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Everything posted by GamerX10

  1. The only thing i hate is that it changes the modpack sometimes
  2. This server is awesome 5.0.2 and is 24/7 most of the time it is really goodignore alexdevus
  3. I would like to join IGN:GamerX10 i love to play on this server cause it still has railcraft and other things
  4. Quarries are not in voltz
  5. check ur forum for the server please

  6. can i join ur tekkit lite server?

  7. i found my info from phanimars streams the developer and he talks about it look up phanimar or ee3 and red matter is removed because it is overpowered dark matter will still remain
  8. the condenser collecters and other part of a power flower were removed an alternative will be put in for the condenser and other things EDIT: I double posted to add the info i left out i messed up and i should have edited it in ok sorry...
  9. ee3 is in development and is still adding items and things they have not added emc yet it is in dev so it is being worked on and the ee2 version has not been updated to 1.4.6 so they had to use EE3pre1f wich is a pre release not the full mod yet
  10. what is ur tekkit lite server ip i want to play on it i hate laggy servers so i heard your server does not lag??

  11. i want to become a master at tekkit lite like tekkit SO MUCH STUFF TO LEARN!
  12. I'M A FREAKING TACO !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  13. Axt when will the server b on

  15. I'm a freaking taco! surround 1 coal in a crafting table with sulfer for 5 gunpowder
  16. Axt follow me and check out our conversation

  17. axt follow me and check out our conversation

  18. Looking For A Non Lagging Voltz Server

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