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Suggestion! (SMP compatible(Bukkit|Vanilla))(NOT overpowered... ish)

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I'll make this really simple with some side notes at the end so that you don't leave.

Mod: Harvestcraft

MC Forum: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/402069-125forgesmp-for-125-pams-harvestearthhearthbonedesertcraft-weee-flowers-jul-9th-new-minimod/

Version: 1.2.5

SMP: Yes, vanilla and bukkit as well

Block IDs: 11

Creator: MatrexsVigil

SMP Coder: WinduX

Aim: Farming

Content: Over 60 farmable products | More than a hundred food items | 2 Armor sets

Why you should add this: This mod is incredible, it adds so much content that is just so fun to play with, this will evolve tekkit city based servers and even inspire some to begin city based servers. Just imagine *Thought cloud* Walking down a street one day and seeing sushi bars, steakhouses, cafes, fancy restaurants, Burgerkings/McDonalds, blah blah blah. The food itself inspires certain builds as said before, the farms... 60 farmable products, how many people will go mad and make massive farms trying to farm ever single product. I hope you got my dream cloud and saw the possibilities and the power of this mod.

Additional info


Types of growable products | 60 in total


Cotton (For clothes, YES CLOTHES GODAMMIT)

Berries(Multiple types)

Vegetables(All the ones you know and more @_@)

Fruits(All the ones you know and more @_@)

Fruit trees (24 of em)

Food types


Drinkables(Coffee, expresso, tea, etc)

Muffins(banana bread, pumpkin bread, blueberry muffins, etc)

A crapload of salads

A crapload of soops

Types of fish (Currently unavailable or extremely rare)

Rice and stuff(Curry, rice and beans and much more)

Fast food(Pizza, burgers, doughnuts, pretzels, sandwiches, more)

Breakfast(Pancakes, waffles, french toast, etc)

Pies(I don't remember but I know there's like atleast 10)

I hope that this message reaches staff of the technic crew and that maybe this mod might someday end up in tekkit. If someone from the technic crew DOES read this post PLEASE respond, that way I know that such a great mod wasn't ignored completely. If you agree that this should definetly be in tekkit please spread the word and bump this thread, oh and make comments please, I like to hear other people's opinions.

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I'm thinking I should post this somewhere else... Somewhere that isn't spammed by countless 9 year old idiots saying things like "TMI WON SHO UP HELP" or "I CANT LOGIN OT MY SERVER I NEED FORGE" or some other stupidity like "I NIED TO FINZ A ZERVER TO PLAI ON"... The internet should ban little kids...

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I'm thinking I should post this somewhere else... Somewhere that isn't spammed by countless 9 year old idiots saying things like "TMI WON SHO UP HELP" or "I CANT LOGIN OT MY SERVER I NEED FORGE" or some other stupidity like "I NIED TO FINZ A ZERVER TO PLAI ON"... The internet should ban little kids...

Did this post have a purpose?

I'm just asking based on the completely random nature of the post.

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I'm thinking I should post this somewhere else... Somewhere that isn't spammed by countless 9 year old idiots saying things like "TMI WON SHO UP HELP" or "I CANT LOGIN OT MY SERVER I NEED FORGE" or some other stupidity like "I NIED TO FINZ A ZERVER TO PLAI ON"... The internet should ban little kids...

You realize that posts like that are against the rules, right? If you see one, please report it. The mods take care of them when we see them but we are vastly outnumbered.

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You realize that posts like that are against the rules, right? If you see one, please report it. The mods take care of them when we see them but we are vastly outnumbered.

): There should be a suggestions category with rules like: Mods have to be SMP and ported, updated to the latest version, etc

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