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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. I got a good one, "Tekkit"

    It's got a good build-up of name recognition behind it and is the only incarnation of the technic family currently being updated and supported. Just like Coke and Pepsi!

  2. Then what is the page I found? Just because it's not on the IC2 forums does not mean it's not out there.

    That's not an official release, just someone grabbing the download from jenkins and put it on that minecraftings site.

    Rehosting other people's mods in hopes of getting banner ad and/or adfly revenue is pretty common.

    How is this even related to Tekkit, how does even belong on this forum?

    well because someone asked and also the moderator has not commented against it

    The "I want IC2/RP2" threads are going to come no matter what we do, so I'm just making sure the alternatives are written down so hopefully atleast 1 or 2 people will read them and not create yet another thread.

    What can I say, I'm an optimist.

  3. Not every server running tekkit has mystcraft and dimensional doors enabled (infact many disable them to save power, extra dimensions can be taxing).

    And there's also the fact Tekkit isn't the only modpack with galacticraft, and not all the packs with it have those other two mods as well.

  4. You yourself said that the pack is about fun, right? What's so fun about removing players' options?

    To quote a great man: "Some people juggle geese!"

    Seriously, fun is intangible and measurable only by it's results. The admins here have decided to go the "simple, effective, and playably stable" route to fun, while you demand the "cram it all in and let god sort it out" route.

    Considering they've got to great lengths to make it as easy as possible to create custom modpacks, there's nothing stopping anyone from making the tekkit you believe is the correct one and letting the players decide.

    Im at the point where I have 8 redstone energy cells full..

    And not a single reactor is used.

    Get on my level NoobLordFag...

    That was uncalled for.

  5. This thread sure ended up way better than it started.

    EDIT: And to contribute to the derail, did you know that coil power plants put out the most radiation of any type of power plant? It's true!

    You mean coal?

    Yeah, those things spew a lot of crap out. Trace radioisotopes, mercury, a lot of other toxic compounds, and a whole lot of CO2. They've gotten better emissions controls over the years, but not by choice.

  6. Would something bad happen if you got in a car crash with a nuke powered car?

    Well sure something bad would happen. You'd have a couple tons of moving metal smashing together, identical to a couple gas powered cars crashing.

    Except you don't have flamable liquid leaking out onto the ground, just a small amount of boiling water.

    Would anything explode?

    At 8 grams of thorium per car, you would get a critical mass explosion if over 1400 cars all crashed into each other and the fissile material not only all suddenly escaped the thick engine walls and came together, but also went through magic perfect enrichment into weapons grade plutonium.

    Also, king lemming said that reactor grade uranium can't hurt you. I'm assuming the means only by explosion, but feel free to correct me(I'm a nuclear scrub :()

    Nuke plants are dangerous because they were designed back in the 50's when they wanted all the weapons grade plutonium they could get (power was really just a byproduct...)

    Wikipedia has info for you. Check out pebble bed for a good example of something safe.

    Big side note: This has gotten VERY off topic!

    Yes, but in a way that can breed inspiration.

  7. Personally been a fan of fission power forever, but man my eyes lit up to thorium after reading this article.

    The possibility of a nuke powered car like those in fallout is just way too awesome. Though even just a stationary generator with years of fuel (for dollars on the gram) and 0 chance of meltdown would be a hell of a transformative technology.

  8. I wish all the machine mods would just agree to use MJ. Make life much simpler.

    Never going to happen.

    There's too many different factors that the dozen or so major mod developers would have to agree on. Is it electricity vs mechanical vs pneumatic vs hydraulic vs magic, energy outputs of the various fuels, what should be allowed to be fuels, storage options, renewable source generators, energy costs, ect...

  9. The Technic Pack from the very beginning was about bringing together all the best mods that expanded the technology you could use in the game to the nth degree.

    Uhm, sorry, but Kakermix has responded to this type of argument many times. Technic/tekkit is about being fun.

    Your argument is identical to the guys who called for EE and thaumcraft to be removed from technic because "It's a technical modpack for technical mods, not magical!"

    Personally, I don't see what all the rage is about. Tekkit makes a great base for creating your own modpack that can then be listen on Platform.

    Download tekkit, copy the necessary files to a new folder, add the mods you think are missing, and repackage it as your own modpack.

  10. Your best bet is to learn how to fill atleast one of the two coding skillsets you're looking for (rendering or AI) yourself. Because as it stands all I see is someone with enough skill to barely follow the forge tutorials looking to get other people to do the heavy lifting.

  11. Also, IE is very good at downloading other browsers

    Except when microsoft serves out malicious drive-by download ads on their default homepage and infect a computer before you even get a chance to download a virus scanner.

    Yes, it happens. When you have 50 machines running IE with the default homepage you're statistically guaranteed to catch any infection with a 2% or greater serve rate.

    There's a concept called the Sneakernet. You transfer files between computers using removable media and your legs as a method of traversing the geographical distance.

    It's how we shared files way back before even dialup, and you can still use it by heading to a friend's house and having them get the browser installer of your choice onto a thumb drive. A side benefit is a trip to your buddy's place that can lead to all sorts of goofing off and general socializing.

  12. Firefox has a desktop sync feature, under the tools menu. Syncs tabs and bookmarks just fine.

    I actually used it to export the bookmarks out of my droid X when I replaced my phone. Synced with a VM guest I had running then synced back with my new phone. Couldn't use my real desktop setup because I didn't want to overload my phone with thousands of bookmarks (I have over 200 webcomic links alone, and I tend to bookmark-all when I get too many deviantart tabs open).

  13. Yes but still then voltz got relest som server owners have got server file before so there werer servers up and running

    I have no clue what you're trying to say there.

    Practice a bit of patience. It'll do wonders for your health.

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