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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. One of the mods seem to be breaking everything (The planet textures swapping then ships breaking without reason)

    Edit: Never count on MecJeb, brakes everything.

    I'm pretty sure there is an updated dll in that thread that fixes some problems. Mine works just fine for most things (rendezvous planner works with orbital transfers up until the match velocities, do that part manually).

    Though what kind of computer do you have? Mine has 4gig of ram and a 9800gtx+ video card, and if I put another big part pack in it starts to screw with textures and crash on me.

    Hey Neowulf, I'd like to have that zip if you don't mind. I seem to miss a lot of the good mods when I look for them on spaceport.

    Working on swapping my video card out right now (upgrading to a 3 year old radeon from a 4 year old geforce, really moving up in the world!), but when I'm done I'm going to add the fuel balancer and a pair of ducted electrical fan engines I found today. Once I'm sure they work nice I'll repackage, upload, and send you a link.

  2. 0.0 ohhh!!! Mods....

    If it is that simple then I'll try, ya sure!!

    If I'm going with those then the probes / shuttles have to be self contained to work (I.e. if it's a kethane ship it has to be able to perform everything kethane related on its own). Thanks for those links Neo, I'll get them all from those, thanks Forrest the offer though!

    Kethane all in one landers are easy. You already have power and fuel storage on a ship, just add a small kethane tank, a drill, and the medium converter. A detector is only needed if you haven't scanned already.

    What is the goal of your game? There are probably other mods that would fit, no matter what it is.

  3. Modding KSP is easier than modding vanilla minecraft. They already have a modloader built in.

    So you just pick the mods you want and extract the zip files into the gamedata folder. Each mod has its own folder, packed with whatever they want.

    I'd package up what I have, but it's 600meg... So you'll have to get your own. Some of the ones I have:

    Mechjeb - Lots of performance data, maneuver node calculations, and autopilot functions.

    Alarm clock - Setup alerts so you don't have to babysit each ship between stable orbits.

    Crew Manifest -Add or remove crew on the launchpad, and transfer crew between parts without having to eva.

    Lazors - Adds a camera view to docking nodes and some special laser systems for resource transfer between ships, remote control, ect... Has some addons, like a placable camera, missiles, a laser turret, and manipulator arms.

    Firespitter props - Helicopter and prop plane parts. The electric prop is especially nice.

    Kethane -Scanners, drills, and processing for a new resource. Mine kethane from pretty much any planet or moon and covert it into fuel, oxidizer, monoprop, and xenon.

    Extraplanetary Launchpads -Uses the kethane resource system to add ore deposits. Mine ore, smelt to metal, covert to parts, and finally construct ships on other planets. I've tweaked mine to use the kethane drills to get metal.

    Airships - Blimps.

    H.O.M.E. -Large, nicely animated deployable modules for setting up bases on other planets. Includes a nuclear powerplant and an admin module that can generate fuel and oxidizer from intake air.

    KAS - Winches, grapple hooks, and anchors. Makes it easier to dock stuff in orbit if you can just have a kerbal feed a line out to a ship then tow it into place.

    B9 aerospace - Lots of jet parts. Includes vtol engines and a hybrid engine that swaps between air and oxidizer usage.

    Caterpillar Tracks - Tank treads.

    Damned Robotics - Parts that make your ship sections spin, bend, and move.

    Hexcans - Standardized part sizes/shape for resources. Includes some nice RTGs and a ballast called barite (transfer between tanks to shift your center of mass).

    Edit- Ok, so the zip finished at 178meg. Not going to put it up for download but I can pass it along if you want luke.



  4. As Melfice asked, stock or mods?

    What kind of probe? Rover or just a drone to act as a beacon?

    Any planet or any planet/moon?

    I've got a little rover with ~700ms/s deltaV (820 if no chutes), RTG powered driving range, kethane detection, and frankly unnecessary symmetry (dual kethane detectors, dual asas, dual mechjeb).

    25 parts, 1.9T.

    Or, if the CoM doesn't have to be exactly perfect, 22 parts, 1.8T, 733ms/s deltaV.

  5. Definitely keep your firewalls running when accessing this site. It is riddled with malware.

    There is no malware on technicpack.net, What hit you is a mildly disguised malicious advertisement.

    Served by google adsense, I have found it on minecraftforums and msn.com as well in the last 5 minutes of looking.

    hey I tried downloading tekkit and it keeps coming up with


    please help

    Delete the .technic folder and try again with a fresh download of the launcher.

    http://www.technicpack.net/download Pick the correct button to the left of the big image and directly above "Current build: 253".

  6. I have to say I'm not comfortable giving my mojang login given all the deceit on the technicpack site leading to malware installs. You guys should really find a reputable hosting service.

    Google Adsense is serving a lot of bad ads lately. You can find the exact same ones on the minecraftforums (I'm looking at one right now) and even MSN.com (took me 7 reloads to see one).

    This is not limited to just technic.

  7. I have a blimp travelling 260m/s towards the south pole of kerbin, generating more fuel than it uses along the way. Its mission is to scan the last kethane hex my satellite can't get at.

    I love the mods ksp has, they're so awesome.

  8. My attempts at the KSP demo...

    Didn't go well.

    It took me 3 attempts to work out just how to throttle up properly... And even then I could barely control it. I don't think I'll be one an astronaut any time soon...

    Full version better. Winches, lazors, lifting balloons, manipulator arms, wheels and tank treads, all sorts of fun stuff when you get mods involved.

  9. I don't. Honestly I don't even care anymore. Tis a shit program (LOL MEMORY LEAK).. FACT, and the alternatives don't work anyways, so that leaves you all a useless lot!

    I specifically allow 512MB because clients dont need alot to play a damn MC game. For it to spike to DOUBLE than what I allowed? Lag every 5 seconds? Make the inventory sprites disappear? LOL.

    I don't know why I'm even bothering trying to seek help from a group of stupid MONKEYS that release garbage broken programs. GG FAGGOTS

    Hrm, whoops. Messed up the order of operations here.

    The warning was going to be my response, and instead should have been "Raging at people because your purposefully handicapped client isn't behaving like you demand it should doesn't help anyone."

  10. The launcher uses your mojang login to download the client files for the appropriate version needed (in tekkit's case, 1.5.<whichever>).

    Other than that, no. The launcher does not harvest accounts for any other purpose, as you can verify to checking the source code.

    Though by your wording, I suspect you're wondering if it really truly has to have a legitimate paid for account to play the game or if you can get away with a cracked account.

  11. Oh, and I've been told by someone on MCF that the mod is difficult for colourblind people to use. I'll be adding some special textures and a config option to solve this problem, but I may not have time to implement it until I update to 1.6.

    As someone who has to ask his wife to tell him which way is which color with his diamond buildcraft pipes, I thank you for this consideration.

  12. I watch scott manley's mod spotlights, those usually give me all the into needed to make a mod in KSP dance for me.

    Though the forums gave me the idea of adding the extraplanetary launchpad's ore mining code to kethane drills. Much nicer looking and my resource gatherer only needs a single drill to get anything it needs.

  13. I don't watch LPs, more fun to just play.

    I just spent two hours screwing around with parts from spitfire, hexcan, B9, home, mechjeb, and lazors making various drones. Mainly sticking electric propellers on top of hexcan RTGs and making little helicopters with lazors on them.

    Crowning achievement is a home admin module, RTGs, propellors, and jet engines in a drone that can hover literally forever at a pretty decent altitude, beaming fuel as needed.

  14. So what's the website the "blizzard" intrusion emails said to go to?

    I get 3-4 emails a month telling me my account has been compromised and I need to hit up a website to verify everything. Only problem is the emails are coming to my untrusted email account, not the one I signed up with.

    1: Make sure the email is actually legit. Hackers get a lot of accounts from people believing those emails and logging into accounts.bIizzard/blizzzard/blizard.com

    2: Why don't you have an authenticator?

    3: Hexxit isn't exactly an unknown pack with a couple dozen users. Try hundreds of thousands of downloads. You really believe you're the smartest, most talented user of the pack who is breaking a secret conspiracy?

    4: If it did actually contain a keylogger then your virus scanner would have caught it. Java itself makes a terrible TSR, too easy to notice the virtualmachine is still running, so they tend to install conventional executables for the dirty work.

    5: If your virus scanner didn't catch it, one of the thousands of IT workers who have tried the pack would have.

    6: Your accusation, which is lightly disguised as a concerned observation, has no evidence whatsoever. And it seems quite similar to the previous accusations anti-technic trolls have slung at here in the past.

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