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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. jarjacksn start using the edit button.

    Also, I just took a look at project red and while a noble effort, I question the sanity of the license MrTJP created.

    No modpacks without written permission (only popular packs need apply) and no modifying the source except to submit improvements to him? He already has the code open for view, why not just make it open source entirely and ensure his replacement can never go the way of RP2?

  2. $300 Console + $200 non-gaming PC (good luck finding that) + $20(used)-$60 per game vs $600 gaming PC (built with tax refund 5 years ago) + hundreds of good free games + hundreds of good games in the $5-$10 range.

    PC gaming is cheaper by far, and the control scheme makes it impossible for me to play most games. Controllers are only really good for RPG, platformer, and driving games. RTS and FPS are impossible with a controller for me.

  3. I realize you are mostly PC Gamers, but will it kill you to play a game on a console? Sure I'd like a PC release as well, but I don't have anything against my PS3 or 360.

    Considering purchasing a console would completely wipe out my family's food budget for two months.

    Yes, yes it would.

  4. That's an osmosis-based generator, but AFAIK, we don't have the ability to create the membranes needed for that (on a production scale) yet.

    Yeah, I found the wikipedia article and linked it a few posts after.

    The good thing is atleast making the membranes is possible, not just theoretical. They have two small test plants running already and that alone will drive a good bit of research into making it economically viable.

  5. Very cool. I wonder if we could just pump the waste water into the ocean to keep the salt from messing with the environment too much.

    Anyways, I'm still going to hold out for thorium reactors. Especially in cars. That would be beautiful.

    That's the idea. You build the power plant where you have a steady supply of both salt and fresh water, which is conveniently exactly where nature is already mixing fresh water with salt water. The output is just dumped exactly where it would mix anyway.

    Though the environmental concerns on it say it will cause salinity fluctuations, which can stress marine life. But frankly, the environmental impact of that is MUCH less than a coal or natural gas plant.

    As for thorium cars, I'm hoping on those as well.

    Frankly with all the hype and debunk I've found on it, I'm considering asking my sister to kidnap some materials science majors at the university she works at and make them do the thorium + laser experiment and give some hard data on the output. It could be cold fusion-ish quackery or it could be real, but I have no clue because there's no data either way just opinions.


    Kocken: Hydrogen doesn't store well. Very badly actually. It tends to slip between the atoms making up the storage vessel and disperse out.

    And geothermal heating is very different from geothermal power. Those heating systems just take advantage of the fact the soil temperature 10ft down stays constant, at the average of the air temperature for the entire year in the area. Around here that's about 40F, so geothermal cooling works wonders around here.

    dw: Thorium produces much less waste than normal nuclear fuel. In reality the normal waste from a nuke plant is still perfectly viable for fuel, just not in the bomb material breeding reactor design they demanded people settle on back in the 50s.

  6. Geothermal. works in minecraft why wouldn't it work here?

    we also got warded blocks right? just make a reactor encased with the stuff.

    EDIT: why not use lighting...with lighting rods...you would just need a big freaking cable to transmit that energy and make a storage container to keep it.

    This is science talk, not minecraft...

    And lightning is a heck of a lot of power, but it's not as much as you think. All together every lightning strike in the world, if harnessed and stored perfectly, could power 129million households (each strike can power a house for a month).

    But you've got major losses from the bolt itself (that flash of light is energy lost to resistive heating) and you have to create a world spanning collector network.

    That's not taking into account the physical issues of maintaining the collectors. In many areas storms tend to bring nasty things like tornados, which tend to eat things like metal poles.

  7. Yeah, no. Without more advances in solar cells and an extreme efficient, cheap, and long lasting storage solution you can't convert too much of your generation capacity to solar and still function.

    You still need power when and where the sun doesn't shine, and cutting it off for half the day doesn't work.

  8. ...moving on!

    Uh, power supply issues is the new topic. Go!

    I've seen some interesting stuff on harvesting power from the boundary interaction where fresh water mixes with salt water.

    Though if it involves the ocean I'm a big fan of wave/tidal power generation. I remember seeing a show when discovery green started airing, showing some guys making a small power generator that used waves pushing air in and out of a tube and a bi-directional fan blade turning the airflow into power.

  9. Mr Rod Roc works for mouseandman.com, a marketing firm specializing in SEO and link building (according to google).

    His account and that post were created simultaneously. He's also from Reynosa, Mexico and has probably never been to that titan company is SC he's shilling.

    Also, "scientific tips"? The science behind acoustic emissions has been well known for decades. Beyond the discovery of new materials and microstructures that are more efficient at dampening the sound, it is entirely an engineering problem. Science discovers things, engineering make those discoveries do something useful.

    With the complete lack of information given we literally can't give any tips at all anyway. Well, except beyond "try different setups until you find one that works".

  10. Yeah, tekkit would eat a pi for breakfast. Maybe half a dozen pis clustered together could get it started, but then you have networking latency and all that jazz.

    Best use would be as a small server with a physical bridge. Use the GPIO to control stuff based on in game actions.

  11. I received my major in Information Tech and Apple's were and still are our running jokes.

    Apples are only running jokes until they receive a minor update and stop both running and being a joke.

    Arduinos are nice little toys, but a raspberry pi is what you want for real fun. And they even have a free minecraft that supports modification of the game world by external scripts.

    I had a pre-revision pi (half the memory and no mounting holes), but I gave it to my nephew.

  12. I have tried deleting mods before and it doesn't always work well. you might want to make a copy of your world or server before doing that just in case.

    Removing a mod from the mods folder of your server will work 100% of the time, guaranteed. And it will work just fine for all players, whether they remove the mod from their installs or not (infact best leave it in on clients, for compatibility).

    I'm curious where you got the idea that removing a mod doesn't always remove the mod? That's like saying removing the engine from a car doesn't always stop it from starting up.

  13. Chickens are easy, line their floor with transition planes or MFR item collectors (easiest). Then you send the eggs to a dispenser on a timer to shoot them out, making new chickens.

    To get sewage from them remember that sewers take upgrades, so stick out outside the pen on the correct level and give it a decent upgrade.

  14. Im Running a FTB server (direwolf20 1.4.7) with dynmap 1.8 (latest recommended release) dynmap DynmapCBBridge-1.8

    running on BukkitForge-1.4.7-257 with the dynmap-essentials plugin (0.50) and eddentials 2.10.1 and none of my warps or homes are showing up. what gives?

    (ps, i know this is the wrong forum entirely, but since tekkit is the closest thing to FTB and there's no official thread on the FTB forums, i came here instead. may the admins have mercy on my soul...)

    I don't see a problem with it. But just so you know, Mike hasn't logged into the forums here since March. So this is probably a dead end for your quest.

  15. Wait you just said you deleted them from the server section not to be a pill but isn't that where you should post about servers?

    Post your server yes. Post a bunch of replies to help other users be lazy, no.

    Those posts broke multiple rules themselves, and replying to them just encourages it.

    Any threads in the server sections have to follow the server post format.

    Offtopic: not a fan of this tapatalk. It's annoying and i can't check other threads to copy-paste from.

  16. Read the post and the article it links.

    Basically it says whatever idea you have isn't as unique as you believe it to be, and either way you'll never get anywhere jealously hiding it.

    Post details if you want to generate some interest.

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