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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. May have went overboard in my first attempt. Took 15 minutes to start the game, half an hour to go from VAB to launch (entire computer was unresponsive for a couple minutes at a time), and it crashed after one launch.

    Wish it had a mod loading system, so mods could be put in as zip files and loaded at runtime. A lot easier to clean out...

  2. Broke down and snagged the full version yesterday. Spaceplanes and extra parts are nice.

    Anyone got a list of good addons for it, like with links? What's in there is good but as we all know, mods makes things awesomer.

  3. There are some really good addons for computercraft, like openCCsensors and misc peripherals, that fit the theme nicely.

    Actually you might just want to use tekkit as a base and build off that (after removing EE3). Pretty much everything in there is definitely under the Engineering category.

    As for permissions, you're going to be playing a waiting game at the whims of the mod authors. Which is why a lot of packs don't bother.

    One thing you can do to speed it up is take a look at any permissions statements they have up (like "go ahead and use it in a modpack, I don't care" and "you can use it, just let me know if you do" or "drop me a line, I'll probably grant permission"). Anything that says you can just use it you don't have to wait for permissions for, just give proper attribution with a link and quote of the permission statement.

    I believe railcraft is the most restrictive of the bunch, requiring you to have all permissions for all the other mods up for display before he'll even consider it. I believe forestry is a "just use it" as long as you don't include any mods against the author's will.

  4. We would probably still be living in the stone age of modding, with mods not being able to play nice with each other.

    Not likely.

    Minecraft had a massive problem just waiting for a solution, which Kaker and co. filled nicely. But it was inevitable someone else would have tried if technic hadn't escaped confinement.

    No, FTB was created as a rival to Technic.

    No, FTB was created to service that annoying challenge map. They just exploited anti-technic hate to quickly build a fanbase.

    It would have existed anyway.

    Minecraft without technic is all just a big What If that can never be answered. So lets enjoy what Is instead of ponder on what Could Have Been.

  5. The specific incarnation of Tekkit known as lite is now complete.

    The series of packs know as Tekkit lives on.

    Classic and lite aren't going to suddenly disappear, but there would be no point in making "Tekkit Lite for 1.5! Same great Tekkit but with twice the mods and 2 major minecraft versions behind!"

    Seriously guys, Platform. If you truly believe the mod set of Lite to be superior to current Tekkit then make a custom pack the way you deem correct and prove Canvox's vision wrong by overcoming Tekkit in downloads and users.

  6. I dunno, my Windows Antispyware 2013 that microsoft installed on my computer automatically is telling me the launcher, java itself, and lots and lots of files in my windows and program files folders are all viruses and it's thankfully keeping all of those evil viruses from running, including the one that infected my start menu and task manager.

    It's only $150 to fix them all, but my bank won't let me send money to microsoft in china (when did they relocate?) so I gotta wait till I can get a new credit card to give them the number.

  7. I'm not entirely sure what this system is called (maybe it's the molten salt thing mentioned earlier), but having to build a multi-block tower and separate mirrors would be nice.

    Solar thermal. You use concentrated sunlight to heat up water in a steam turbine instead of a combustible fuel.

    Molten salt just acts as a heat reservoir so you can store up extra heat during the day and use it at night.

    I still like photovoltaics and would like to see atleast something that thematically meshes with galacticraft space stations.

  8. That would give people the impression IC2 isn't in the pack because it was holding the release back and they wanted the pack out now, and it will be added in at a later date.

    No. Canvox has made it clear many many times and yet people still ignore it and/or misunderstand the situation. Creating a sticky to repeat the same information the 1001th time won't change a thing (if only because no one bothers to read stickies anyway).

  9. Mod ideas, not Modpack ideas.

    You're in the wrong spot because you didn't bother to read. I just didn't feel like issuing the rightful warning points.

  10. The desired part of forestry, bee breeding, is just a simple research/upgrade mechanic with a mandated downtime and free simple resources with the opportunity of rarer rewards after enough effort and luck.

    It's not a unique mechanic and the specific implementation in forestry is average at best (and only then with extra bees added in).

    Crops from IC2 are a similar mechanic, as is thaumcraft research and villages from millenaire.

    I like the mechanic, but surely there's a different mod with a similar mechanic out there that could be considered. Or even created from scratch (like say ant breeding or "conjuration spell research").

  11. I can't tell if you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, or if you really think this is just some joke being played on you.

    Do you really believe that once you give in and accept that tekkit lite is done updating we'll go "Shh, shh, guys, he's falling for it! Ready? 1... 2... SURPRISE! Tekkit lite 1.5 update with all the mods it had before! Fooled you!"

  12. I haven't even seen the IC2 forum regulars try pushing that theory, and they love jumping to every conclusion they can.

    My personal favorite was kaker makes thousands of dollars off this place a day thanks to $1.50/single-view ad rates and he owns the hosting company so hosting is really free, plus he hacked paypal to steal all donations sent to the mod authors.

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