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[3.0.4/3.1.1/3.1.2] Bugged event with EE2 black balls using Red Morningstar tool.



Title: Bugged event with EE2 black balls using Red Morningstar tool.

Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4/3.1.1/3.1.2


Java Version: Java 6, Server Java Version: Java 7

Description of Problem:

Whenever I'm using the Red Morningstar with other modes than normal. It tends to drop four balls instead of one. And I'm only able to pickup one or two, and the rest just laying there. Usually two balls if left, and unable to pickup. Seeing this as a rather annoying problem, making me unable to fully use the tool.

I'm running Tekkit 3.1.1 on a hosted server at BeastNode. Also had the problem with 3.0.4 as well. Destruction Catalyst and Catalytic Lens works fine.

I've tried searching for a fix, but atm. I've not found any direct answer/solution to my problem.

8 answers to this question

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I had the same problem(Also with dark and red matter pickaxes' tall/wide/long mining modes), but relog fixed it for me. Have you tried just saving all with save-all command ? I had the problem also with java 6 so don't bother changing the version unless you feel like it (might be the java problem compatibility with 1.2.5 or so, cause when i reloged, it refreshed the loot balls and didn't show them anymore).

Other than that i can just recommend you to forget the mega-impact mode and use Catalyst/Lens with a little bit charged klein star instead (The EMC it eats shouldn't be a problem and it's also faster that way).

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It wouldn't be a graphics driver error, it would be a coding problem. The black balls are helpful and all but they should either expire within like 15 seconds or be "smarter". I usually end up with more balls on the ground than in my pants jkin I meant stuff in my inventory.

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