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Want 1-2 people to join me (Need a host)

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Ive recently REALLY gotten into tekkit (and all that juicy shtuff), but i feel like there is no point if i can't share my success (and bragging) with other people, so i want 1 or 2 people to play with me, i can't currently host a server, my computer would probably melt into 10000 pieces, so thats for you or one of you two to do, sorry :<. I have a bit of experience with tekkit but i know i have ALOT to learn, so i want someone that knows more than me. I hope these requirements aren't too much, but i really want to enjoy the time i spend with you (and maybe you too). This will be a 4 person group (or 3 depends) because i will have one of my best friends joining, he knows absolutely NOTHING about minecraft, thats why im so anxious to get him into it, if it bothers you then either DEAL WITH IT or help him learn! you must have skype so we can talk to one another via voice chat, if one of you wants to record it im fine with that, if there is a specific thing your good at please tell me (such as EE2 or buildcraft, ect). Thats all and i hope to have fun :)

(If this is in the wrong place i will move it)

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Im in UK however host a server on a gaming website. server is located in london with a 1GB connection... Can access it fine from anywhere (yes ive tried). i host a 6 player one with mainly 4 people at the moment. Id be happy to let you come on and see if you would like to join us?

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Im in UK however host a server on a gaming website. server is located in london with a 1GB connection... Can access it fine from anywhere (yes ive tried). i host a 6 player one with mainly 4 people at the moment. Id be happy to let you come on and see if you would like to join us?

That would be nice, but if my current group can get a server setup done then i don't know what to do about you, maybe we could play in the future? Does your server use hamachi?

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What's this "ping" crap? I host my server on an American residential cable connection and I get a lot of players from the UK and Norway...

Ping is a measurement of how long it takes a packet of data to go from your computer to another and back in a network.

So if I "pinged" you, it would measure how long it takes for a packet of data to go from my computer to your computer and back.

Higher ping generally indicates that there will be a slower connection, and therefore more lag.

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Me and a couple of my friends have a tekkit server I host in MN. I am waiting on a dedicated server in AZ. Well how about that?

EDIT: My AZ Dedicated server was accepted and is online :)

Have your already started? if you have and aren't very far then i might join, depends.

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