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Hey all,

Just updated from 1.0.0 to 1.1.4 and I did the miDas ID patch for the world. However when I load in there are no pipes at all. They are physically there (I can stand on them break them) but they cannot be seen, used or picked up after breaking.

Can anyone offer help here? My entire server is at a stand still because of this.


22 answers to this question

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We can't exactly offer support for mIDas since it's not a Technic thing, and you haven't said what you used it to do or anything really. Just that you used some patcher and now some (all?) your pipes are gone? BC or Redpower pipes? Gotta include more info my man. There's a stickied thread at the top of the bug forum list that you should have read first.

If I had to make a guess with nothing to go on, I'd guess that somehow you've removed the pipes from the ID list so they're no longer working. I'm not familiar with mIDas at all though.

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When I used mIDas *GOLD* to update from v1.0.0 I didn't use Stanchez's patch file, I used the default log file and had to switch some things around so that cables and "Electric" (w/e that is) would be preserved. Unfortunately, all the buildcraft pipes defaulted to Mining Pipes but I discourage BC pipes on my server so only one guy was (mildly) affected. However, the Coke Machine for railcarts turned into invisible "Unnamed Blocks", but that was the only thing that happened (and could have been avoided if I looked up the proper ID switch but I just gave the gal who owned the 1 Coke machine another).

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http://technicpack.net/?page_id=355 last paragraph is what I did.

Odd, the last paragraph in the post is a link to Rei's Minimap. That's probably where you went wrong.

Otherwise, don't use Stanchez's patcher file. It consistently got stuck when trying to update the players' inventories. I used a modified version of the log file that came with the mIDas *GOLD* version as shown below:

217 Arboretum -> 201 Arboretum

152 Cargo Dropoff Rail -> 132 Cargo Dropoff Rail

143 Copper Block -> 224 Copper Block

227 Rubberwood -> 143 Rubberwood

148 Luminator -> 218 Luminator

226 Ruby Block -> 145 Ruby Block

158 Builder -> 157 Builder

153 Cargo Pickup Rail -> 131 Cargo Pickup Rail

157 Filler -> 155 Filler

214 Humus -> 197 Humus

138 Reinforced Glass -> 230 Reinforced Glass

135 Reactor Chamber -> 233 Reactor Chamber

137 Reinforced Stone -> 231 Reinforced Stone

156 Land Mark -> 154 Land Mark

124 Mining Pipe -> 171 Mining Pipe

123 Generator -> 246 Generator

189 Charging Bench Mk1 -> 187 Charging Bench Mk1

207 Elevator Rail -> 210 Elevator Rail

128 Rubber Tree Sapling -> 241 Rubber Tree Sapling

170 Refinery -> 167 Refinery

251 Timer -> 138 Timer

165 Automatic Crafting Table -> 169 Automatic Crafting Table

166 Frame -> 160 Frame

134 Rubber Sheet -> 234 Rubber Sheet

238 Null Cell -> 149 Null Cell

151 Passenger Dropoff Rail -> 130 Passenger Dropoff Rail

141 BatBox -> 227 BatBox

130 Industrial TNT -> 239 Industrial TNT

252 Alloy Furnace -> 137 Alloy Furnace

160 Mining Well -> 174 Mining Well

255 Nether Coal -> 177 Nether Coal

155 Planter -> 124 Planter

142 Personal Safe -> 225 Personal Safe

125 Mining Pipe -> 244 Mining Pipe

131 Nuke -> 237 Nuke

149 Luminatoroops -> 219 Luminatoroops

150 Passenger Pickup Rail -> 129 Passenger Pickup Rail

213 Logger -> 203 Logger

202 Detector (Storage) -> 206 Detector (Storage)

126 Rubber Wood -> 243 Rubber Wood

159 Template Drawing Table -> 158 Template Drawing Table

168 Tank -> 165 Tank

224 Solar Panel -> 151 Solar Panel

169 Pump -> 164 Pump

136 Iron Fence -> 232 Iron Fence

141 Electric -> 227 Electric

228 Leaves -> 141 Leaves

140 Cable -> 228 Cable

229 Ruby Ore -> 140 Ruby Ore

147 Scaffold -> 220 Scaffold

164 Mining Pipe -> 171 Mining Pipe

230 Marble -> 142 Marble

225 Deployer -> 150 Deployer

216 Apatite Ore -> 198 Apatite Ore

144 Teleporter -> 223 Teleporter

215 Fermenter -> 205 Fermenter

154 Conveyor Belt -> 125 Conveyor Belt

145 Construction Foam -> 222 Construction Foam

127 Leaves -> 242 Leaves

210 Biogas Engine -> 204 Biogas Engine

232 Indigo Flower -> 139 Indigo Flower

212 Forester -> 196 Forester

167 Quarry -> 153 Quarry

253 Cobblestone Cover -> 136 Cobblestone Cover

380 Steel Ingot -> 1242 Steel Ingot

234 White Lamp -> 147 White Lamp

If you want to preserve your pipes, then it's an easy matter of finding the new Pipe ID's (easy) and the old ones (hard) and then remove the 4-5 references to mining pipes in the patch file above and edit it such that all pipes are preserved correctly (hardcore mode). This patch file should preserve electricity and cables, as that was the reason I edited it.

EDIT: I can't really offer you any more help because your posts are oddly detailed and extremely meticulous in documenting your problem, especially seeing how dedicated you are to fixing your world.

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His problem is that when he converted his Tekkit 1.0.0 map to the 1.1.4 version using mIDas, the pipes he and other players placed are now invisible. The pipes are still there, but he cannot use or see the pipes. Mousing over where the pipe would be gives a block box indicating the pipe's outline. Attempting to break the pipe will yield no dropped block. I had this problem too on my server. Luckily, I didn't have much pipes on the server and simply just replaced them all using NEI.

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That's exactly what happened to the Coke Machine on my server. But it can easily be avoided by using the right patch file. I suggest using the one I posted to be able to see the old tubes (granted, they're shown as mining tubes). That way, all you have to do is find "Mining Tubes" in the patch file I posted and edit the ID's correctly.

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EDIT:editing here so if people come looking its on the front page.

The missing pipes are caused by additional pipes being removed, its pretty simple to test, just backup a 1.0.0 tekkit multiplayer world, remove "additional pipes" from the servers mods folder and restart TADA! all your pipes are invisible! probably more evidence of how badly programmed additional pipes was.

So if you are determined to get your pipes in 1.1.4 copy the additional pipes mod from 1.0.0 to 1.1.4 :( . that's what I did and thats why I didn't notice this problem. I'm looking into the cause of this.


Only just noticed this thread, please ensure you are using version v0.1.7 of mIDas *GOLD* and the patch file x0trane0x posted(http://pastebin.com/wuzaktz5). This a slightly modified version of Stanchez's that is also linked to on the MC forum post under the heading "For Tekkit 1.0.0 to 1.1.4:"

The patch file in log.txt is outdated and does not include the changes to BC pipe ids and other things. It's no good.

If you encounter any problems please report it(possibly supplying the save file that caused the problem) over at the MC forum thread here.

Or the one on this forum here.

If you do I will be very thankful and will try and fix it ASAP.

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@havocx42 this patch file (http://pastebin.com/wuzaktz5) doesnt work, marble is a personal chest and the orange quarry pipes are quarry's and some other wierd things. Sorry dude but this patch isnt the right one.

Now i have tryed patching the 1.0.0 map with this patch http://pastebin.com/wuzaktz5 and everything is alright, except the pipes. they are invisible again and you only see the colision box. like here

Hey thanks for letting me know there is a problem but I am a little confused, You used the same patch both times on the same world and got different results :-[? Were there any differences between the two times you tried to convert it?

Please bare in mind running mIDas on a world is not idempotent, i.e. don't run it twice on the same world.

EDIT:This is just an idea but try installing the crappy additional pipes/teleport pipes addon from 1.0.0 in 1.1.4 and see if your pipes appear.

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o sorry for the confusion.

First of I made a backup of my original minecraft tekkit 1.0.0 world

Then I patched one world with this patch http://pastebin.com/wuzaktz5

The patched world has the marble=personal chest thingy

Then I patched the other world with the same patch (0.o thats wierd) and then i have the invisible pipe bug.

I hope you understand my story its a bid wierd, with two times the same patch with different results.

And i'm from holland so sorry if the grammar isnt right.

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The patched world has the marble=personal chest thingy


Just looked at the block IDs and I'm pretty sure all that weirdness with marble->personal chest is because you ran mIDas twice on the same world.


the translations are

marble = 230 -> 142

personal safe = 142 -> 225

so running it twice would mean that marble blocks would have there ids changed from 230->142->225 therefore becoming personal safes. Hope this helps.

The missing pipes are caused by additional pipes being removed, its pretty simple to test, just backup a 1.0.0 tekkit multiplayer world, remove "additional pipes" from the servers mods folder and restart TADA! all your pipes are invisible! probably more evidence of how badly programmed additional pipes was.

So if you are determined to get your pipes in 1.1.4 copy the additional pipes mod from 1.0.0 to 1.1.4 . that's what I did

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I tryed your solution.

So now I get the known buildcraft bug, and i fixed it with the patch.

Now when i log in with my tekkit 1.1.4 I get the error, You dont have the following mods additional pipes.

This is al obvious.

I think the fix works, but know i have to install aditional pipes on my tekkit 1.1.4 to get on my server.

Isn't there any way to convert the additional pipes to builcraft pipes?

After all thank you very much for the quick fix, and i think i just have to do it without the pipes and hack them in the game.

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Isn't there any way to convert the additional pipes to buildcraft pipes?


I want to look into this, I haven't had a chance yet but it would be nice to find a way to do this.

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