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Everything posted by deerhunter101

  1. Some related posts. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/220-000-eu-tick-kills-quantum-armor-instantly.27472/#post-220886 http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/cheap-refined-quantum-armor-killing-machine.27664/
  2. No sweat, sorry I suck at programming and couldn't be of more help. Hope you figure it out.
  3. The best place to get the help you need would be the computercraft forums. http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/ Good luck! :)
  4. Probably a stupid question, but are you placing the thermal monitor directly on either the nuclear reactor or the reactor chambers? I've been noticing people saying "thermal monitor isn't working" and see in their screenshot/video that they haven't placed it directly on the reactor chambers. Not saying thats your problem, but just checking.
  5. because hes spamming every thread lol
  6. its actually called a tekkit.jar
  7. I totally agree with you, I would love to play "with" people doing like some of the new plant type things (crossbreeding) and the beer mod, ooo and I've been working on making a pop-up house using redstone frame motors. And I would love to try and figure out some of the forestry stuff (not sure if forestry is still apart of tekkit). Well... if you find something like this maybe you could send me a message or something? I dunno, I hope you find what your looking for. Good luck!
  8. Ya, diamond pipe works best at T intersections or more.
  9. aww that sucks sorry I couldn't help
  10. in the server.properties file check and tell me what your "server-ip=" is, wait.... not trying to get your ip, but if your using the wrong ip it sometimes comes back with a port being used error. If your just playing LAN you want to use your local ip example. vs using your Internet ip. If you aren't playing LAN, you have to use your internet ip, it can be found by googling "whats my ip", then you need to port forward your minecraft port. DONT post your real IP address here. (To find out your local ip address, click "start" and type "cmd" it will bring up a dos command prompt, then type "ipconfig") Might help a little, its for vanilla but setting up tekkit is very similar.
  11. Actually you can still play tekkit ssp, tho I dont know why you would. Yea i guess so, I didnt think of that.
  12. http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=2963
  13. Backup any world saves you might have on technic or tekkit, start your launcher, click "options" at the login screen, and select "clear cache" then when you go back into tekkit it will ask to update, select yes, and this should fix any problems your having. Hope this helps, good luck!
  14. Super cheap emc generator using bones and blaze rods,
  15. http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/Brewing
  16. Remove EE, it's crazy OP and easily abused. Not sure if you can remove just collectors, but you can diasble their use, tho im not sure how..... sorry guess I wasnt very helpful. :(
  17. 1. No, wireless no, but there is a power teleport pipe 2. 1-2 layers sides and top, 3-4 layers bottom, Nuclear reactors don't explode, they melt, or meltdown.
  18. It appears the crafting table block id's are the same as some computercraft block ids. I would guess they are incompatible. I know you can change the id's of the computercraft blocks in the CC config, but I have no experience with changing the id numbers. Oh well NM :P
  19. Super simple 2 steps to mods 1.download mod (in zip form) 2. Drop it in .techniclauncher/technicssp or tekkit/mods folder Done. Careful double posting, mods hate that I really hope you get your world back, I know how losing a world you worked hard on can be devastating.
  20. *Fingers get caught in real beard" Its not worth it lol
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