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Posts posted by joe5

  1. I agree, that the upgrade system is less intuitive. However, it is also significantly more powerful and the toolset comes along with it allows you to create secure systems with far fewer lag inducing contortions. Personally, I feel there is room for both systems. They are not mutually exclusive, there are no ID conflicts and they really do provide very different toolsets. It would leave servers with the opportunity to disable one or the other or even create tiers of force field using different levels of power based on config settings.

    That said, I would challenge whether or not you have truly explored the new system to its fullest. I have found, that taking full advantage of the new features results in force field systems that are as complex or significantly more complex as those mandated by the original version.

  2. it is not simply a matter of updating the version.tekkit needs to switch from the version which was taken over by another modder to the original version which is being maintained by the original author. This version has many systems which are specifically aimed at SMP protection.

    There is a thread addressing the possibility of adding a more sophisticated version to the mod pack. perhaps if you could post your belief that adding the more sophisticated version be beneficial in that thread it would help to draw attention to that possibility and hopefully put it on the radar screens of the people who maintain the pack.

    I am a little bit leery of writing a guide because doing so would mean that everyone who wishes to use force fields for protection would have to use the most sophisticated defense systems possible. One unfortunate side effect of writing a guide about fixing the vulnerabilities in force fields is that it draws attention to those vulnerabilities. I will say that the vast majority of the easy force field glitches can be fixed by using layered fields with gaps in between and the outer field on a time.

    though, if exploitation of force field vulnerabilities is really as common as you say then perhaps it is time for a comprehensive guide regardless of the risks to less powerful systems.

    for now If you wish to PM me with specific questions or would like help creating defensive setups I would be happy to address the specific challenges you face.

  3. in a way, I don't think it's even fair to say that immibis' mod sucks. . He took over during a time when it seemed that darkthunder had abandoned it. but it was never his mod, and so aside from some bug fixes he has never really changed it. darkthunder on the other hand is the original mod author and so he has continued to update and improve it with additional ideas. The truth is that now that the original version has been resuscitated the block-based version is antiquated.

    I to hope that his version is added to the mod pack soon. It has far better functionality for SMP and is simply a more complete mod overall.

  4. hello, I have been experimenting with your mod and it is very good. If this is what you call a beta then I have every confidence that the final mod will be nothing short of spectacular.

    welcome to the forums

  5. 1: only possible if the defender has not planned for a siege.

    2: the outer layer of your field grid should be on a timer. this is expensive but if you face a serrious threat it is worth it.

    please do not post ways to penetrate force fields in the open forum, it only encourages greifing. I realize that you are simmply reposting previously mentioned methods but the less we mention them the more greifers will have to work to find them.

    that aproch does not work because of the manner in which ender portals work. far better to build an iris enabled gate that you can monitor (and if you are in a bad mood you can make the iris combat enabled and berry a few tesla coils in the wall).

    are you going to attempt another force field enabled base? if so I will be happy to correspond with you over how to secure it.

  6. those of us who wish to get a good return on our investments with which to continue constructing better more sophisticated systems. Not to mention those of us who would prefer to have one working reliable functional and productive resource source than still be mining by hand for the resources to build unnecessary components. I personally would prefer six mining machines or a combat active frame ship to one needlessly complex mining system with inferior or comparable functionality to one of the six mentioned above.

    indeed, I'm a member of the enlightened collective which realizes that the two most valuable resources on any server are lag and time. Running needlessly complex or in efficient systems particularly where frames are involved Burns lag. Maintaining those systems Burns time.so yes, I believe efficiency matters.

    I wholeheartedly agree, creating fascinating and impressive builds is the entire point of mine craft. However, I would contend that your time is far better point towards the creation of a comprehensive crafting system or self replicating storage system then towards adding glitter to a machine you will likely never see.

  7. from a technical perspective, that is true. However, six axis systems are far more expensive to create and more difficult but check. If your objective is to create a functional mining system low investment and reliability are paramount. Single axes systems accomplish the exact same thing with a six axis system with lower investment and greater reliability.

    If you are building in survival switches are cheaper.

    Interesting, I was not aware of that. Thank you. Do you know why they only occur on mining systems? We have had no difficulty operating near our frameship

  8. modular force fields are very useful if used correctly. If you are going to use them as an anti greafing measure ensure that your fields are always at least four layers thick with a gap of air one block thick between each layer. however, it is also important to remember that modular force fields in the addition that we are using are not designed to combat other players. It is possible to create player proof systems however, doing so is exceedingly difficult and I would caution you against declaring the mod useless until you have spent at least 10 to 15 hours experimenting with various setups. That said, I would also caution you against getting your hopes up about those new updates. As those updates are only being made to the version of the mod written by the original creator and not the version used by tekkit which is maintained by immbis.

    Also, if you are going to build a force field system should be greife proof remember that you can always create your own portal and then cover it with an iris system similar to that used in Stargate sg1. Fact, properly set up it is possible to create a base which is not only invulnerable to other players but invulnerable to players in creative as well. If you have any questions about how to reinforce your current system or design a new one I would be happy to answer. Thought will not post the method of entry my countermeasures are designed to prevent. Since that might jeopardize the security of less sophisticated force field systems.

    good luck

  9. yes, we had one of these running on our server for a while. though we shut it down because frames do not move in chunckloaded areas. if you are in fact planning to construct a tier three frameship such as the one you have describedI would give you a few pieces of advice:

    1. Do not use build craft. Red power has far greater functionality and is designed to work with frames natively. Furthermore the ability to use a retriever-based system means that you will have just enough available area around a single industrial craft mining machine to both supply and retrieve mining pipes. You will add approximately 4 min. to your mining cycle.however, the increased efficiency and saved iron should be more than worth it.
    2. Do not connect ender chests directly to frames. Instead use a system of deployers and block breakers on a sliding type track to get around the frequent crashes that result from placing ender chests on frames.
    3. Do not attempt to create a six axis frameship for this build. A mining machine such as this one functions best when it only moves in one direction. As a result the additional five axes would be wasted. It is also worth noting that you should construct your bills above the highest mountain is will ever encounter. Otherwise it will get stuck.
    4. always use switches instead of Redstone torches the additional control they give will come in handy when but checking.
    5. Use deployers to create columns of sand or gravel every eight blocks such that the mining machine sent its to down through the colum of sand. due to the nature of frames you will not have enough room to place a pump system near your mining machine and the mining machine will not mind to liquids. the columns of sand will allow the mining machineto continuous operations even when it is over an ocean or river. I would suggest that dropping one piece of sand every minute is about the right deployment frequency.
    6. Your ship should move once for every 2000 to 3000 seconds the past. The exact timing system will have to depend on your construction. However, I would encourage you to leave approximately 2 min. to spare after the completion of both mining and attraction in order to ensure that you do not leave ugly duplicated pipes behind you.
    7. Do not use wires. Create a straight line composed of one Mv solar array one mfe and one lv transformer directly abutting your mining machine. This will ensure constant reliable power with minimal chances of glinching.
    8. do not attempt to use the same timer for all functions the very least you should have one timer initiating the movement cascade one timer sending the drill to the mining machine as one timer removing it.
    9. do not stand in the vicinity of the machine while it is running. Frame-based mining machines have an annoying and unavoidable habit of crashing the clients of any players who happen to be in their general vicinity when the move. Generally speaking this is not a problem encountered with correctly built frame ships. however, for reasons we have been unable to determine vehicles which interact with the ground seem to encounter this problem even when they are built correctly. It has been hypothesized that this occurs when frames attempt to move into another block or entity which was not present in the previous tick. However, this has never been confirmed.

    My final piece of advice you is this: frame ships up perhaps the single most difficult and complex builds in the tekkit world. well they are potentially very rewarding it is inadvisable to build them without expert knowledge both of each relevant mod as an individual expert knowladge of the interactions between mods.

    if you are sure you wish to attempt this build that we will happily provide you what support we can. But it is advisable that you think very carefully about whether you are willing to put in the time and effort to understand not only the effects of each mod but also how they are coded and how those different coding styles interact.

    Best of luck.

    PS, I apologize for any grammatical errors which may appear in the above text. I'm currently using voice dictation software and it does have a tendency to switch words. If anything is unclear please feel free to ask for additional clarification.

  10. it would indeed, that would truly make the forces of unnatural alchemy terrifying (but awesome)

    well, i think that it would be a choice like just like EE or CC is. for some servers (like mine) this would fit the theme perfectly and this would be an absolutley increadible addition. for others the additonal work might not be worth the benefits. I think that most servers would end up bissableling some of the truely massive wepons but for a war server, the t1/t2 missles are actualy fairly well ballanced with the rest of the pack.

    their website is very organized. I look forward to seeing how they do the anti matter refinment system.

    any tried red powering the launchers?

  11. perhaps, the state of mind in which you would threaten legal action after having your picture changed on an anynamious online forum for a video game, is the same one which lead to your being given the Helen Keller title in the first place.

    food for thought, yes?

  12. because the 8192 time that you hand craft a solar panel automation starts to look pretty good. I happen to agree that EE is cheating but I don't see anything wrong with having a couple of comprehensive manufacturing centres on a server. it just makes life easier (not to mention gives everyone a good thing to fight over).

    beyond a mining machine (i may post later) I have not really done much that is visually impressive. however, i love the premise of the thread. it is always fun to see the amazing things that others have crafted.

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