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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. My modpack contains a whole Minecraft directory that you just can put into your Minecraft folder. And Im sure many others modpacks does too. So what if the launcher downloads those file seperately, you can still get a copy of Minecraft using the link you get from Technic Platform. Well you cant have clean Minecraft, but it still against Minecrafts policies. I cant see Technic Platform do anything about those modpacks that does contain whole Minecraft directories.

    So you're claiming the platform should be sued and shutdown because you are offering a download that contains illegally obtained minecraft files and the platform is indexing your download on your request?

    So basically: "They should be punished because I'm doing something bad!"

  2. The system is new so don't expect a good indication of a modpack's actual popularity. Right now you've got the early adopters rushing to vote up their favorite modpack, but as time goes by people will sample the other packs and opinions will shift.

    There's a good chance the most popular modpack the the (future)history of minecraft will be made by a guy/girl who hasn't even considered the played yet.

  3. Please do look at everything before replying.

    Word of advice: Statements such as that generally translate to "If you just actually look at the evidence you would fall in line behind me in perfect agreement. Since you aren't you're obviously not looking or are too stupid to understand. So shut up till you agree with me."

    Whether you meant that or not, you're still trying to control the responses of others.

    Now, as for a report button of "copy" modpacks. Well, I can't speak for the admins, but from my experience I can give you an educated guess. The chances are roughly between "Not bloody likely." and "Oh yeah, that's totally on our feature list. See, it's right after Ensuring All Modpacks Are Perfectly Legal In The Eyes Of Every 12 Year Old Armchair Lawyer That Trolls The Minecraft Forums."

  4. Cut out the extra variables and simplify this equation, specifically the extra mods. Just run your work with whatever version of forge you compiled with and make sure your mod will function as intended with just the bare minimums for the client and server.

    Frankly it sounds like a simple block mismatch on the server part. Are you sure both the client and server have the same IDs?

  5. Dear ndm,

    You're talking to the same group that made a massively public modpack (tekkit) without permission from the respected mod developers. Of course they're not going to care.

    They're just offering a service that makes it convenient to make a custom mod pack and send it to people for easy access. It will also allow for hundreds of mod developers to be pissed off that these bros are essentially promoting the usage of mods without permission by making it so easy. THE TRUTH HURTS DOESN'T IT?

    Oh go be butthurt at microsoft, google, mozilla, apple, and whoever makes Opera. By your argument they're promoting actual monetary-relevant copyright infringement by making webpages so easy to view.

  6. To the OP: ignore Neowulf. You should see a psychiatrist to evaluate whether your inability to talk is caused by physical or psychological illness.

    Bah, doctors are cheaper than shrinks, and they're just as good at determining whether it's organic or functional dysphonia.

  7. Depends on how realistic you want some machines to get.

    You could have the basic set of distillery blocks that take fruit/grains in and give out booze then a more mechanical set that takes into account pressure, heat, time, and acidity values that require monitoring and corrective actions to produce more booze, or a better quality. The CC API could allow a computer to control the machine, monitoring the statistics and setting off the corrective actions as needed but would require the computer to know what the levels of each should be for the specific target booze (so it's not just a generic infinite loop checking static values).

  8. 1: Don't forget wine

    2: You should target UE as the base mod. From what I gather one of the submod authors is working on a fluids mod that will have pressure calculations, perfect feature for a distillery setup.

    3: I've been contemplating a "kitchen" mod with UE as a base, featuring more crops, basic farm tools, kitchen equipment, and a food system that lets you create meals to mix/match buffs. If I ever get enough sleep to finish my current project I'll be adding in a decent list of crops that could be used for brewing (grapes and a couple berries).

  9. I see you don't get any responses on these forums unless your post is troll-bait. Ah well, found a modder on minecraft forums who is going to take this on. Thanks anyways technic forum.

    Posting your idea does not grant you a guaranteed response, and definitely doesn't guarantee a modder will care. If you cared to look you'd see other ideas posted that got responses because they were actually worth responding to.

    If all you hear is crickets then maybe your Super-Duper-Completely-Radical-Ultra-Awesome Idea[tm]©{patent pending} isn't as awesome and unique as you believe it to be. If you have a problem with that, go be pissy elsewhere.

  10. I hope you have my free cape jargos cause I was promised a free cape by the website and I haven't gotten it yet even though I logged in like it told me to and gave them my credit card so they could send my free cape to my minecraft account cause I bought my minecraft account with the same creditcard and you should have my free cape cause you're from greece and the website I went to for my free cape was based in china and chine and greece are like right next to eachother on the european ocean so you have to be related so at the very least you can go next door to china and get my free cape and give it to me because I was promised a free cape and I really really want my free cape.

  11. If you can expend the effort to add hundreds of new items in 3 days then you should have enough spare to use proper grammar.

    And please report what you already have in, not your lofty plans. No one believes you and this is looking more and more like a scam.

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