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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. i'm not. I just don't understand why people use it. And when people are constantly trying to get really cool and popular modpacks constantly complaining they can't because of dropbox, it shows that there needs to be a change but i haven't seen any changes on the modpack authors part so people CAN download it.

    Then create your own competing modpack and host it how you believe is correct.

    If the issue is as bad as you claim then those popular modpacks will die quickly since no one can even get the pack.

  2. that's why i don't understand why people use the dropbox twebsite to host files and stuff. It's a annoying and not worth it because of the file ban and disable that happens with high traffic.
    And I don't understand why you're trying to force your opinion of dropbox on everyone else.
  3. I don't see why the admins should stop smaller packs from using a perfectly viable solution just because a few higher popularity packs try to get away with using it too.

    If you can't get a pack because dropbox isn't working for them, try another pack.

  4. I like the enderchest style idea a lot, maybe simplified to just the 16 colours though (who needs 16^3 options really?) Can't really see the point in teleporting randomly though.

    16 "frequencies" wouldn't cut it for even a lightly populated server. Definitely not for a large server or one that has battles.

    Atleast with 3 colors you have 4000 possibilities for someone else to guess before they can jump into your swap network.

    Even if swap networks were private by having it record the placing player, 16 is still too few for someone who wants a transportation hub setup between a central base and many dimensions (like say a server admin may want).

  5. "I'm new, why can't you people see that!" followed by "I'm sorry, but mother is on her death bed and I don't like people treating me this way when my mom is dieing. So please erase any trace of what I said so people can't respond anymore."

    Any other time of the year I woulda just banned him for trying that, but I had to walk away at that point. Way too mad.

  6. Does anyone atleast know that I just created this account yesterday and I'm new? About close to 90% of people on forums like these who are very, very new seem to get muted or banned without notice that they are recently new. New forumers should have a word with the staff before posting, and yet the staff should realize that they are new, so don't mind them being a dickhead, but not for too long.

    Since you used the same excuse to justify your low effort post I gave you a warning over, I'll repeat the same thing here.

    Being new has never and will never be a valid excuse for anything. No one forced you to start posting before you read the rules and learned the general attitude of the forum.

  7. Oil isn't a competitor for power generation, natural gas is.

    Course my area produces coal, nat. gas, and uranium plus has gone through a major boom in wind power constriction. On top of that there's major interest in wilderness activities and wildlife preservation. They're all sorts of conflicted around here.

    My personal favorite for thorium is shoot a small bit of it with a laser to kick off a non-self sustaining thermal reaction and use the heat output to drive a closed loop steam turbine/electric generator for a car engine.

    A nuclear plant small and light enough to stick in a car and still powerful enough to drive, with a fuel range greater than the mechanical life of the car would change the world in less than a decade.

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