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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Ahh, MCforums. My first post on there got me a 24 hour ban because a moderator was skimming through one of the Better Than Wolves/Better With Forge drama topics back in December and issued an infraction and deleted my post because it apparently looked like a spambot, being too well written and not "Nuh uh!!!11!!"/"Uh huh!!1!1!!!" .

    The thread may be gone, but their warning system saved it for me.

    Oh thank god, this is still active.
    I was looking around online and I found this, this Place, this.. Den, no, it can only be described as a Cesspool. A Cesspool of immorality. People
    stealing the look, the feel, the very workings of other programs and putting up their own degenerate pile of stolen ideas, usually under a slightly tweaked
    version of the original work's title.
    And not just a couple, thousands, THOUSANDS of such projects, all blatantly ripping off the originality of other people's work.
    But the worst part? Most of them are ripping off of commercial products. They're knowingly stealing sales, and therefor money, from working programmers!
    They need to be shown the error of their ways, taught the same lessons put forth in this thread.
    Please, you righteous beacons of morality, go where I am too weak to tread. Spread the light of true morality to the vile dwellers of this cesspool of theft,
    this Sourceforge.
    The website is here: http://sourceforge.net/
    Godspeed, noble warriors of truth. Spread the good word, and carry on the good fight! 

  2. A question that has been bugging me is why the heck did the Russians tip the RBMK reactors' control rods with graphite back in the day as that would just make the axial peaking factors ridiculous as far as I can tell, and that's honestly what made the infamous positive void coefficient for reactivity so... well, infamous.

    Lesovik hate graphite maybe?

    I do believe you take the technobabble crown.

  3. Tip for a low grav lander, the trv-200 stack bi-coupler (the thing with 1 top connector and 2 bottom ones) makes a great short stack nuclear engine pod.

    Stick the nuclear engine on one bottom port, a FLT-200 or 400 fuel tank on the other port, and an RCS tank and thruster on the top port and you've got an all purpose interceptor/lander engine pod that can connect low on the lander frame without interfering with landing gear. Just connect the side of the fuel tank to your lander and keep it symmetrical.

  4. aww god they are

    so now I have spent ages learning the wrong programming language huff back to square one I guess :(

    While it isn't Java, Javascript is a good one to learn regardless. You can use it to interface with youtube and some other video sites, which is how plug.dj works (they even have their own javascript API). It's also one of the languages unity3d understands, and torquescript is so similar you'd have no problems switching between the two.

  5. Exactly. But if it's a macbook air built post-2013, the yellow and black wires are ALL extraneous, and safe to cut, but ducks will only be attracted to the small plastic cylinders. These things are so fiddly and contrived, you NEED a proper guide who has all the documentation on hand.

    Ugh, don't remind me.

    Computers were so much easier when the only tools you needed to fix them were a medium sized phillips screwdriver, a can of air, and a pickle...

  6. No way! this is exactly why you should call the manufacturer for help. I know for a fact that in a mac, the yellow wires power the turtle deterrent chipset. You may get rid of ducks, but then he'd probably get stuck with turtles!

    What's the good in getting your screen flipped the right way if the colors get inverted in the process?

    And on the flip side, if he's got an SSD then the black wires power the turtle containment keeping the MOSFETs (Miniature Ocean Seeking Flying Electric Turtles) corralled. Without containment you'll start leaking memory all over the place (generally towards the closest body of water).

  7. Dark matter:

    I once read an interesting theory about using circular lasers (basically make em curve into a circle, like an orbit) to create a localized point of immense gravity, so much that time breaks down. It was theorized as a way to do time travel.

    The biggest flaw in the idea is with time shut down in the center, you cannot possibly pick your exit. Anything that enters would exit simultaneously at all possible instances. Anything you put in would become the steady low level radiation the thing gave out. Or it would just store up and explode out when the field shuts down, like a black hole that suddenly lost it's gravity.

    The second biggest flaw is it's not really effective time travel. The earliest moment of exit for anything entering would be when the singularity was created, and the latest when it shuts down.

    But what if it didn't? What if extreme points of gravity could affect matter at different points of a timeline? It might not be possible to detect, but what if that time hole idea could leave an impression that traversed time/space and had an effect outside of it's operation window?

    Well then you'd have to look at the most extreme case of single point extreme gravity. The universe before the big bang.

    Gravity messes with time as it affects space, so theoretically it could affect space across time. And if true, then the infinite gravity pull of the entire universe compressed into a single point could leave an impression felt across the entirety of space/time.

    Or: It's a variable added to the simulation we exist in to throw a discrepancy between observation and "reality" as a whole, just so everything looks pretty and to mess with our heads.

  8. Tried the mechjeb fix, now it just warps me directly into the mun. I think it fixed the prediction but now ignores the closest approach setting.

    Same as before the fix it's easy enough to just get my probes into munar orbit once the hohman transfer is burned.

    Also, second try for munar landing worked better than the first. Lander still sploded but was slow enough that my kethane miner/processor rover is upright and ready to go.

  9. Uh... you're using the right sliders, right?

    The green ones.

    Yes. It's not hard, but for some reason mine just keep shooting all over the place. Even fixing it by messing with the other sliders still gives me a completely different burn result than what it predicts, usually a very fatal one.

    On the plus side I just got to the mun twice by having mechjeb get me halfway there then manually shooting straight towards the mun once it screwed up and said my next node was a 67 year burn in 68 years... Got a kethane scanner in a near polar orbit 10km out and just dropped a miner rig. The rover is on it's side (but completely intact!) because the damn SAS decided I needed to flip upside down 1km from the surface and I wasn't fast enough to completely get it back under control before touchdown and the lander 'sploded.

  10. Hmm, my Mercury IV didn't have trouble getting up there at all, although a technical problem concerning heat made me lose half my deltav.

    I've got the deltaV to spare easily, but when I create a prograde manuver at the apoapsis to circularize it, it either starts messing with the inclination instead of shifting out the periapsis or the whole orbit path starts shifting as if the gravity well of kerbin is shifting.

  11. Anyone else having issues with maneuvers in .20?

    Before the patch I could get a ship into 100km orbit no problem, but now trying to get it to do a circularize maneuver is near impossible and usually ends with reentry anyway. Even getting mechjeb only works if I have it do the work, and it still fails if I try to get anywhere near the mun.

  12. It was deleted because the owner of the pack was hinting at piracy. It had nothing to do with permissions

    Hinting? I believe the second line was "We will have a cracked version for non-premium clients up soon!"

    Bunkmug: As it stands there are just over 89,250 modpacks registered with Platform. Over the 96 days Platform has been live that averages to ~930 new modpacks a day.

    Now, the only way the staff here could possibly be sure that a pack has all permissions would be to contact the mod author for each and every mod. So lets say an average of 30 mods in each pack (many packs have 10-20, but there area lot of 100+ mod huge packs), you're looking at an average of 2790 emails/PMs/forum posts a day to bug the various authors and check the permission status of the pack's permissions.

    There's only about 15 mods and admins here and I sure as hell am not going to dedicate all my waking hours to firing off 200 correspondences a day to make sure some 12 year old contacted a mod author properly.

    It's not legally needed, it's not worth it, it would alienate the mod authors, and frankly it's not humanly possible since all of us haves lives beyond this website.

  13. Was just about to post about that.

    New directory structure is nice and will help me out a ton. I found out the issue I was having was the larger part packs (B9 mainly) was increasing my ram usage tremendously, and my system had major problems with HD transfer rates so even shifting 100meg to the HD cache locks everything for a couple seconds. Being able to easily add/remove mods will save tons of time finding a good balance.

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