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[3.1.2]Ultra Tekkit [PvE/PvP][50 Slots][Whitelist][Factions, LWC, iConomy][Teamspeak]


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IGN: Cosmin1215

Age: 17

Timezone: gmt +2

How long have you been playing tekkit: 1 year ~

How often will you be on the server: depends if i like it from 1 hr to 6..

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): why not..

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: Click

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): ---

Accepted! Welcome to the server!

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Age: 20

Timezone: PST

How long have you been playing tekkit: 4 months

How often will you be on the server: Every day or as much as possible.

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged):No.

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/5aa02449cc4a5b42719c644151d02a2e00673970

Why you received the bans (If Applicable):

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  • 4 weeks later...

IGN: Xeimos

Age: 16

Timezone: PST

How long have you been playing Tekkit: For a while, I'm not very sure as to how long.. Uhm. Ever since the crafting table that required no work was taken out. I'm not really sure. Sorry.

How often will you be on the server: Weekends sometimes, and weekdays sometimes.

Would you like to join the Teamspeak (Encouraged): Possibly. It depends on the community and such.

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/486b5e2093404da703b7af6f1e810799dc1800f4/Xeimos

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I recieved this ban (shown in the link) for, well, a misunderstanding. Though, the server owner is honestly, immature, so it's never gotten appealed. I was a Moderator on that server (very long story as to why) and I started up a little town that me and my friends could build in. I let my friends in, let them build for a while and such, then I had to leave for a while. I don't remember what I left for, grocery shopping or something along those lines? Anyways. I left, and whilst I was gone, they built statues of themselves, since it was a Creative server, and well, they built what they wanted to. Problem is, is one of them had on a Jesus skin, then what do you know. I come back, and I'm banned for building religious buildings, and abusing Moderator powers. I'm not sure why it's abusive Mod powers though. I didn't abuse my powers at all. I just created a town, if that's what they meant.

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Age: 16

Timezone: Florida us

How long have you been playing tekkit: Around two years now

How often will you be on the server: I will be able to play around three hours a day + or -

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): Sure I would love to.


http://whitelist.mcf.li link: I have been banned once but it did not show up on the link

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I was banned because the admin of the server thought I was griefing but me and my friends were doing pvp and raiding each other... So I have no real bans but I just wanted you to know that.

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Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I was banned because the admin of the server thought I was griefing but me and my friends were doing pvp and raiding each other... So I have no real bans but I just wanted you to know that.

I, for one, would certainly call it a REAL ban. And by the way, you left out a few parts, so here's the list of all of the reasons you were banned.

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IGN: Damccorkle1

Age: 16

Timezone: Central

How long have you been playing tekkit: 1 year off and on.

How often will you be on the server: Pretty much everyday if I am not doing sports/school

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): Sure I have TS up-to-date and ready to go.

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): No bans, good boy


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(was hoping you'd ask!

  1. Dicking around in my power plant. If there's a password protected door, you PROBABLY shouldn't be in there.
  2. Putting RM crap in the spawn chest. I know, playing the game legitimately is hard, but just because you can't handle it doesn't mean that you have to ruin it for the people that can.
  3. Getting pissed at admins after we removed stuff that you had built that was lagging the crap out of the server AND had gone through other players' stuff. Come on, the rules aren't THAT hard to follow.
  4. Breaking rules even AFTER I decided to be nice and not keep you banned after the first time. I mean seriously, you even KNEW that you were already on the s**t list...
  5. Causing trouble with other players. )

I just want to say half of that isn't even true such as

1. the door was open it was a "PUBLIC" power plant and I had machines connected to it (btw I fixed it)

2. it was 2 dm and if people didn't want it they shouldn't have taken it ( I took it out when I was told )

3. you removed my entire mansion, cookie factory and village ( I admit the cookie factory might have caused minor lag but I was not told to fix it and more than necessary was removed )

4. you did ban me with no warnings but you forgot to take me off the white list so I could still get on. then once you saw me on the logs you removed me from the whitelist.

5. you mean griefing my friends?

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I just want to say half of that isn't even true such as

1. the door was open it was a "PUBLIC" power plant and I had machines connected to it (btw I fixed it)

2. it was 2 dm and if people didn't want it they shouldn't have taken it ( I took it out when I was told )

3. you removed my entire mansion, cookie factory and village ( I admit the cookie factory might have caused minor lag but I was not told to fix it and more than necessary was removed )

4. you did ban me with no warnings but you forgot to take me off the white list so I could still get on. then once you saw me on the logs you removed me from the whitelist.

5. you mean griefing my friends?

1. Because a building that has a password protected door is OBVIOUSLY public, right?

2. It was RM (I have the logs to prove it), and you were SPECIFICALLY told not to do stuff like that.

3. The only thing that was removed before you were banned was the majority of the cookie factory, and that's because it was crashing the server repeatedly (not to mention the fact that you dug straight into someone else's tunnel to build it).

4. I unbanned you the first time because I felt like I should give you a second chance, and I immediately rebanned you when you started causing problems again.

5. You were causing trouble with other players outside of your little group of friends, and you were screaming at admins about things you shouldn't have done in the first place.

You could have shown maturity by admitting what you had done and apologizing for it, but instead you keep trying to make excuses and make it sound like you've done nothing wrong. THAT is exactly why you are never going to be unbanned on my server.

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Age:14 (almost 15)

Timezone:Melbourne, Victoria

How long have you been playing tekkit: About 1 year

How often will you be on the server:When I'm not at school, quite a lot.

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged):Yea, id like to jump on TS3 and have a chat to people on the server.

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Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I was banned because the admin of the server thought I was griefing but me and my friends were doing pvp and raiding each other... So I have no real bans but I just wanted you to know that.

I just want to say half of that isn't even true such as...

It was a real ban, and all of what I said was true, so..... I think you can connect the dots from there.

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Age: 23

Timezone: est

How long have you been playing tekkit: A very long time that it only takes me 3 hours usually to reach endgame items so i'm bored and mostly working on building large structures in the sky like cities and complicated arrays of equipment

How often will you be on the server: everyday after work: mostly mornings and weekends at night

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): sure

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link :http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/eaf08e490d5e70a6c657642efbb2e5c68b47f6c1

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): n/a

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IGN: painterofdreams


Timezone: Pacific

How long have you been playing tekkit: 6 months

How often will you be on the server: every day

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): i will be

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/48eba289ecf96050e3cb143afdab7bc8d6b18f65

Why you received the bans (If Applicable):

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Timezone:eastern standard

How long have you been playing tekkit: about a year I think

How often will you be on the server: Most likely daily

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): Possibly but not right now because I don't have teamspeak

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link::http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/3ac8a90c2b0e50774b6b65e3f53935cc2425a84d/ashton0807

Why you received the bans (If Applicable)

haven't been banned, have been a mod on a vanilla and a tekkit server before, so I am a rather mature individual.

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GN: Falkaga

Age: 15

Timezone: Pacific Time (Canada, BC)

How long have you been playing tekkit: Since the 1.1 version.

How often will you be on the server: 3 times a week for a few hours.

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): No it lags my computer very badly.

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/20c6de273f58d05b18db7bc08252049eb1634945/falkaga

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I have been banned twice. First, I click on a sign and got banned. Second, I got grieved by a mod, i went to the owner, the mod banned me.

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IGN: Vecca

Age: 28

Timezone: GMT +1 (Netherlands)

How long have you been playing tekkit: I've been playing tekkit for about 3 months now, regular minecraft since early beta.

How often will you be on the server: I try to be on as often as my free time will allow me to play.

Would you like to join the teamspeak(Encouraged): Sure, teamspeak sounds like a plan!

Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/79f0c98224bbfebcc63b33618b292fdf853add86

Why you received the bans (If Applicable): Not applicable then ;) I've been a mod on every normal MC server i've played on, so I have a tendency not to break rules and such.

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