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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. The launcher, just like all the versions.
  2. Hi, malexion, We made these bugs known to calc prior to release and ultimately he pushed for release anyway. I'd strongly suggest taking these bugs up with him in #universalelectricity on the Espernet IRC network.
  3. No, you need to buy an account.
  4. 1.1.4 is actually the final 1.4.7 patch- you can see in the changelog that it's pretty light in terms of changes. EDIT: Also LOL at MPS being too OP.
  5. A couple things- stuff doesn't die when you hit the spawn limit, at all. New stuff just won't spawn in. It sounds like you're in a situation where you have too many chickens packed into too tight of an area. When this happens, chickens will get forced into the wall and then suffocate to death. My recommendation is to expand the size of your pen.
  6. What's the issue you're encountering? Animals don't despawn like mobs, and breeding doesn't interact with the spawn limit. The animal spawn limit mainly exists so that animals will respawn into chunks after there has been some sort of massacre.
  7. For those who are still confused, you pump water into the chemical extractor, and place empty cells in the left-hand slot. As long as the chemical extractor has power, the empty cells will process into deuterium and water will be consumed.
  8. Top men are working on doing just that right now!
  9. I'm glad to hear that! We need more servers, I'm glad your exists.
  10. Ha, how'd I screw that up? Okay, good reports, thank you.
  11. :-P This isn't a scheme to bogart all the +1's, Big Dig will be pulled from the platform eventually. We're trying to give the folks who played Big Dig as a platform pack the opportunity to transition over before we pull the rug out from under them.
  12. I believe NEI is supposed to show up any time your inventory is visible in a GUI like that. I don't think that's wrong. That said, NEI is probably a little confused about when to show/when not to show when it comes to machines from other mods, so I don't doubt it's a little inconsistent. You can hit the o button to hide NEI in situations where it's being a pain. I'm not sure how this setup could ever work- you don't have a wooden conductive pipe there to extract the power.
  13. Maybe there's something I'm missing. A combustion engine that uses oil directly costs 12 iron, 1 glass, 1 redstone, and assorted wood and cobble. Using power converters' ratios, it produces slightly more energy than 7 solar panels, which altogether cost 21 glass, 21 coal, 84 rubber, 70 iron, 42 redstone, 42 copper, and 28 tin. It will produce twice as much energy if you run the oil through a refinery first. I can tell you've never used an oil-based solution because refined fuel lasts FOREVER. You don't have to spend a lot of time searching for new sources. If you want to mine up 10 times as much stuff just not to have to mess with it, that's your choice, but that's it, that's the trade-off. There it is. Also, who cares, this is big dig, the game where you find a vein of diamonds next to your spawn. The point is to try everything with your ridiculous resources. If you're spending time worrying about your most efficient path (to what, I'm not sure), then maybe this isn't the modpack for you. As I am not a mind-reader, you will need to screenshot your setup.
  14. applied energistics
  15. In minecraft 1.5, forge introduced "SRG Obfuscation" which is intended to allow the same mod to work across multiple versions despite obfuscation changes. My testing indicated that the above version of AOP works in 1.51, but please let me know if that is not the case for you.
  16. don't post from the crash folder, post your ForgeModLoader-client-0.log from the root folder.
  17. That's not the whole log.
  18. This got taken care of in PMs, it was just some dupe mods added during an upgrade.
  19. Hey, everyone, here's version 1.1 of An Obsidian Plate. It's exactly the same as 1.0, only this time it runs on Minecraft 1.5. http://www.mediafire.com/?d3fz0ewo4fnfy59
  20. Go ahead and pastebin me your log then.
  21. It sounds like you're short on memory. You can allocate more by using the cogwheel menu on the top right of the launcher.
  22. They take up spawning space and don't add anything except an interminable number of new tools and armor. Utility ores is the exception, but even that stuff has better alternatives in the other pack mods.
  23. Sounds like you found a dungeon from the Dimension Doors mod. Then you died. Dying in a pocket dimension lands you in limbo! There's a way out but you'll end up very far away from where you went in. You can find out more by looking up info about the Dimensional Doors mod.
  24. Could you post your logs?
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