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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. I've been on these forums for about a week now with this picture and no complaints except from you two ms.goody-two-shoes...

    You have one post from friday before you made this thread. You've been here 6 days and spent 3 of them idle.

    I frankly don't give a crap about your profile pic. Just know that memes are not welcome here and attempting to gain acceptance and recognition by repeating stupid catch phrases someone else made up will get you kellered real quick.

    What does that even mean?

    It means another mod warned you for making an unnecessarily long shitpost.

  2. As long as it's a link and not an embedded video and link isn't the only part of your post, then me personally no I would not consider it meme use.

    I'm only really taking notice here because little Meg Usta here seems to have a hard time communicating with anything but memes.

  3. poryy should be banned because not only is he STARING AT MY WIFE like a certain slimeball, but is offering a drink while doing it. Probably put something in the drink too, he's got that creepy smile going on...

  4. It shows he hasn't even checked the forums since he posted this message.

    Given the situation I fear he attempted to open his server once again without knowing the proper procedure and suffered a terrible accident. Probably tipped it over on himself and got crushed, like a kid trying to get free candy out of a vending machine...

  5. What's the manufacture date on the side?

    Cause there was a two week run of voltz server not long ago where they used those specialty fasteners and ended up forgetting to include the special tool needed to undo them.

  6. I do believe the tbr pack has most of the suggested mods here

    There are hundreds of mod that aren't listed here, some may be better than they look at first glance.

    A hipster series of packs would be a good option for people to try those unknown mods out.

  7. Mr B28 should be banned for violating article 3 subsection 14b page 117 of the semi-official official unofficial expanded asimov's 3 laws for robotic looking things.

    Specifically, "Thou shall not wear bling, even if it's a really cool belt that you may or may not have wrestled from hulk hogan himself."

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