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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Thought I would throw in my translator =)


    The count down thing is to throw people off. Those are obviously branding symbols.

    Bar T.

    Hooked L.

    Frontless d.

    Lazy Z.

    Topless q.

    Confused C.

    Lazy Pi.



    Alert z.

    Obviously these symbols combined with the night sky means we're getting a wild west themed cattle rancher modpack!

    Raising herds of cattle, driving them across the plains, sleeping under the night sky, fighting off rustlers and coyotes.

  2. I know redpower vorpal enchant does all the stock mobs and possibly others, but I have no clue if she just coded with textures or did some rendering wizardry. I only ever used them as thaumcraft research fodder.

    Jammy's furniture has craftable blocks that look like heads (that make noises when activated), but only for the vanilla mobs.

    No clue about any others.

    You could add an API so others mods could add their own mobs. Give access to a register function so they can specify an entity reference and the texture offsets needed to render the head, then you can snag the texture ID out of the reference and add the head drop.

    Make it a trivial couple of lines and a file to add in for reobfuscation, and people would add support just because it's an easy selling point.

  3. Do heads work with absolutely any model, though? I can't imagine there's anything stopping anyone from making a monster without a head, like some sort of tentacle beast. I should look to see how Minecraft renders them.

    One server in 1.4.6 I played on had someone selling player heads, thought that might have been a microblock sculpture thing.

    Either way I'd expect you of all people to be able to spank the renderengine class and make it do your bidding.

    On another note, I've decided that all tiers will be controllable by redstone as a convenience, but only the final tier will be able to spawn creatures outside of their normal conditions. Any objections?

    Sounds good.

  4. Add heads to the loot table of all mobs but really rare, the vorpal-type enchant just helps get them easier.

    The heads then have the double duty of crafting ingredient and decorative block. Players could use them for soul shards, or just show their skill by building a house out of enderman heads.

  5. If you have a Mac, you know the problem! Nothing will ever load/start up. Make this a Popular post so the creators know we NEED this issue fixed NOW! It is their job...

    It is? And here I thought this was a hobby of some really nice guys.

    You Cheap bums! You shanghaied me into being a moderator and didn't even put me on the payroll?

    I want my 5 months back pay! Where do I send my W-4 tax withholding form, and what state are the taxes files with?

  6. I haven't bought minecraft yet, but I heard there is supposed to be an offline mode. Every time I press login it just says Not Recognized and there is no Offline Mode option.

    I REALLY want to play Yogbox!

    If there is a way the launcher can have an offline mode I would LOVE to hear it. :( plz I am desperate

    The launcher uses your minecraft account to connect to the mojang servers and download the full legitimate game fresh when creating a modpack install. Therefor, you have to have a bought and paid for minecraft account.

    As Altair stated, offline play only becomes available when the game is installed.

    If you're so desperate to play, fork over the cash. If you don't have the cash, your local organized crime ring (Mafia, Yakuza, Wal-Mart, ect...) will have a range of solutions tailored to your personal level of desperation.

  7. Killing mobs randomly to create a spawner is too easy.

    Now a multiblock "soul trap" that has to be built before hand (think alchemist circle from full metal alchemist anime), that eats mobs (and their drops/xp) completely when activated to create the soul item needed to create a spawner. That is challenging and interesting gameplay.

  8. But the reason they follow that pattern is because they are all basically the same

    I like MAC better than windows stuff, I have never tried LINUX but think it would be preferable to some of the Microsoft rubbish you get

    anyway anyone know a solution to my problem?

    The core experience stays the same, but the underlying technology differs wildly.

    Every bad release can actually be attributed to them trying something new, and their stubborn views that they know what computing should be despite majority outcry and disapproval from their users.

    95 (bad) was the first real attempt at a native GUI OS and suffered from inexperience.

    NT (good) was much more stable and secure, but was targeted at the corporate market so most users never saw it.

    98 (bad) was a step up from 95, but not by much.

    98 SE (good) was a major step up from 98 first launch, including many fixes (Y2Kbug fix) and new technology (like USB and actual plug'n'play support). So much it was a whole new product.

    ME (worst) was an attempt to shoehorn in a bunch of media improvements that destabilized the whole thing to the point of uselessness.

    2000 (good) took the usability enhancements they learned with 98SE and applied it to their secure NT line. Still targeted at the corporate market, it was nonetheless very usable as a home OS.

    XP (bad) took the usability and stability of 2000 and mucked it up with the media enhancements that tanked ME.

    XP SP1 (good) they learned from their mistakes and fixed their errors, turning the second worst OS they had ever released and turned it into the darling of stability and usability for years to come.

    Vista (bad) again tried to shoehorn in media enhancement and prettyness, along with the added failure that was an overzealous UAC. User outcry was so bad they had to fudge the numbers by letting OEMs install XP while counting them as vista sales (technically it's true the vista licenses were sold, but actual use never picked up).

    7 (good) fixed up Vista, fixed the failed search "improvements" they had added to XP/vista, major speed improvements.

    8 (bad) is yet another attempt at making something new and yet again a complete failure.

  9. Actually microsoft products follow a good-crap-good-crap pattern, though the exact level of suck varies.

    Vista is quite inferior to 7 in many ways, but overall is usable once certain changes are made.

    Having grown up during the golden age of OS hate-wars (the 90's, nothing today compares to the venom flung between mac os8/9 and windows 9x fanboys) and watching Linux blossom, I have one piece of advice. Don't flame it till you try it.

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