1.7.10 Mojangsters Modpack Server, Very Hard Survival, PvP, PvE, Raid, Grief, No Lagg
I have set up a pole to help me understand a few things about minecraft players, please vote.
1 member has voted
1. How do you feel about the difficulty level on the server?
I think it's way too hard, and i find it confusing.0
I think it's way too hard, but it is very simple to understand the mechanics of the game.0
I find it very difficult, but I like the challenge! I am a Mojangster!!1
I craft at night, Mine and gather materials during the day, It's very easy if you take it slow and are careful.0
This Server Is Way Too Easy, I can play it in my sleep!!0
2. If you ragequit from a server, would you come back and try again?
I wouldn't come back, it's no fun if i can't win.0
I would come back over and over again until i won!0
I would make a plan on how to survive and be successful1
3. What do you look for when choosing a server?
No Laggg!!!!.1
Admins and Staff Around to help if needed.0
Lots of players online.0
I like a easy to play server.0
I like a difficult to play server.1
I like PVP1
I like PVE0
I like to fortify my base and challenge others to "Come At Me Bro!"0
I like to raid players and make them cry!1
I like free donator stuff0
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