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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Well it's nice that you think he is immature, allow me to point something out

    The forum itself does this once you have received sufficient warning points, if you go and check your profile you will see that you don't have an avatar there

    Also can you prove to me it was Valcan? I highly doubt it because I've been warned in the past, didn't even realise because there was no alert as to who applied the warning, which topic or why. I found out the which and why because I saw the warning box on my post but never the who.

    Some of the warning choices have a pre-canned response PM that kicks off when selected. Low effort in particular has one. But sometimes we use custom warnings, which don't have a pre-made alert PM. Note the PM alert is separate from the public warning you see in posts.

    Most of the time we're too lazy to write out a PM when using a custom warning and just use the public warning option.

  2. I didn't say it was his fault for me make this post. I said he is immature because he made my picture that pic. Also, the second part would be nice, but you wouldn't be in it. ;) One last thing, before you say something, try not to make a fool of yourself by saying something I didn't say, thanks! :D

    It's cute when children think they have the high ground.

  3. Diamonds spawn from levels 1-16. The 5-12 suggestion comes from not only the random bedrock, but also the fact that's 50% of the spawn range and all completely within pick range from a flat floor.

    The average distribution is 2 ores per chunk I believe, but that means across the whole world, not that every chunk will have 2 diamonds.

    I personally dig a shaft straight down and clean out the entire 1-16 layer range, cobble and all. And sometimes I do find my standard 48x48 (3x3 chunks)artificial cavern is completely devoid of diamonds and I have to branch out into more chunks.

  4. You're the one that keeps the conversation going. If you want it to stop, then just don't even answer back lol.

    "If you don't stop talking back and let me win and feel superior over you I'll just keep talking and annoying you till I do win and you can't do anything about it."

    Although I might have conjugated a verb wrong. My pseudo-passive-agressive-15-year-old translation skills are a bit rusty.

  5. "And its own Dimension"

    What. What the hell does a Micky-D dimension look like? I kind of want to play this now, just to fathom the silly involved.

    Going to hazard a guess like this.

  6. Depends on if you have Curse Premiumâ„¢ or not :v:

    That will be interesting.

    "Do you have curse premium?" will be a first question asked when troubleshooting as their support forums get filled with people asking why FTB <whatever> pack takes 7 hours to download.

    I wonder how long before the announcement comes: "We've heard your complaints about download times and have taken action to correct it, as you have requested. The FTB ultimate pack will now have an astounding 10 mods, twice what the other packs feature! You're welcome."

  7. Take a look at this user and pay attention, Thanks for simply answering my question!

    1: Somnia is a MC1.2.5 single player only mod. Edit: Fancy that, they did update it.

    It was in the technic pack already.

    2: It only runs while your character sleeps, not you personally. I was designed to speed up the tick rate and get the night time simulated instead of just setting the ingame time to day like the bed normally does.

    3: It does not fit your stated criteria and has all the mechanical problems plaguing your demand that we have already pointed out.

    But by all means, keep gloating like you won or something. Not like there are people here who, if they get bored, have the power to remind you that you aren't a unique an precious snowflake who doesn't have to follow rules and deserves to have people fulfill his every whim.

  8. Sort by new and the relevent parts are near the top. Finally and I know again this may be me misreading somehow but there is no mention of Kakermix turning them down, if anything it reads like the opposite is true. The post says

    'The best part was I responded to the offer (after talking with Duncan a few times over the phone) with 'dramatic increase in what is being offered'. The response was 'we cant afford that' and thats where the talking stopped. From how I read that, it feels like Curse ended the negotiations and not Kakermix. Again if I have either misread this then I apologise but I can only go off the information in the post.

    Kaker ended the negotiations by giving them on offer they'd obviously refuse. He knew they were looking to get a chunk of the New World away from those savage natives for a sackful of shiny beads.

    Considering the description of the first deal they offered to their first choice, I wonder just how rose colored your glasses are when you described how little will change.

  9. It wasn't in the 1850s. People living in the north and west generally hated it while people in the south relied on it as an intergral part of their economy. What was universally reviled by southern slaveholders were abolitionists.

    True, but this discussion isn't aimed at the people of 1850 either.

    When you compare A to B with B being a historic practice your target audience finds distasteful, you're telling them A is just as distasteful. You can try to convince people to take the analogy with B in historic context instead of modern and you didn't mean to invoke comparison in THAT way, or you can just find a better example...

    Yes I have and will continue to take legal advice. Also please remember, this isn't just me that has gone into this agreement. A lot of people were consulted beforehand and remain completely in the loop on this entire process.

    Good to know. I just hope your lawyer is as good as theirs.

  10. I have to agree with GenPage's second point. The modding community for Minecraft is just like the USA on the brink of civil war in the 1850's; as long as no one brings up the sectional issues then it just about works. Then, it was slavery that was divisive.

    Bad example, slavery is universally reviled. MC modding is more like one of those unstable countries you hear about every week on the news. Multiple religions all playing nice until a stone is thrown through the wrong window and suddenly genocide begins anew.

    @GenPage ...

    Still waiting on that assurance that you have a lawyer on your side that is unaffiliated with curse in any way.

    You know, that thing every single successful business person does when entering contract negotiations?

  11. *stuff*

    You want to assure people this won't be as bad as we think? Assure us you and Lex consulted with professional IP lawyers you sourced help from yourselves and they gave the deal a looking over.

    Seriously dude, this isn't jealousy or anything, it's concern.

    It may have been an unrelated field but I once worked for a tiny local company that was bought up by a bigger guy with assurances that the owner and all 3 of us employees would have jobs with the new place. What they didn't say was we had to go through a 3 month probation period, which no one, including the previous owner, survived. I personally was fired because I once failed to bring a notebook to a meeting to take notes with, never mind I wasn't at that meeting because I was in the hospital bleeding to death but legally they had their excuse and I was out. Turns out the big guy already had a division doing everything we were, they just wanted our name and client list.

  12. Well there are a few things you should consider:

    1. Lex already had offers to sell Forge, why should he sell it now and why should anybody even want to buy it. You can simply create a fork and use it. However since Forge is OpenSource now there is no way that you can keep anybody from continuing the project.

    As I stated, any fork will have a very long uphill journey to come anywhere near what forge will coast with if they went closed source. Especially if they waited till a game changer MC update like the 1.3 and 1.7 updates and close source then.

    Say 1.9 changes a whole mess of stuff like 1.7 does. They could sit, work on it on private build servers until the new version is ready a month or two after the MC patch is released then break the news of closing source as they release the new version. Closed source forge has a 1-2month headstart, ALL the brand recognition still, and no possible competition likely to arise for atleast 6 months as all the little factions squabble over which fork will be the new standard.

    2. FTB doesn't need Forge. They have good hosting abilities. What they lack is manpower and money to hire people. They would simply need a lot of time to establish what curse already has, which also means they could still do it, but would need more time. FTB can go back to the current state at any given point.

    I believe you meant to type "FTB doesn't need Curse", because they sure as hell need forge. Without forge neither technic nor FTB would exist.

    And no, FTB is not in as strong of a position as you believe. Curse could have, if they so wished, created their own set of modpacks using the launcher FTB is moving to, and not had to have "partnered" with FTB. Curse controls the official minecraft forums with all couple million eyeballs fixed on it, already has their own launcher with a whole team of professional programmers working on it, and now has curseforge with a growing stranglehold on mod hosting. FTB has nothing on the technical side that can rival that.

    At best Curse is doing this to ensure modding stays firmly entrenched on their forums and sites, with no more leakage to those upstart launchers and their modpacks.

    Anyone with half a brain knows minecraft would have faded out a long time ago if not for modding filling in those gameplay gaps mojang is slow to take notice of. And now Curse has a hand deep inside both the root of modding and the modpacking group that boasts the most well known names in the scene. How long they take to start wiggling those fingers and to what end is all pure speculation, but history teaches it won't be an altruistic finder they extend.

  13. How would Curse close the source? The code is posted on github. The developers want it open source, so the most Curse could do is "you can't host here because you have the source open".

    Open sourcing something does not guarantee that all subsequent iterations will stay open source. All you have to do is get the OK to change the license from all the developers who have code currently in the source and you can close it as tight as you want.

    You cannot chance licenses retroactively, and you cannot take a fork away from someone. But you can gut out and recreate portions from devs who don't agree (if the new closed source project doesn't contain their code they have no legal standing), and you can certainly change a project's license.

    Effectively you stop developing the OSS version and start a new project, bringing all your previous work with you.

    Yes, it does happen. The usual story is a project finds patronage with a company that hires the developers. Then they weed out any code not provided by the developers under their employ, ending a couple months or years later with a project solely written by people they write check to on a consistent basis.

    There are two entirely possible and rather nefarious reasons they'd want to do this.

    1: Close the source and keep development going for a couple MC versions. Then offer to sell the code to mojang so they can quickly implement the most prevalent modding API without having to comply with the OSS license forge currently uses. Basically curse would be selling their work navigating the legal problems of closing the project.

    2: Lock down the API with more DRM than is currently in forge, so if you tried running a mod not downloaded from their service it would either ignore it or error out. Think gregtech targeting anyone but their launcher. This would give them a massive amount of control over the modding scene, since the sheer amount of momentum forge has would keep any OSS forks from gaining enough traction to be a real competitor for a long time. With control of the vast majority of mods they could then implement paid features like premium hosting, secure signing services (so no one steals your hard work), and whatnot.

  14. tps

    ticks per second

    The number of discrete steps the game logic takes per second to provide a consistent play level across a wide range of hardware profiles, from the minimum specs up to $20k+ overbuild monsters.

    Completely independent from FPS, the number of times per second the graphics subsystem takes a snapshot of the current simulation state and translates that into a 2D image for display.

    Also, 1000FPS? Are you done trying and failing to be cute?

  15. They did say that the forums will be independent. They might be linked, but the moderators will remain.

    Forums will be independent for how long? Someone has to pay for it, and within a year curse will be wondering why they bother supporting a duplicate forum when their forum is obviously superior and everyone uses it anyway...

    Also, I do see that FTB still owns themselves. If Curse tries anything, they should be able to pull out without too many problems.

    Considering the sheer amount of armchair lawyering slowpoke used to do back during the great anti-technic wars, I suspect there's more to this that anyone on the FTB side realizes.

    Remember, Curse is a company and if they are incorporated are legally required to use whatever underhanded yet legal tactics they can to gain as much from a deal as possible for as little expenditure as possible. Anything less than cheating and stealing from little guys is considered defrauding shareholders.

    With regards to Forge, the only thing I see is that it will mean their download servers will be less likely to go down. Remember that Forge is open source, and due to the license, legally should remain so.

    OSS licenses don't prohibit projects from going closed source or other license changes in the future, as long as they can settle any copyright claims.

  16. It looks to me like a corporation is buying up a popular thing in an attempt to boost public approval and absorb their user base.

    Historically it's a bit or miss. It will alienate a portion of the current userbase ("they sold out", "I came here to escape curse forums", ect...) and there are a LOT of actions they could end up taking at the direction of beancounters that run completely opposite of current philosophy, which may drive away the rest of the users they're buying.

    Just look at technology acquisitions and writeoffs for the last 10 years. Big names corporations like microsoft and yahoo buy up The Next Big Thing then write off the purchase not long later when it turns out the expertise and "Common Business Sense" they brought to the table killed their new toy before it had a chance to actually take off.

    Curse is not exactly known for fair moderators with a firm grasp on legality who promote intellectual discourse, and my past experience with the curse client with WoW addons has shown me less than stellar performance with a focus on getting you to subscribe to their service for it to actually work as expected.

    Specifically the WoW addons, their supposed easy to use system to keep everything up to date took longer than it should, bugged me to give them money to speed it up, scanned my CD drive for some odd reason when it started up, and I had to run two other updaters to make sure the big addons like auctioneer and titan panel actually got updated.

    I'm not very optimistic. Best I'm hoping for is they don't completely screw everything over and FTB stays viable enough to service people as they did before.

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