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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Is there even a plugin requisition sub forum? Maybe one should be added. There is a mod requisition sub forum. Why not one for plugins?

    Requests covers bukkit plugins as well as mods.

    But this doesn't qualify for there because this is a case of the OP being too lazy to track down the plugin author and make the suggestions himself.

  2. Mod Makers Market

    General mod making discussion and help

    Even if reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, you still should always read atleast the first page worth of posts to figure out what a section is for. Doesn't matter what forum.

  3. You can't use the ftb download, that wouldn't work at all (and if it did, would be a dick move that would ignite a firestorm of hate).

    Write down the mods you want, make a pack here out of it, and release it just like any other pack.

    Platform gives pretty much infinite possibilities in an easy to distribute form. Why people would want to copy another pack mod for mod is beyond me...

  4. Can't check right now, but unless 0.6.0 is listed as recommended then it's a dev version and dev versions will likely lack some mods.

    How many dev versions in the past have been released that lacked computercraft?

    This is why Latest-n-Greatest is a bad thing. You pounce on every little release because it's all shiny and new, and then complain when an incomplete testing release is incomplete.

  5. You can refuel a turtle up with all the fuel it'll ever need if you pump in enough fuel and set a label.

    That said, excavate can refuel itself if needed. Haven't checked the logic myself cause frankly I've got better use for coal than refueling turtles.

    As for unloading, that's what the buffer is for. If you place an inventory behind the turtle's starting spot it will toss in it's inventory automatically when it returns to start when full.

    I used to roll my own dig program before excavate was upgraded, even then it was faster to dig a 1block pillar at a time and return to start after every one to unload than to run a quarry.

  6. Quarry, right...

    Try a mining turtle "excavate 62" vs a 64x64 quarry given 1MJ/t and see which one is faster.

    Above MJ amount is based of turtle power usage rate of 1 move per second, 80 moved per charcoal, 1600MJ per charcoal. 1600/80 = 20MJ/move / 20 ticks/sec = 1MJ/tick.

    Quarry only wins if given a very large head start from an empty space between the start point and the ground.

    Place a buffer behind the turtle's starting spot, a filter facing it, and you favorite RP2 sorting system and everything is faster and more efficient.

  7. The process of installing mods into a minecraft install is extremely error prone, and is what inspired the admins here to create technic in the first place.

    They've gone through all the effort to create the launcher, packs, and platform so people like you don't have to.

    My suggestion is you should search on platform for any packs that include the mods you're looking for, and give them a try. It's much easier and can introduce you to mods you never knew existed and yet can't live without.

  8. The technic launcher and platform does not support pirating minecraft for many reasons. The easiest to understand is having a launcher that downloads a fresh copy of minecraft when needed ensures everyone has the same minecraft installed, eliminating problems with different versions or already modded installs.

    This is a major step up from the old installer in terms of getting it to work for as many people as possible.

    If you don't like it, mod your pirated client yourself.

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