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Posts posted by joe5

  1. hi,

    after the utter and complete faler of my previous mining machines I have created a mining machine which does not need a moving head in order to function. in principle this is great, as it allows me to use only one inchworm drive and the machine never gets stuck. however, while it never gets stuck it simply stops working when I am not nearby.

    I have implemented both a rolling chunkloader and a frame based chunckloading modual. but at the moment I am unclear on wheather they are having any effect.

    has anyone succeed in creating a chunckloaded mining machine that functions when people are not in the area? if so, how?

    if not, has anyone given it a shot and figured out why it is not working?

  2. first, check the linksize.

    then, get rid of all of the normal blocks that don't need to be their. the first rule of building with frames is that whenever possible you ONLY build with frames. it makes it easier to bug check and less likely to develop bugs

    have you tried removing the outer layers and adding them back on one at a time?

  3. alternately, if you are willing to install the darkthunder eddition you can change the thickness of your forcefield not to mention add an item that automaticly attacks anyone unathorsed who comes in, however you would need to get all of your users to use that one as well.

  4. indeed, it in no way reflects on immibis, he is a hero for putting in the effort to rescue that mod when it looked like it was going to die but the bottom line is that darkthunder is the one with the creative vision.

    given as they have already released a version with immibis I dont see any problem with leaving that in but i think that as tekkit is an smp pack having the smp version is a good idea

  5. hi,

    i posted this earlier in the wrong section so i figured i would give it another try:

    I have recently been experimenting with modular forcefields for use in multilayer defence systems and came across the updated dark thunder edition of the mod. this version uses items to upgrade and modify the feild types rather than blocks. while i would not necessarily say that this version replaces the existing version already in the pack, i would propose that it expands and enriches the tekkit survival experience. most particularly in pvp or endgame situations where power usage or nuke resistance (near invulnerability) are a priority.

    known compatability:

    while I have not yet gotten a chance to test this mod on a server as of yet I can verify that it functions flawlessly in tekkit ssp and that it complements the existing mods quite nicely.


    1. greater nuke resistance

    2. more sophisticated field shaping

    3. adds mob proof shields

    4. adds true pvp defence systems

    5. adds far more options regarding power use and field size (in game)

    6. allows for the creation of larger fields

    7. more streamlined upgrade/control system

    8. does not require work around to create doors (authorised personnel can walk through field at the cost of eu)

    9. creates a "smart" system that can identify which players are and are not authorised to aces the system.

    10. smaller system block footprints (less blocks needed)

    11. could be used to create an in game factions base without cheating.

    12. allows the creation of larger and THICKER feilds.

    13. could be used to make an awsome (if expensive) transport system


    1. more expensive

    2. steeper learning curve

    3. would make wars more expensive

    4. the cost in time for the tekkit team to add it to the modpack

    5. might be difficult for inexperienced ops to handle as it does have a powerful tool set

    the mod can be found at:

    many thanks for your time and consideration.

  6. as far as i know the id cards only work on the current version (with the smp focus) and not the spin of that tekkit uses which is much more ssp focused have they switched to the dark thunder version?

    also, their are some ways into a mffs forcefield assuming that he has not taken the adequat precautions and you are an op (or they are okay with this). i have spent a fair number of hours testing mffs for my own server so if you still need some help with this problem feel free to ask

  7. eather that or simply figure out average power usage and broudcast that (remember multiple bases can draw from the same frequecy which lets you split it into smaller poer links)

    i am unclear on why you need a substation in the first place. on our sever we are currently broudcasting all the way from the gen tower to allied mining inc which is located about 5000 blocks away without problems.

  8. if i understand correctly what you are trying to do:yes.

    we have one on our server and aside form the ocasional act or stupidity or sabatoush it has been brouadcasting 756eu/t about 5000 blocks to 20 different points quite reiliably. the only hting i would warn you about is the need to throutal your system. in other words, becuse buildcraft is a always on system any power your broudcast and dont use is waisted so unless you have demand side managment of the system you should be very carfull to limit your frequency sizes

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