot figure it out from there, then I'm a little surprised you can figure out how to post. Or breathe for that matter.

  6. Right.

    1) I am talking about updating to 3.1.3. This implies I am using 3.1.2 on my server and am well aware of bugs. This does not take away the question of whether or not updating to 3.1.3 is worth it (I still don't know). If I am using 3.1.2 and can live with its limitations, and am hearing all about the 3.1.3 bugfest, why would I update? ..... I guess some people find it hard not to become offended when I call this new development release a pile of dung. Perhaps it should have been confined to a closed group of testers as these bugs should have been relatively easy to find.

    2) A development version is supposed to 'develop' into something. If you go from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3, it assumes there is some kind of end goal where the recommended version will be equal to this development version plus fixes at some point. I don't see this happening as they have stated it will be the 'last version using this version of MC' hence why I posted this. Does this question my intelligence? No. Does it question yours? Perhaps. Who cares? I am not into dick measuring and neither should you be as you're not very good at it.

    3) Yeah, I removed this picture as it was due to my texture pack, I solved it after posting. So what?

    You don't like bugs. Don't update to an unfinished version. Ta-da. Get out.

  7. I know it's a development version. Don't get me wrong, I love tekkit and I love forge and mucho love to everyone true full blown hippie style BUT I'm talking about 3.1.3 here - it's just really buggy and I am wondering if it is worth updating. I take this as a 'no'.

    Also lolling at your reference to development build when they said this would be the last build of tekkit using this version of MC. So uh, what exactly is the development part doing there?

    Development. As in 'in development'. As in, unfinished. Get bent.

    E for clarity: If you aren't intelligent enough to know the difference, maybe you should stick with the recommended version.

    E2: Also since you had the gall to remove the picture of such a HORRIBLY offensive bug (a missing chunk! Man, whatever were they thinking?), I think I should let people know.

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