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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. I like to avoid GUIs whenever possible. I'll probably add a craftable label at some point, though, that lets you apply a new pattern inline.

    Could have intereaction with other blocks do it for you. Overwrite the contents of a sign (or a sign clone block) when it is placed on the side or top of a translocator with the active dyes and public/<playername> settings. Then it only has to worry about that stuff on neighbor changes.

  2. Eho

    Amaxter is my roommate, I'm not him, don't associate me as a bad guy from my IP address. We live together, I'm not him.

    Doubtful. But if that were true then when your IP gets banned and Amaxter gets blocked too I'll make sure he knows why it happened and why he has no chance of appeal.

    Worst case scenario you get an email telling you why your actions on one account got both of your accounts banned.

    Best case scenario your roommate finds out what your actions caused and reminds you why being a lazy troll on the internet can have repercussions.

  3. :rolleyes:

    You're not aware of the bad history around both of these mods?

    While Forestry is cool, it's one they've chosen to leave out due to both permissions issues and no desire to repeat the "exploding bees" shenanigans that SirSengir for a time put in as an attack on Technic.

    As for that Butter The Weasels mod (some of us do this acronym mangling for fun,) the author, dong princess, is rabidly anti-modding to a bizarre degree. He purposely codes to work only by itself. He even hates Forge. Best to think of it as a stand-alone experience and leave it at that.

    Edit: Hehe, that namechange code for Flower child is still there? That shows you how much they dislike him still.

    He's a troll. Low effort posts all around with grammar that bounces between the 10 year old his avatar suggests and the highschooler he really is.

    And seriously? Demanding the exact two mods that created so much drama in the past? That's lazy troll a year late to the party.

  4. There are over 100,000 packs listed right now. The chances of the pack author finding your plea here is pretty much zero.

    Use the discussion tab in the modpack's listing page to figure it out.

  5. No.

    The only reason to refuse to reload the pack through the launcher, especially since your claims show you have the skills to do basic file copying, is you can't use the launcher. Generally the only people who can't use the launcher are ones who haven't purchased minecraft.

    Thoran's fix is the quickest and easiest for everyone. So either do that or stop bugging people to help you get around the anti-piracy protections.

  6. C:\Users\Windows7\AppData\Roaming\.technic\hexxit\config all of it cuz idk where is the problem

    If you're having an ID mismatch then your client is telling you "Hey, these IDs don't match up! I'm out.", which gives you the exact item (and therefor mod) that isn't matching up. The info in the error is easily enough to tell you which item and what the ID should be.

    If you can't figure it out, do as Thoran says.

  7. But what happens if the tardis teleports into itself? Will it be like crossing the streams?

    In "reality" it gives The Doctor a chance to be clever and completely confuse his companions.

    In game you'd have a pair of doors that link inside the same pocket dimension, same as two linked doors in the overworld. Completely possible currently, it just cuts access to the pocket dimension from the original location until the tardis teleports back. Remember dimdoor pocket dimensions can have multiple links to it and can go deeper/shallower through the dimensions as doors are placed.

  8. I was planning on working on a Solar Generator for my friend's server, new to modding but I know Java so there's part of it, I will put it on the site when it's in working condition for Tekkit to use, but it's just a preliminary thing and I'll figure out other things to do once I get a handle on the general feel of modding.

    Maybe I'll make it open source so a community can work on it, do you think that the solar generator should be added at least?

    Open source is always appreciated here, though that doesn't guarantee any level of interest or inclusion in a pack.

    Canvox is the wizzard in charge of these things and is the decider as to whether a mod gets added or not. That said, he has expressed interest in returning solar and the author of thermal expansion has stated he's thinking about a worthy solar successor (as in not a place&forget), but I haven't seen anything beyond that. If your mod adds solar in an way that encourages clever building instead of "9 items in a grid, place, get infinite energy" I'm sure it will be taken into consideration.

  9. Haven't kept up lately, so I don't know anything about TE updates. But MFR has already once been passed on when the author decided to take a break (then resumed later on). So don't worry too much about that one going the way of redpower or IC2.

    UE I like. But it's voltz already so probably not a good idea to overuse it.

    Rotarycraft looks nice but looks so big it could be 90% of a pack by itself. Looks better suited to make it's own major pack, like voltz.

    Engineers toolbox is one I wholeheartedly agree would be a nice addition to tekkit.

    Electrodynamics I have no clue about and the mod description just says heavily under construction.

  10. http://games.slashdot.org/story/13/08/27/156250/afraid-someone-will-steal-your-game-design-idea


    Basically a board game designer has been blogging every idea he's had for awhile now, both failures and successes, and has decided to respond to the constant stream of would-be developers asking him "Aren't you afraid someone will steal your idea?".

    A good read and the "The truth about ideas" really needs to be hammered home to the general minecraft modding and modpack community.

  11. At this point I'm just posting because i feel most of you are just enjoying being trolls, if you keep asking me questions and what not I'm going to keep answering. Could have just done the normal thing and deleted my thread when you saw it violated the rules, if some one is "lazy enough" to create a thread like this again do you think they are going to bother to read this one to see it has been made into a "warning to others". Instead this has turned into a silly last word competition fueled by a repeating of the things we already know by one party and the rebuttal/attempt to back out or at least come to some sort of "we hate each other" point of view that seems far from possible at this point could care less about having the last word so much as seeing this site act with some maturity.

    Nah, if I was trolling I'd just edit your posts and laugh.

    And as for deleting the thread, that only happens for worthless threads. This one has worth, showing you and Sara the error of your ways in a socially visible manner.

    I apologize, sincerely. It took me about fifteen minutes of thought and editing to get that posted, in which time the argument began. I was not "showing off", as you put it, I was merely pointing out how easy it is to actually find servers of a certain criteria without too much effort. The rest of it was just a kick in the rump to help you to see how your original post was/could have been perceived by others who do take the time to do it the right way.

    Loved your post.

  12. You're trying to get in the last word and shut the conversation down so no one contests your opinion. That's not how it works here.

    Here's how we deal with this. First we point out the flaws in your argument. Then either you continue it in a vain attempt to somehow prove me wrong and get the last word in, or you walk away and this becomes a quickly fading warning to others about how we deal with laziness.

    First part done already, your alternate view doesn't change the fact you're still (politely) demanding server owners track you down to use their free service because you can't be arsed to keep looking through their carefully crafted advertisements to find your perfect server.

    Now, are you going to continue to try to defend your lazy and entitled, but polite, attitude? Or are you going to let this die so your shame can leave the first page quickly?

  13. More than just a job no moderator would be stupid enough to take on, such a section is an insult to server owners.

    It's telling them "No, the fact you are providing a service for free is not enough. You must work to recruite me because I can't be arsed to read through the effort you took to create a server post and see if it fits me."

  14. There will never be a "looking for server" section because that's just lazy. Never mind the fact it'll be filled with 10,000 "I NEEDZ TEXXIT SRVR NAO!!! IMPORTANTRIGHTAWAY!!!!! NEEDZ MAKE ME ADMIN AND GIF CREATIVE CUZ I H8 RESTRTING!!!" with 7-8 bumps within the first 10 minutes.

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