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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. I'm not saying it's the technic pack team's fault but I downloaded the launcher and found a $20 bill, then the nigerian government sent me USD One million ($1,000,000) dollars for thwarting their deposed prince's attempt to funnel money out of the country.

  2. Well actually they can right click show package contents Contents/Resources/Scripts then open up main.scpt to see what it does

    You and jellejurre are my dayjob's wost nightmare...

    You for pushing a potentially hazardous download with no explanation of what it does, claiming we should just download it to find out.

    And jellejurre for not only blindly trusting you that he should try it without knowing what it does, but actively seeking out the download after it was pointed out to be potentially hazardous.

  3. Odd to see a modder refer to themselves in the 3rd person. Just as odd as seeing a completely different download location than the original MCforums post has.

    And odd again to see a 1.5 version when the official thread is only up to 1.4.7

    Clearing this up with Risugami on the MCforums and putting this impostor in timeout until things are settled.

  4. One prevalent thought amongst publishers is second hand game sales are theft because they doesn't get a cut of the purchase.

    So anyone who was interested in this online-singleplayer setup for their games just sees the problems happening as a small price to pay for stopping the evil theft of their hard work by devilish gamestop-like stores and fiendish ebay listings.

    Welcome to the post-corporate-takeover videogame landscape. Where customer satisfaction and goodwill are just minor variables in a cost-benefit analysis spreadsheet, ones the business grads are always looking to remove from the formula...

  5. It's already been done, it's even on the front page of the site! It's called Roots.

    Meh, that's one pack. I'm thinking an entire series of Hipster packs, each with a different creator.

    Besides, Roots is way too mainstream now...

  6. It's them bukkit staff!

    They told me: Locked. You should be requesting Tekkit mods on the Tekkit forums. Look in the modder's metropolis section...

    Yes, and modders metropolis is the parent section for this Requests board.

    But as xylord pointed out, these plugins have nothing specific to do with tekkit. I'm guessing you kept repeating tekkit over and over in the posts and they locked it before the trolls found you.

  7. I moved your 3 idea threads to Requests, which is where they belong.

    Next time I'm handing out infraction points for disregarding not only the section description but the stickeys as well.

  8. Yeast is a free floating organism that prefers water, the powder form most are familiar with is actually mostly dead yeast surrounding some barely living samples.

    Since it's present in the air you should just make a ceramic pot block that holds water, consumes sugar, and houses a yeast colony. If it doesn't have a colony it has a slight chance of generating one.

    Water- levels only change when water is added or yeast extracted with a bottle.

    Sugar- Consumed by the yeast colony, a stronger colony eats sugar piles faster

    Yeast- Denoted as a colony "strength" in the gui. Adding water weakens the colony (diluting the yeast), time with plenty of food strengthens the colony.

  9. Only reason I'm not deleting this is you could swing this as a bukkit plugin with sectional rosters and restrictions.

    But what you seem to want is a server that actually puts effort into using a team plugin (factions, towny, ect...)

    If you can't find a server that does that, then you should take matters into your own hands and make one.

  10. I bought the whole GTA collection on Steam, and I'm not sure which game I should start playing first, but reading this it seems like San Andreas is the most fun I will have.

    Nononono, start with 1 and work your way up.

    If you can't start with 1, atleast start with 3. If you don't, you'll never understand the cameos in SA.

    Plus if you start with the best you'll never complete 3 or vice because you'll be yearning for the features SA has.

  11. I still occasionally get into the mood and start a new game of san andreas (on steam though, it's just easier). That one is just so completely epic.

    The voice acting, the massive open world, the radio stations, wu zi mu, the first ever ability to swim... 5 has a huge set of shoes to fill since they're using the same location.

  12. Well you are wrong. The human mind is unfathomably complex, and anyone with even something like a moderate phobia can tell you it's not as easy as "Just put more effort into it!"

    But in this case the OP has the option of using mechanical aid to seamlessly make up for his own shortcomings. Which he has refused to use.

  13. Aging in a barrel (which is subject to the evaporation) makes booze "smoother", develops the taste profile more, and concentrates it slightly.

    As a design decision, having an aging process that enhances the potion effects of the booze at the cost of slowly draining away the booze quantity in the barrel is a very good idea. It's a good time/reward tradeoff with solid basis in real life mechanics and benefits larger operations than small ones.

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