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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. @Neowolf, you do know that he can just... stop being opensource if that happens. I mean, he isn't gonna stop being an ass.

    Like Viktor, I'm not entirely asure, but I do know he'll have to get atleast the permission of SpaceToad to close the source. Most likely he'll need permission from every contributor.

    It's not trivial to close source a project.

    It may not be GPL or similar, but their license is close enough. Specifically the line that derivations must be under the same license applies.

    Is Spacetoad gone or something? How did CJ even become in charge of Buildcraft?

    Spacetoad dropped out awhile ago, like around minecraft 1.2. He handed off development to some others who had been helping him. Then sengir took over, and now CJ has seemingly takes over from him.

  2. Unfortunately, if you don't know how to avoid it then you definitely don't have the skills to remove it properly.

    Best bet is to have a computer inclined friend take a look at it. Bribe em with a case of <vice of choice> if you have to.

    More technical: There are multiple ways the malware can do what you report, but the most common is overwrite the executable associations so attempting to run anything automatically runs the virus instead. Other ways include injecting a debug helperDLL entry so every process includes viral code, or the full on rootkit that takes over some root OS hooks.

    Pray it's the first, since that can be fixed with a file extension change and a registry rewrite that can be done with the help of another computer.

  3. I figured from the massive number of "Hey look I cracked the code!" threads that everyone was under agreement that the thread originator got all the fame and recognition.

    Are you guys trying to hijack Girl's thread and steal the overflowing wealth of glory to be had? Because if you are then guys will defend Girl because she is girl and is to be defended.

  4. Don't bother cheap. If world of warcraft has taught me anything, it's people take any info they datamine out of development versions as 100% guaranteed promised sneak preview of final product.

    I don't play anymore but I still watch WoW development news to see all the drama when some model or dialog that got datamined out of the PTR doesn't show up in the finished patch. The fanboy cries of "But you HAVE to add it in, you promised!" are such sweet music.

  5. The couple times I messed with redpower frames and physics blocks I noticed they acted weird, but that was awhile ago and I can't remember what exactly was weird about it. I suspect the redpower way bypassed block updates, so sand stayed floating just like when a gen error created a pool or cavern through sandstone and leaves a sand ceiling.

    If you mean world collision. You've got a list of all the block you're moving and the direction, not that hard to cycle through and find the leading edge blocks.

    As for entity collision, there's already the code for pistons pushing a player up. Or if you want a solution from another game, snag any entity that is within a small distance above your moving blocks and apply a move transform synchronized with your block movements.

    It was an interesting trick someone posted for the torque game engine. One feature of the engine was simple mounting of one object to another, so the parent object transforms would be translated onto the mounted object. He created a system to soft mount any movable object that touched a movingPlatform derived object, so transforms would be applied without actually affecting move vectors. So the player could walk and do small jumps without triggering high speed collisions.

    Man that was awhile ago...

  6. One of my players has been having severe issues with turtles. His Wireless Mining Turtles keep reverting to standard Turtles on crashes and occasionally even reboots it seems. I haven't done testing to replicate it, since it would involve repeatedly crashing a public server.

    I've had the problem in 1.0.6. I believe it has to do with the turtle being in transit while the chunk unloads/crashes.

  7. Didn't ask for specifics, just places to get them from. Also, should I get one of them anti-static wraps?

    Nah, just build it naked. It works for Largo and if anyone interrupts you mid build you can be sure they'll NEVER touch your computer.

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