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Posts posted by Neowulf

  1. Only your teeth are found as they pull the charred wrechage of your rocket sled from the same side of the mountain the JATO rocket car guy ran into.

    I wish people would put more effort into this and make it marginally interesting.

  2. Does FTB have my free cape because technic doesn't have my free cape and I can't even log into technic to see my free cape cause I went to the free cape website and logged in and now it says I'm already logged in so obviously technic stole my account to get my free cape and that makes me really sad so I'm going to call notch on them and get technic shut down for stealing my free cape and I'll go play FTB because they don't steal my free cape like the technic guys do.

  3. Dunno what a singularity is cause it's not my free cape and I want my free cape so you better help be get my free cape now or I'll report your to notch and he'll take away your minecraft for not helping me get my free cape cause the website said I would get a free cape but I don't have my free cape yet.

  4. The page said to log in to get a free cape but I don't have my free cape yet and I want my free cape so someone has to give me my free cape now or I'll be reallyreally pissed so you gotta fix it so i can log in and play again without it telling me I'm already logged in because I want to log in and play with my free cape!!!!!

  5. Really Skoalify? Editing your post multiple times? What, you hoped we could only see the original post and the last edit?

    On a related note, I figured out how to view edit histories. Yay me. :)

    Now, which one did you mean the most?

    The minirant about us always having to have the last word and ending with a "Fuck you!"? I particularly love this one, trying to tell everyone else to stop trying to get the last word in so you can be the one with the last word in.

    The one about you being a nigerian king?

    Or how about the one I believe to be directed at Jay? The one calling her an "undeveloped juvenile of a clown".

  6. He apparently tried to hide everything he said but the most important one is here:thisistoobeatifulltohid.png

    This shit is just too funny to hide!

    Better watch out Nitus, he's calling cyber bullying on you making a record of his own words. I hear that's like super duper serious and can get your internet license revoked, probably even go on your Permanent Record!

  7. You don't have a clue about anything other than the fact that I searched for a developer and found one..

    You're absolutely right, I don't have any clue what your plans are because you failed to make them known.

    And that's because you're being really secretive in the "Thieving programmerses, they steals my presciousideas!" way, just like every other wanna be with loads of ideas and no skills of your own.

    You're asking a programmer to jump into an uncompensated, presumably expansive project pretty much blind. The fact you found someone willing to do it means you either found a complete newbie without any creativity of his own, or someone who decided to go along with it just to see what the idea your fussing over actually is. Neither of which has a very good chance of sticking around.

    Again, good luck. I do hope you enjoy your little CEO LARP.

    And do be sure not to bother us in the future when it all falls through. Your secrecy alone tells us you're not worth listening to.

  8. Such amazing things like streaming audio

    Amazing? Streaming audio?


    Your list of amazing possibilities is pretty mundane.

    Well, good luck with your new developer. Please don't repost this when it falls through and you need someone else to pick up the spaghetti code he leaves behind (IF he leaves any behind. technically it'll all be his work since you lack a contract or other agreement).

  9. Meh, easy enough. Just make a BC liquid compatible block with a custom render, have it randomtick scan through it's effect area to find unwatered farm blocks, and make em watered at the cost of some stored liquid.

    Boosting plant growth is easy enough, because wheat and the like are just static blocks that randomtick a bit of code that randomly increments the block's meta data. All you have to do is call the plant's "should I grow" bit of code and it'll increase growth rate slightly.

    Bonus points for having the sprinklers put out fires too, and damage blazes/endermen.

    No, I'm not offering, just tossing out thoughts. I need to finish my own damn project first, and that requires atleast one night of sleep...

  10. While I haven't checked lately, historically over on the Garage Games little forum there was usually a new "need programmer" post every day or two.

    And every single one was depressingly similar.

    "My team is looking for an experienced and highly creative programmer for a unique project.

    We already have the rest of the team and just need someone who can tweak code to create our reality.

    I am the idea guy and part-time <Choose one: artist/modeler/sound effects/music/writer/webmaster>. <random name> is our full time modeler and texture designer, <other random name> is our map maker, <rest of team introduced>.

    Applicants must be highly skilled, very creative, and already own all the necessary tools/licenses to complete a <latest version of Torque> product.

    Payment will be a portion of game sales once the final project is completed. This will be a very substantial amount, I can assure you. You will agree once you've eard the game premise.

    Apply at <random game name domain hosting a stock template website with some half-decent graphics and an "edgy" black background>

    Thank you for your time."

    And you know what, their biggest mistake was the payment line.

    Programmers don't give a crap about your vague ideas, they couldn't care less how popular you think your project will be, or if they have input or not.

    You want one of us to take notice, drop our personal projects to take orders from you, and code on your time? You want to act like a CEO? Then you want employees who work for you, employees that have to be compensated. You gotta pony up some cold hard cash.

    And no, "It'll be an internship!" will not fly with anyone. Internships may tend to be unpaid, but they're also with companies that already have working staff on hand to give the intern guidance and networking opportunities.

  11. *facedesk*

    Now you understand why protective headgear is part of the standard moderator toolkit...

    sorry you got warned the admins r a bit men :P

    A bit? I'm pretty sure all the admins are men. Not all the mods though, some have stated they are women.

    And no I won't say which of us are women. It's way too hilarious watching little pimplefactories default to "Girl said something to me, must flirt" then find out, to their homophobic horror, they just called a guy twice their age cute.

  12. The OP baffles me.

    At no point in any one of his posts did he make clear what his problem was. If he had a problem, he could've posted it instead of thinking mindless hate will get him anywhere.

    But I guess that's how idiots work.

    Well, he did say he did not agree with the existence of big public modpacks. If someone is going to use a pack then it must be a small private one, the ones that don't benefit from a launcher making things easier.

    Yes, he came here trying to convince people to abandon technic and go back to a time when you had to know how to alter your own client to play modded.

  13. w_485_1331853599_abd0_facepalm.jpg

    Ok. Go read the forum rules. You have racked up atleast 4 infraction points from double/triple posts alone.

    Literally the only reason you aren't a keller or in kitty jail already is it's more fun to play with our food stupid threads like this.

    Plus it's good hunting training for the kittens.

  14. Valid first point. Post all you want people, but I appreciate the ones that have followed my request. Thanks guys.

    I posted it because I felt like it. I don't think it will make a diffrence, but you never know.. "One candle may light a thousand"

    Oh dear god really?

    "I post because I feel like it. They can't post because I said so!"

    Once again you don't say if he got permission or not. "Didn't say no" isn't permission. Thats like saying something doesn't have a price tag on it at a store, it's free.

    No, it's like asking to borrow someone's stapler, them not answering, and a week later they burn down the office building while trying to make it look like you started the fire.

    Yes, most people are lazy idiots. Maybe not having a way for them to get the pack so easily would make them acutally put up in an effort for something in their short, meaningless lives.

    You sound like an old linux snob. "Don't make it any easier to use! If they can't figure it out then they shouldn't be allowed to use it!"

  15. First off, why do they have the right to post here? Do they know anything about what happens as far as the pack goes thats not public knowledge?

    Because they are users here just as much as you are.

    They have a right to speak and a right to ignore you when you whine about them not obeying you.

    I know this probably won't change anything, but I wanted to attempted to make a point. You pretty much summed up the point with "I don't agree with your work", but it's the reasons that are the problem.

    So why did you bother to take the effort and post here?

    Do you really love hearing yourself speak that much? Or did you expect the userbase here to be drooling idiots who easily fell to your superior reasoning skills and obvious divine purpose?

    Him trying to blame you for it is rather childish, but you still havn't answered whether you got permission in the first place.

    Kaker asked, sengir didn't say no. He just sat enjoying the exposure then tried to sneak in an attack.

    I am no longer using the "most popular pack in minecraft existence", though I had been using it. I used it before it became the massive cesspool it is. The user count on here is large, but how many have left to play other packs, and how many people would there be playing private packs if you put them all together? I'd say we're about even.

    Without something to do the modding for them, most users wouldn't even bother. Just look at the problems people have adding more mods to packs like technic and FTB, situations where 99% of the work is done for them.

  16. First off, Slink and Munaus have just as much right to post here as anyone else. Name calling is just juvenile and shows you lack the ability to express yourself in a way that doesn't invite pointing and laughing.

    Your attempt to make a point is bad and you should feel bad. I can't tell if you're pissed and throwing a tantrum or if you really think your commands hold any weight around here.

    And the point you're trying to make is "I don't agree with your work", which is a valid statement but doesn't mean anything.

    Forestry was pulled because sengir is a child who threw a tantrum just like this. But he decided to attack users in a sad attempt to blame the admins here for people losing their worlds.

    He never once asked for the mod to be removed. Not once. He even admitted to it in a rant on the MCforums, though pointing that out just invites him to flame you and scream about how you obviously can't read because he obviously meant something completely different.

    Yeah, personal experience...

    Now, you say you don't agree with the existance of large public packs. Well why the hell are you using the most popular public pack in minecraft existance then?

    Just walk away and do what you think is best. Making demands on here isn't going to get technic shut down and magically make all the other public packs disappear so we can all go back to a time when everyone had to mod their own minecraft to play on modded servers.

    YOU may like the idea of small private packs, but the user count on here alone says you're outnumbered by over 100,000 to 1.

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