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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Hello, I need help creating a mod pack that can run off the latest (or any) version of tekknic launcher.

    The mod pack would consist of the VERY simplistic mods of

    -Dimensional doors

    -Tinker's construct

    -Build Craft

    -Archimedes' Ships


    -Too many items

    If one could please help me with this that would be fantastic!

    Like you said, yours is simple. So it should be no problem getting it done yourself.

    Both Tekkit and Hexxit have Dimensional doors and NEI (I do hope you meant that and not TMI), and they each have one of the other mods you want. So copy the relevant folders from tekkit or hexxit, remove the mods you don't want, and toss in the two more you do.

    Making a modpack is easier then you think.

  2. Computercraft is just as secure as anything in minecraft can be, you just have to figure out how to not do things like a basic computer that controls your front door by waiting for a plain text password and outputting a redstone signal when it matches.

  3. Neowulf, I never heard of this, but sure enough it is part of the 1.1.0 pack. I am very behind the times. Umm, care to share what kind of script/program needs to be made for that?

    OpenCCSensors has been in tekkit since tekkit lite I believe. Definitely part of the entire range of MC1.5.x tekkit versions.

    As for code, http://www.computercraft.info/wiki/index.php?title=OpenCCSensors

    The example at the bottom is exactly what you want. Trigger the forcefield projector on/off with a redstone signal based on player proximity and have the sensor near the roof of your launch tube.

    For bonus points you can alter it to check the target name and y position and only trigger for certain players in sensor range under a certain height. That way it doesn't open for random players walking ontop of your field.

  4. Out of curiosity, since it sounds like Tekkit Lite is no longer being updated with the newer version of minecraft, would there be a way to manually update tekkit lite to the more current minecraft and would I even be able to throw in a couple of new select mods such as the most recent updates on Galacticraft?

    You revived a half year dead thread to ask a question I answered with the last post of the thread? Seriously?

  5. That's another T-shirt for the range.

    Anyway, the original creeper is IP of Mojang, A.B. so a deal would have to be made.

    I'm sure Jeb wouldn't have a problem if cheap asked nicely, because Jeb is a nice person.

    -And I do mean gravel, because no one would hook a diamond chest up to an incinerator now, would they?


  6. Please read the modpack submission guidelines. Unstable packs are not against the rules, and copycats are fine as long as the name is different. Ones with bad download links are subject to removal, this is true.

    And making a modpack that contains a mod against the wishes of the modder is not illegal. This has been explained many times by actual lawyers on every minecraft related forum since modpacks first started. A section for permissions is provided in the modpack description, but it will never be policed.

    Personally, you're coming off here as highly anti-social. You just admitted to enjoying helping others get punished, and that's frankly really creepy.

  7. ...so... there is no one on the Team that will ever going answer such a simple question?

    No. And if you payed any attention you'd have noticed you got a warning for the question.

    ETAs are stupid and you will never get one. Ever. And for a very good reason.

    No matter how many times t is made clear it's an Estimate, people still take them as set in stone promises with crossing of hearts and all that jazz. If one is missed then people get every shade of pissy under the sun about broken promises.

    Doesn't matter why it is missed either. From just plain too hard to multi-car pileup taking out every person an admin ever loved, someone will throw up a dozen posts about how stuipd, lazy, incompetent, spiteful, evil, and just plain horrible that admin is. References to puppy eating and comparisons to Hitler will be featured prominently. Their may even be swear words.

  8. Agreed, I wish there was some kind of block extender for MFR machines. Wiring conduit, liquiduct and level emitter makes autospawning rooms inefficient at best.

    So use BC piping to get the essence to the spawner and setup an iron gate to transfer a control signal. Only two faces need to be used then.

  9. She might as well be with the amount of celebrity worship the people of LA do. My 2nd trimester pregnant wife was forced to work her entire 6 hour shift without break due to Oprah's visit. They couldn't spare to let anyone rest when the horde descended on cafe orleans all desperate to see their queen and become closer to her by eating the same meal.

    Californians are crazy. I still have hearing loss from the red carpet rollout for pirates 3.

  10. Those forums do have more double the users and a lot more posts, but two things wrong with this picture.

    1: GrnEyedDvl on those forums is listed as part of the technical staff, "Can read the Technical Cathedral, which contains a small amount of slightly confidential info." I also don't see any announcements by him, just the other moderators. That doesn't scream "owner" to me.

    2: I see a lot of emphasis on roleplaying, and over 1/3rd of the posts are unrelated to the games. Heck 1/10th of all the posts on that forum are political discussions, compared to 1/10th of all technic posts are in off topic (which is still 50% about minecraft modding thanks to kittyjail).

    I don't see any reason to believe this guy has any experience with a modding project 10-20x the size of technic, let alone being the owner.

    What I do see is a moderator of a site that only has the same posting averages as technic because they encourage hot button discussions, trying to name drop some weight behind his hissyfit.

    Course that's just me. And I am the guy with a mark against him in the Disneyland HR records because I didn't bow to Her Majesty Oprah as her procession passed backstage while I was on break.

  11. True, but even a cursory glance at the forums here shows there's as many posts here on average as there are page views to that wiki. Plus he's one of 12 listed admins for the community, and while he may claim "its well known who owns it" that doesn't really hold much weight with people who aren't in the know.

    I just can't stand name dropping like that, especially when done to throw the weight of unrelated fame behind a demand and/or argument.

    Edit: Thought experiment. How many posts do you think this place would have by now if the rules against memes and similar no-content posts were not in place? I'm thinking this place would give 4chan a run for its money.

  12. Nah. That result shows the guy made 11 posts and isn't even part of the moderation team. Not even the worst boasters would try to claim ownership over a community with a personal rate of 2 posts per year on average.

    The total war wiki on the other hand has a bio of him quickly taking charge and bringing order to chaos. Also, he loves slapping people, and I'm just super scared of him now knowing that. I say we all cover in terror of not only his slapping ability, but also his obvious skills of wordsmithery that have dominated this entire thread. In between our alternating bouts of wetting ourselves in terror and being dumbstruck by his radiance, progress to satisfy his every whim can commence. If we're lucky his powers to control a vastly numerically and culturally superior userbase will not be turned upon us.

  13. It's a limitation with the render engine. It cannot render multiple translucent effects (anything that colors the view through it) on top of each other so it culls everything but the closest.

    Normal glass is just a transparency effect, which is why it works. Stained glass, water, and ice are all translucent.

    I can't remember, but I think the patch notes for one of the 1.7 snapshots made reference to fixing that limitation. So you'll have to endure it for now.

  14. Your server doesn't change.

    On your router you need to port forward to your server.

    With whatever ddns service you go with you need to run their client so it keeps them updated with what your public IP is.

    The for users you just have them connect to your ddns public domain name and the port you told your router to forward.

    Best instructions I can give.

  15. Sketchy link in the wrong section. You're lucky I took the time to check your info instead of just spam cleaning it, which includes an IP ban and removal of all your posts.

    Now since you feel the need to bring it up, let me enlighten you.

    The link in question went to splur.gy, which wikipedia knows nothing of so it's small time. Google knows it and it's a marketing firm that claims it can make projects go viral. The only way a marketing firm can even try to make something go viral is either pay professional astroturfers to spam a link around, or trick gullible children to do it for them by offering something to those that do.

    Also taking into account you're claimed to be 14 by your first post, it's pretty easy to deduce that link was part of a referral scheme you got suckered into with promises of a free copy if you got enough clicks.

    Sorry to cut short your life lesson of big promises and never getting what they claimed, but crap like that isn't welcome here even if you stuck it in the videogames section.

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