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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. I was able to fix it by deleting my tekkitmain folder and starting over.
  2. Slight issue, 1.0.1 should be out now.
  3. It's floaty like jacketed wire, yeah. I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone LIKES wall wires, but they're not wall wires.
  4. The new microblocks work great- they only have one weakness, which is that in order for a cover between two pipe/wire/conduit/whatever blocks to stop those two blocks from connecting, the creator of the pipe/wire/whatever has to implement immibis's API, and pretty much no one has. We've gotten some early commitments from a couple modders to do so, however, so later versions of Tekkit will have the ultimate microblock setup.
  5. Please read the thread before responding to it. MFR has an integrated wiring and logic replacement.
  6. Hi, Unfortunately the bukkit community is still determined to actively discourage client modding, so bukkit is just not an option. THAT SAID, MCPC+ is better than ever and has gotten really reliable lately. MCPC+ is a forge mod that allows you to use bukkit plugins on your server. ForgeBukkit is another similar product, and of course ForgeEssentials is a good option for people who want bukkit-style commands and permissions but don't care about plugins. All three of these options have come into their own and while Technic doesn't provide support for install, you should be more than able to run your Tekkit server with the features you want.
  7. Someone already has, the person's name is immibis, the mod is called immibis' microblocks, it's in the new Tekkit pack, and it is incredible. Because unlike RP2, microblocks from lots of different mods can be made.
  8. I'm going to be straightforward with you all- we almost certainly will not be re-adding redpower later on down the road. If it were any other mod, it could be in the cards, but redpower has logic in place to prevent people from generating the world sans volcanos and then adding redpower. The result is if you just added redpower to your pack, volcanos would spawn randomly around your world, probably destroying your builds. Because of this functionality, once RP2 is out, it's probably out forever. You'll of course have the option to create a modified pack in the platform that adds redpower yourself if you'd like to play with it.
  9. Yes, rednet cables have 16 channels just like bundled cable. When rednet cable connects to a block you can see a little white band- this means that the connected block will communicate over rednet along the white channel. You can change the channel by using the precision sledgehammer on the band. The overworld and the moon to start. He's got advancement to Mars mostly complete but it won't be ready for this first release. 1. I sure hope so. 2. Hopefully not. What functionality is that? What addons? Most of IC2's core functionality involved solving problems created by IC2. Thermal Expansion, Modular Powersuits, and MineFactory Reloaded replace almost all of IC2's functionality with very few exceptions. In fact the only exception I can think of off the top of my head is UU-Matter. I also contest your second assertion, that IC2 has a 1.5.1 build out. I'm sure that someone has built a version of IC2 that is ostensibly for 1.5.1, but that is not the same as having a build out. IC2 has not completed a successful public release since 1.4.5, which is almost 6 months ago. They didn't have a public release for 1.4.6, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, it's safe to say they won't have one for 1.5.2. It's easy to say "oh well if you go on their Jenkins", and certainly the IC2 staff enjoys saying that in lieu of completing a release, but here is the crux of the issue: If the IC2 team is not willing to endorse any given build for public consumption, how can the Technic team? And to be honest, I don't blame them- I've tried to use some of their jenkins builds. They swing wildly between laggy, buggy, crashy, incompatible with other mods, and the builds that do work all contain breaking API changes which prevent them from being added to modpacks. The whole project is falling apart at the seams, and IC2 is not any more ready for 1.5 than RP2 is.
  10. MFR does redstone wires better for a few reasons: - RP2's redstone invalidates chunks every time it updates. This has caused RP2 timers to become notorious on redpower servers because nearby players are constantly streaming chunks from the server. - MFR's wiring is compatible with immibis's microblocks, which means that solid blocks from any mod can be made into covers, unlike RP2 wires which can only be covered by vanilla or RP2 blocks. - MFR's wiring is non-lossy: redstone signal can be transmitted any distance and still only lose one level of signal. - MFR's wiring carries 16 channels of data, just like RP2 bundled cable. Except, it doesn't need 16 types of colored wiring choking up your inventory to take advantage of those channels, just a precision sledgehammer. It's very simple to produce extremely compact operations. This is without even going into the benefits of MFR's Programmable Redstone Controller, which is so deeply superior to Redpower's logic blocks in every single way that it's not even worth mentioning.
  11. Well there is a way to speed them up for a cost- you have to spend twice as much energy, twice as many materials, and twice as much space, but they also go twice as fast. You build a second pulverizer. I know it's not as cool and compact, but it does work really well and due to the way Applied Energistics works you tend to build one ore processor per ore type anyway. If you get automation feeding in ore and pulling out dust, though, it really does double the processing speed without much trouble from you.
  12. Welp! Shows what I know!
  13. So does dimensional anchors, which is included.
  14. A couple things: - Thermex will have a charging bench style machine before release, and it will work with MPS. - Item movement & automation can be replaced by buildcraft pipes, Applied Energistics ME networks, or MFR conveyors. Logistics Pipes will be going in the pack in a later version, once they have a stable 1.5 version. If you love redpower and you've been too set in your ways to try out Applied Energistics, then I guarantee you will thank us for removing RP2 after you do. - There are going to be a few good generator options to start with (thermex steam, magmatic engines, combusti-ahahahahaha) and we're keeping a lookout for better generator options, since we know it's our weak point. - If you've been using geothermal, then it should be pretty easy to transition to thermal expansion magmatics.
  15. Here's the 1.4.7 version: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xdedi9rcfea22bm
  16. Okay, but did you actually check the box for increased permgen.
  17. No, its only purpose is to separate one type of liquid from another.
  18. Water Strainer hasn't existed in power converters since classic. What you want these days is the liquirouter in MineFactory Reloaded. Think of it like an RP2 sorter for liquids.
  19. Seldion was complaining that since he plays FTB ultimate, which has an old version of MFR, he couldn't reconfigure MFR to let him set up an infinite energy loop with lava gens. This is apparently something hardcore badasses do: Anyway, only dumb babbies can't handle gregtech: Also some weird nationalistic shit: Also there's this: Anyway eventually we hit this:
  20. Sorry, is this a SSP world? For the error message, the thing it's complaining about is that Dimensional Doors added a new block and a new ID that your old world doesn't have. This should ordinarily not be an issue, provided that everyone involved is running the same version of dimensional doors. I find it really weird that it's freaking out like that, which makes me inclined to guess that someone is still on the old version, or something unrelated is going wrong.
  21. So use pastebin like I said the first time.
  22. The forge log is ForgeModLoader-client-0.log located in the .technic\bigdig folder.
  23. The forge log, not the launcher log.
  24. Okay, go ahead and pastebin your forge log and I'll take a look at it.
  25. What is the allocation set to?
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