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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. The single player extremely short? It took me 15 hours to beat and that's not including all the fun distractions you have. And the online isn't that bad when it's working.

    He said compared to any of the other GTA games it's really short. Like 1/3 san andreas.

  2. Thx sir-obama by reseting hexxit my whole computer chrashed and needed to let it repair by spaicalist

    If you believe that then I've got a magic rain rock to sell you.

    Honest, I stubbed my toe on it and it rained the next day, so obviously it brought the rain.

  3. So I haven't played it yet, but a friend of mine has.

    The single player game is apparently extremely short.

    And multiplayer is hard to get into, and when he does it's just a cluckterfus of greifers. Apparently after every mission someone will be waiting to kill you and take your money before you have a chance to fully load.

  4. Wasn't it you (could have been someone else, i'm terrible with names) that was talking about being "nicer" to people?

    1: Your answer is stickied in this section.

    2: A complete lack of punctuation is called being lazy. Even english as a second language and google translators use atleast a couple periods.

    3: I was being nice. That post gave me a headache.

  5. Well ok i was playing minecraft i pressed Esc then pressed somthing and was like whatever but then when i moved my cursor my minecraft skin would sorta glide sloly across like barly move and it would move slightly gliding across a little i dont know if you even understand what i am saying i am trying my best but i cant really play games when its stuck like this :/ plz i need help i do not know what to do :( tell me what option to turn off or somthing

    It always amazes me when someone can perfectly convey rapid incoherent chipmunk babbling with mere text.

    Is this how the great writers are born? Do people like this find proper punctuation and start using their powers for good?

  6. It's in the rulebook under "Lazy". But this isn't it.

    The ones we ding are people who posts new threads to say "I don't want to search through the server list for one that fits me, so someone else find me a server that had X/Y/Z/Q. And be snappy about it!", while this is just asking for suggestions.

    It's the difference between asking other customers what's good on the menu and demanding a single dish that fits his taste profile perfectly be brought before him.

  7. Remember you can use diamond pipes to sort and hoppers to buffer for cases like the induction smelter.

    Say for hardened glass and electrum. You have a pipe that sends lead and silver out on direction to a hopper, and pulverized obsidian and gold to another hopper. Each hopper connects to a side that inputs only to one of the input slots.

    That way you could queue up 5 stacks without overflowing. And if you really need more buffer you can toss a chest ontop of the hoppers and sort into those.

  8. Problems with the new launcher stuff it technically says "fuck you and your mods, here is a vanilla minecraft/minecraft error" if you try your modpack on a vanilla minecraft it should work until technic fixes the launcher bugs.

    Was there a point to this or are you just butthurt about something?

    All I want to do is add Steve's carts to tekkit classic. I attempted to make a modpack with everything from tekkit classic and steve's carts but I could not make a successful modpack. i do not know where I messed up.

    1: Make sure you have the correct version of steves carts.

    2: Make sure it's going in the correct place.

    3: Make sure there are no ID conflicts.

    I find using a quick server download to add/configure the mod is faster. It starts up quickly and gives you the console output by default, which will report block and item ID conflicts right away.

  9. Im getting same problem but i have a premium minecraft account, and im 100% sure im typing it correctly, as i can go on normal minecraft but not tekkit:/

    Type your username and password out in a quick notepad document and copy-paste that to make absolutely sure it works in the vanilla launcher before trying it with the technic launcher.

  10. The only credentials the legitimate launcher has ever taken is your paid for minecraft account. It needed them to contact the mojang servers and legally download a fresh copy of the game.

    So whatever virus laden cracked launcher you were using was overwritten by the real launcher update.

  11. it would help a lot if mods recognize other mods having steel ingots or anything else already in, thats what the ore-dictionary is for, and automatically disable their own worldgen, so only the "iron" with lowest ID is kept.

    mods know about their own block/items IDs, so this shouldn't be a big problem

    Block/item IDs are going away with MC1.7, so that's a very short term fix if anything.

    Ore gen disabling should be left to the person adding the mods to MC. It's just a small bit of effort and there are definitely cases where an automatic system like you propose would cause issues.

  12. It's not up to the games to utilize a Titan. Drivers are supposed to do that, and the drivers for a Titan are just as good as any other Nvidia card. Also it's $999.99, Technically under $1000.

    Assumptions of hardware capabilities made by the developers will restrict the maximum performance a game can take from a piece of hardware. Drivers cannot change that.

    "Max" setting on a game a few years old are the midrange of today. And low today is far beyond what the developers of 10 years ago ever dreamed was possible.

    Benchmarking software is be able to utilize the latest and the greatest, that's their job. But a game developer must target the largest possible audience as quickly as possible, and if that means limiting the high range so they can push out a month earlier then so be it.

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